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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈冬林主编
  • 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787560950617
  • 页数:220 页

Chapter 1 Thermodynamics,Heat Transfer and Fundamentals of Fluid 1

1.1 Thermodynamics 1

1.2 Heat Transfer 5

1.3 Fluid Mechanics 10

Chapter 2 Fuels and Combustion 15

2.1 A Short History of Combustion Theory 15

2.2 Fossil Fuels 19

2.3 Methods of Burning Solid Fuels 24

2.4 The Formation and Control of NOx During Combustion 28

Chapter 3 Powerplants 32

3.1 Fossil-Fuel Power Plant 32

3.2 Hydroelectric Power Plant 37

3.3 Nuclear Power Plant 40

3.4 Combined Cycle Power Plant 46

Chapter 4 Boiler 51

4.1 Boiler Types and Applications 51

4.2 Furnace 55

4.3 Superheater and Reheater 59

4.4 Economizer and Airheater 63

Chapter 5 Turbine 68

5.1 Principles of Steam Turbine 68

5.2 Gas-Turbine 71

5.3 Hydraulic Turbine 76

5.4 Wind Turbine 80

Chapter 6 Auxiliary in Power Plants 85

6.1 Pulverized Fuel System 85

6.2 Fans 89

6.3 Electrostatic Precipitator 94

6.4 Sulfur Dioxide Wet Scrubber System 99

6.5 Condensers 103

6.6 The Feed Pumps 107

Chapter 7 Operation of Boiler and Turbine 113

7.1 Boiler Start-Up 113

7.2 Boiler Normal Operation 117

7.3 Boiler Shutdown 121

7.4 Turbine Operation 125

Chapter 8 Heat Exchanger 130

8.1 Classification of Heat Exchangers 130

8.2 An Overview of Heat Exchanger Design Methodology 134

8.3 Selection of Heat Exchangers and Their Components 139

8.4 Heat Exchangers in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants 143

Chapter 9 New Energy 148

9.1 The Future of Energy 148

9.2 Typical Solar Energy Utilization Systems 151

9.3 Nonwood Bioenergy 157

9.4 Wind Energy 162

9.5 Tidal Energy 167

Chapter 10 Internal Combustion Engine 173

10.1 Thermodynamic Cycle for Internal-combustion 173

10.2 Free-Piston Engine Basics 177

10.3 Direct-Injection Hydrogen-Fueled Internal Combustion Engine 182

Chapter 11 Air Conditioning and Ventilation 186

11.1 Human Comfort 186

11.2 Air Conditioning Systems 190

11.3 Ventilation and Air Handling Systems 194

Chapter 12 Instrumentation and Control in Coal-fired Power Plants 200

12.1 Introduction to Control Theory 200

12.2 Fundamentals of Process Control 205

12.3 Distributed Control Systems 210

12.4 Typical Control Loops in Coal-fired Power Plants 215

References 220
