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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:薄玉改,杨志锋编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民邮电出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7115082383
  • 页数:391 页

Adobe ???ustrator 1

索引 1

Convert Direction Point Tool 3

Polygon Tool 3

Vertical Area Type Tool 3

Vertical Type Tool 3

Patn Type Tool 3

Area Type Tool 3

Type Tool 3

Ellipse Tool 3

Delete Anchor Point Tool 3

Add Anchor Point Tool 3

Pen Tool 3

Group Selection Tool 3

Direct Selection Tool 3

Selection Tool 3

Tool box 3

Erase Tool 4

Smooth Tool 4

Pencil Tool 4

Rounded Rectangle Tool 4

Rectangle Tool 4

Spiral Tool 4

Star Tool 4

Scatter Graph Tool 5

Pie Graph Tool 5

Radar Graph Tool 5

Gradient Tool 5

Gradient Mesh Tool 5

Paint Bucket Tool 5

Eyedropper Tool 5

Area Graph Tool 5

Knife Tool 5

Scissors Tool 5

Measure Tool 5

Hand Tool 5

Page Tool 5

Zoom Tool 5

Fill 5

Stroke(click to activate) 5

Free Transform Tool 5

Reflect Tool 5

Paintbrush 5

Scissors Tool 5

Rotate Tool 5

Twirl Tool 5

Scale Tool 5

Reshape Tool 5

Line Graph Tool 5

Shear Tool 5

Blend tool 5

Auto Trace Tool 5

Column Graph Tool 5

Stacked Column Graph Tool 5

Bar Graph Tool 5

Stacked Bar Graph Tool 5

Defaut Fill and Stroke 6

Standard Screen Mode 6

Full Screen Mode With Menu Bar 6

Full Screen Mode 6

Color 6

Gradient 6

None 6

Revert 7

Place 7

Save a Copy 7

Export 7

Document Info 7

Selection Info 7

Save 7

Close 7

Open 7

New 7

File 7

Save As 7

Document Setup 8

Print 8

Separation Setup 8

Page Setup 9

Preferences 9

Color Settings 10

Adobe Online 10

Recent Files 10

Quit 10

Clear 11

Define Pattern 11

Select All 11

Paste In Back 11

Deselect All 11

Select 11

Redo 11

Paste In Front 11

Paste 11

Copy 11

Cut 11

Undo 11

Edit 11

Publishing 12

Show Clipboard 12

Object 13

Transform 13

Arrange 13

Expand 14

Rasterize 14

Show All 14

Create Gradient Mesh 14

Path 14

Group 14

Hide Selection 14

Unlock All 14

Lock 14

Ungroup 14

Blends 15

Masks 16

Compound Paths 16

Cropmarks 16

Graphs 16

Type 19

Font 19

Size 19

Character 19

Paragraph 20

MM Design 21

Tab Ruler 21

Blocks 21

Wrap 21

Fit Headline 22

Create Outines 22

Find/Change 22

Find Font 23

Check Spelling 24

Change Case 24

Smart Punctuation 24

Rows Columns 24

Glyph Options 25

Type Orientation 25

Show Hidden Characters 25

Filter 26

Apply Last Filter 26

Last Filter 26

Colors 26

Create 27

Distort 28

Pen and Ink 30

Stylize 31

KPT Vector Effects 31

Artistic 32

Hide Template 33

Show Rulers 33

Hide Ruiers 33

Show Guides 33

Show Page Tiling 33

Lock Guides 33

Make Guides 33

Release Guides 33

Clear Guides 33

Show Grid 33

Fit In Window 33

Hide Page Tiling 33

Show Guides 33

Hide Edges 33

Hide Edges 33

Actual Size 33

Zoom Out 33

Zoom In 33

Preview Selection 33

Artwork 33

View 33

Edit View 34

New View 34

Snap To Point 34

Snap To Grid 34

Smart Guides 34

Window 35

New Window 35

Show Tools 35

Hide Tools 35

Show Info 35

Hide Info 35

Show Transform 35

Hide Transform 35

Show Pathfinder 35

Show Align 36

Hide Color 38

Show Stroke 38

Show Gradient 38

Show Color 38

Hide Align 38

Hide Stroke 39

Show Swatches 39

Show Brush 39

Hide Brush 40

Brush Libraries 40

Show Layers 41

Hide Link 41

Show Link 41

Hide Layers 42

Show Navigator 42

Zoom Out 42

Zoom In 42

View Artboard Only 42

Palette Options 42

Show Action 43

Adobe Photoshop 45

Lasso Tool 47

Pattern Stamp Tool 47

Rubber Stamp Tool 47

Paintbrush Tool 47

Airbrush Tool 47

Magic Wand Tool 47

Magnetic Lasso Tool 47

Tool box 47

Polygonal Lasso Tool 47

Move Tool 47

Single Column Marquee Tool 47

Single Row Marquee Tool 47

Elliptical Marquee Tool 47

Rectangular Marquee Tool 47

Delete Anchor Point Tool 48

Direct Selection Tool 48

Convert Point Tool 48

Type Tool 48

Type Mask Tool 48

Add Ancnor Point Tool 48

Vertical Type Mask Tool 48

Measure Tool 48

Linear Gradient Tool 48

Radial Gradient Tool 48

Angle Gradient Tool 48

Reflected Gradient Tool 48

Vertical Type Tool 48

Sharpen Tool 48

History Brush Tool 48

Eraser Tool 48

Pencil Tool 48

Line Tool 48

Blur Tool 48

Freeform Pen Tool 48

Smudge Tool 48

Dodge Tool 48

Burn Tool 48

Sponge Tool 48

Pen Tool 48

Magnetic Pen 48

绘画工具的十八种笔刷模式 49

Full Screen Mode 49

Standard Screen Mode with Menu Bar 49

Standard Screen Mode 49

Edit In Quick Mask Mode 49

Edit In Standard Mode 49

Default Foreground and Background Colors 49

Foreground Color, Background Color 49

Zoom Tool 49

Hand Tool 49

Color Sample Tool 49

Eyedropper Tool 49

Paint Bucket Tool 49

Diamcnd Gradient Tool 49

Switch Foreground and Background Colors 49

New 51

Open 51

File 51

Close 52

Save 52

Save as 52

Save a Copy 58

Place 58

Import 58

Export 58

Automate 58

Preferences 59

Print 59

File Info 59

Pago Setup 59

Color Settings 64

Adobe Online 65

Edit 66

Undo 66

Cut 66

Copy 66

Copy Merged 66

Paste 66

Paste Into 66

Clear 66

Fill 66

Stroke 66

Free Transform 67

Transform 67

Purge 68

Define Pattern 68

Image 69

Mode 69

Adjust 72

Duplicate 77

Apply Image 77

Calculations 78

Image Size 78

Canvas Size 78

Crop 79

Rotate Canvas 79

Histogram 79

Trap 79

Layer Options 80

Duplicate Layer 80

Delete Layer 80

New 80

Layer 80

Adjustment Options 81

Effects 81

Type 83

Add Layer Mask 83

Enable Layer Mask 83

Disable Layer Mask 83

Remove Layer Mask 83

Group with Previous 83

Ungroup 83

Arrange 84

Align Linked 84

Distribute Linked 84

Matting 85

Flatten Image 85

Merge Linked 85

Merge Visible 85

Inverse 86

Modify 86

Color Range 86

Feather 86

Reselect 86

Deselect 86

All 86

Select 86

Grow 87

Similar 87

Transform Selection 87

Load Selection 87

Save Selection 87

Filter 88

Last Filter 88

Artistic 88

Blur 90

Brush Strokes 91

Distort 93

Noise 95

Pixelate 96

Render 96

Sharpen 98

Sketch 98

Stylize 100

Texture 100

Video 103

Other 103

Digima?c 104

Lock Guides 105

Hide Rulers 105

Hide Guides 105

Snap To Guides 105

Hide Path 105

Clear Guides 105

Hide Grid 105

Snap To Grid 105

Zoom In 105

Hide Edges 105

Print Size 105

Actual Pixels 105

Fit on Screen 105

Zoom Out 105

Gamut Warning 105

Preview 105

View 105

Show Color 106

Hide Color 106

Show Swatches 106

Hide Options 106

Hide Swatches 106

Show Brushes 106

Hide Brushes 106

Show Layers/Hide Layers 106

Hide Navigator 106

Show Options 106

Hide Info 106

Show Info 106

Show Navigator 106

Hide Tools 106

Show Tools 106

Window 106

Show Channels 107

Hide Channels 108

Show Paths 108

Hide Paths 109

Show History 109

Hide History 110

Show Actions 110

Hide Actions 111

Macroinedia FreeHand 113

Toolbox 115

Pointer 115

Text 115

New 115

Rectangle 115

Polygon 115

Ellipse 115

Line 115

Freehand 115

Pen 116

Skew 117

Scale 117

Reflect 117

Rotate 117

Bezigon 117

Knife 117

Autotrace 118

Magnify 118

Save As 119

Report 119

Export Again 119

Export 119

Revert 119

Import 119

Save 119

Close 119

Open 119

New 119

File 119

Collect For Output 120

Page Setup 120

Print 120

Preferences 120

Output Options 126

Quit 127

Clear 128

Cut Contents 128

Paste Inside 128

Paste Behind 128

Paste Attributes 128

Duplicate 128

Copy Attributes 128

Paste 128

Copy 128

Cut 128

Redo 128

Undo 128

Edit 128

Paste In Front 128

Clone 129

Select 129

Find Replace 129

Editions 130

External Editor 131

Links 131

Toolbars 132

Hide Selection 132

Show All 132

Fast Mode 132

Panels 132

Page Rulers 132

Text Rulers 132

Custom 132

Preview 132

Magnification 132

Fit All 132

Fit To Page 132

Fit Selection 132

View 132

Grid 133

Guides 133

Snap To Point 133

Snap To Guides 133

Snap To Grid 133

Modify 134

Object 134

Stroke 135

Fill 136

Text 138

Transform 139

Document 139

Arrange 140

Align 140

No change 140

Align Again 140

Join 140

Split 140

Combine 141

Alter Path 141

Resterize 141

Lock 142

Unlock 142

Group 142

Ungroup 142

Constrain 142

Align 143

Effect 143

Leading 143

Font 143

Style 143

Size 143

Text 143

Convert Case 144

Special Characters 144

Editor 144

Spelling 145

Run Around Selection 145

Flow Inside Path 145

Attach To Path 145

Detach From Path 145

Remove Transform 145

Convert To Paths 145

Animate 146

Create 146

Chart 146

Repeat 146

Xtras 146

Xtras Manager 146

Cleanup 147

Colors 147

Delete 147

Distort 147

Other 148

Path Operations 148

Edit Scripts 148

Window 149

Toolbars 149

Inspectors 149

Panels 149

Xtras 150

Set Note 150

Xtra Tools 151

URL Editor 151

CorelDRAW 153

Tool Box 155

Pick Tool 155

Shape Tool 155

Knife Tool 156

Eraser Tool 156

Free Transform Tool 156

Zoom Tool 157

Pan Tool 157

Freehard Tool 157

Bezier Tool 157

Natural Media Tool 157

Dimension Tool 158

Rectangle Tool 159

Connector Line Tool 159

Flow Line Tool 159

Ellipse Tool 160

Polygon Tool 160

Spiral Tool 160

Graphic Paper Tool 161

Text Tool 161

Interactive Fill Tool 161

Interactive Mesh Fill Tool 163

Interactive Trarsparency Tool 163

Interactive Blend Tool 164

Interactive Contour Tool 165

Interactive Distortion Tool 165

Interactive Envelop Tool 166

Interactive Drop ShadowTool 166

Interactive ExtrudeTool 167

Interactive Extrade Tool 167

Eyedopper 168

Paint Bucket 168

Outline Tool 168

Outline Pen Dialog 168

Outline Color Dialog 168

No Outline 168

Hairline Outline 168

Point Outline 168

Fill Tool 168

Fill Color Dialog 168

Fountain Fill Dialog 168

Pattern Fill Dialog 168

Revert 169

No Fill 169

Color Docker Window 169

Texture Fill Dialog 169

PostScript Fill Dialog 169

File 171

New From Template 171

open 171

close 171

Save 171

Save as 171

Acquire Image 172

Digital Camera 172

Import 173

Export 173

Print 175

Print Preview 178

Print Steup 179

Publish To PDF 180

Prepare For Service Bureau 180

Publish To Internet 180

Document Info 182

Version Control 182

Edit 183

Undo 183

Redo 183

Repeat 183

Cut 183

Copy 183

Paste 183

Paste Special 183

Delete 183

Select All 183

Find and Replace 183

Insert Internet Object 185

Copy Properties From 185

Duplicate 185

Clone 185

Insert New Object 186

Insert Bar Code 186

Links 186

Properties 186

Ruler 188

Snap To Grid 188

Text Frames 188

Overprinted Objects 188

Printable Area 188

Bleed 188

Guidelines 188

Grid 188

Preview Selected Only 188

Full-Screen Preview 188

Enhanced 188

Normal 188

Dratt 188

Wireframe 188

Simple Wireframe 188

View 188

Snap To Objects 189

Grid and Ruler Setup 189

Guidelines Setup 189

Switch Page Orientation 190

Go To Page 190

Page Setup 190

Resize Page 190

Delete Page 190

Insert Page 190

Layout 190

Rename Page 190

Arrange 192

Transformation 192

Clear Transformations 192

Align and Distribute 192

Order 193

Group 193

Unlock Object 194

Convert To Curves 194

Separate 194

Shaping 194

Unlock All Objects 194

Lock Object 194

Break Apart 194

Combine 194

Ungroup All 194

Ungroup 194

Convert Outline To Object 195

Effects 196

Color Adjustment 196

Transform 198

Natural Media 199

Add Perspective 199

Extrude 199

Envelope 200

Blend 200

Contour 201

Lens 201

PowerClip 201

Copy Effect 202

Repeat Objects 202

Clone Effect 202

Clear Effect 202

Current Effect Docker 202

Bitmap 203

Conver to Bitmap 203

Edid Bitmap 203

Crop Bitmap 203

Trace Bitmap 203

Resample 203

Mode 203

Inflate Bitmap 205

Bitmap Color Mask 205

Resolve Link 205

Update From Link 205

3D Effects 205

Blur 206

Art Sketch 206

Color Transform 207

Contout 207

Creativr 207

Distort 208

Noise 208

Sharpen 208

Plug-Ins 208

Digimarc 209

Fancy 209

Hsoft 209

Text 210

Format Text 210

Edit Text 211

Writing Tools 212

Straighten Text 212

Align To Baseline 212

Fit Text To Path 212

Fit Text To Frame 212

Change Case 214

Make Text HTML Compatible 214

Convert 214

Text Statistics 214

Show Non-Printing Charaters 214

Tools 215

Options 215

Color Management 220

Object Manager 221

Object Data Manager 221

View Manager 222

Link Manager 222

Internet Bookmark Manager 222

Graphic and Text Styles 223

Palette Editor 223

HTML Object Conflict 223

Color Styles 223

Symbols and Special Charaters 224

Scrapbook 224

Corel SCRIPT 225

Visual Basic 226

Windows 227

New Window 227

Cascade 227

Tile Horizontally 227

Tile Vertically 227

Arrange Icons 227

Dockers 227

Hints 228

Technical Support 228

CorelTUTOR 228

Find a Service Bureall 228

Corel on the Web 228

About CorelDRAW 228

Refresh Windows 228

What s This? 228

Help Topics 228

Help 228

Close All 228

Close 228

Toolbars 228

Filter 229

3D Effects 229

Art Stokes 230

Blur 232

Color Transform 234

Contour 234

Creative 235

Distort 239

Noise 241

Sharpen 243

Plug-Ins 243

Digimarc 243

Fancy 243

Hsoft 245

Eye Candy 245

KPT 246

PHOTO-PAINT 9.0另外的过滤器 247

附A CorelDRAW安装词汇 248

附B CorelDRAW常用词汇 250

Autodesk 3DSMAX 267

Selection Filter 269

Select By Name 269

Select and Move 269

Select and Rotate 269

Fence Selection Region 269

Select and Uniform Scale 269

Select and Non-uniform Scale 269

Select and Squash 269

Reference Coordinate System 269

Select and Link 269

Rectangular Selection Region 269

Selection Object 269

Bind to Space Warp 269

Unlink Selection 269

Redo 269

Undo 269

HelpMode 269

ToolBar 269

Circular Selection Pegion 269

Restrict to XZ Plane 270

Align 270

Array 270

Mirror Selected Object 270

Inverse Kinimatics on/off Toggle 270

Restrict to YZ Plane 270

Restrict to X 270

Restrict to XY Plane 270

Restrict to Z 270

Restrict to Y 270

Use Transform Cootdinate Center 270

Use Selection Center 270

Use Pivot Point Center 270

Percent Snap 271

Spinner Snap Toggle 271

Animate 271

Preview Frame 271

Angle Snap Toggle 271

Play Animation 271

Next Frame 271

Go to End 271

Zoom 271

Zoom All 271

Go to Start 271

Degradation Override 271

Plug-in Keyboard Shortcut Toggle 271

Last Render 271

Render 271

Quick Render 271

Render Scene 271

Material Editor 271

Open Track View 271

Named Selection Sets 271

3D Snap Toggle 271

Region Zoom 272

Min/Max Toggle 272

Pan 272

Arc Rotate 272

Time Configuration 272

Key Mode Toggle 272

Zoom Extents All 272

Zoom Extents 272

Import 273

Save Selected 273

Save As 273

Save 273

Insert Tracks 273

Replace 273

Merge 273

Open 273

New 273

File 273

Export 274

Archive 274

Summary Info 274

View File 274

Configure Paths 274

Preferences 275

Exit 283

Edit 284

Undo 284

Redo 284

Hold 284

Fetch 284

Delete 284

Clone 284

Select All 284

Select None 284

Select Invert 284

Select By 284

Region 284

Edit Named Selections 285

Properties 285

Display Floater 287

Transform Type-In 287

Tools 287

Selection Floater 288

Array 288

Snapshot 289

Align 289

Align Normals 289

Place HighLight 289

Material Editor 289

Material/Map Browser 294

Group 297

Open 297

Close 297

Ungroup 297

Explode 297

Detach 297

Attach 297

Units Setup 298

Grid and Snap Settings 298

Restore Active View 298

Grids 298

View 298

Redo 298

Undo 298

Save Active View 298

Background Image 299

Show Key Times 300

Redraw All Views 300

Show Dependencies 300

Shade Selected 300

Match Camera to View 300

Show Ghosting 300

Show Axis Icon 300

Reset Background Transform 300

Update Backgroung Image 300

Rendering 301

Render 301

Vidio Post 302

Show Last Rendering 303

Environment 303

Make Preview 308

View Preview 308

Rename Preview 308

Track View 309

Learning 3D Studio Max 310

Additional Help 310

MaxScript Reference 310

Connect to Support and Information 310

About 3D Studio Max 310

Help 310

Delete Track View 310

New Track View 310

Open Track View 310

Online Reference 310

(一)Standard Primitives 311

GeoSphere 311

一、Geometry 311

Create 311

Sphere 312

Torus 312

Cone 313

Teapot 314

Box 314

Cylinder 314

Tube 315

Pyramid 315

Hedra 316

(二)Extended Primitives 316

Prism 316

ChamferBox 317

OilTank 317

Spindle 318

Gengon 318

Torus Kont 319

ChamferCylinder 320

Capsule 320

C-Ext 321

L-Ext 321

(三)Loft Object 322

Loft 322

(四)Compound Objects 324

Morph 324

Conform 325

Shape Merge 327

Scatter 328

Connect 330

Boolean 2 331

Spray 332

(五)Particle Systems 332

Snow 333

Super Spray 334

Blizzard 338

PArray 338

PCloud 338

(六)Patch Grids 338

Quad Patch 338

Tri Patch 339

(七)NURBS Surfaces 339

Point Surf 339

CV Surf 339

(八)Doors 339

BiFold 339

Sliding 341

二、Shapes 341

Projected 341

Pivoted 341

(一)Splines 341

Line 341

Pivot 341

Fixed 341

Casement 341

Awning 341

(九)Windows 341

Sliding 341

Circle 342

Arc 342

NGon 343

Text 344

Create Shape 345

Section 345

Rectangle 346

Ellipse 346

Donut 347

Star 348

Start New Shape 349

CV Curve 349

Point Curve 349

(二)NURBS Curvel 349

Helix 349

三、Lights 350

Target Spot 350

Free Spot 353

Target Direct 353

Free Direct 355

Omni 355

Target 357

四、Cameras 357

Free 358

五、Helpers 358

(一)Standard 358

Dummy 358

Point 358

Protractor 358

Grid 358

Tape 359

Compass 359

(二)Atmospheric Apparatus 359

Box Gizmo 359

SphereGizmo 359

CylGizmo 359

FFD(Box) 360

六、Space Warps 360

(一)Geometric Deformable 360

(四)VRML 1.0/VRBL 360

(三)Camera Match 360

(五)VRML 97 360

FFD(Cyl) 361

Wave 361

Ripple 362

Displace 362

Conform 363

Displace 364

SDeflector 364

UDeflector 364

PBomb 364

Push 364

Deflector 364

Wind 364

Gravlty 364

(二)Particles Dynamics 364

Bomb 364

PatnFollow 364

Bones 365

Sunlingt 365

Ring Array 365

七、System 365

(三)Modifier-Based 365

Moter 365

Modify 367







Pivot 384

Ik 384

Hierarchy 384

Link Info 385

Motion 386

Parameters 386

Trajectories 386

Display 388

Display Color 388

Hide by Category 388

Hide 388

Freeze 388

Display Propertles 389

Link Display 389

MaxScript 390

ASCll Object Output 390

Assign Verte Colors 390

Cameras Tracker 390

Reset Xform 390

Follow/Bank 390

IFL Manager 390

Level of Detail 390

Link Inheritarce(Selected) 390

Polygon Counter 390

Camera Match 390

Motion Capture 390

Measure 390

Dydamics 390

Color Clipboard 390

Collapse 390

Asset Manager 390

Configure Button Sets 390

Sets 390

More 390

Utilities 390

Rescale World Units 391

Strokes 391

Surface Approximation 391
