- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:贺自强主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:7810132423
- 页数:206 页
Contents 1
PART Ⅰ Metallic Material and Heat Treatment 1
1.Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials 1
2.Mechanical Properties of Metals 2
3.Components and Phases of The Iron-Carbon System 3
4.Heat-Treatment of Steel 5
5.Steels 12
6.Alloy Steels 14
7.Tool Steels 19
8.Cast Irons 23
9.Nonferrous Alloys 28
10.Powder Metallurgy 34
11.Nonmetallic Materials 39
PART Ⅱ Machining of Metals 43
1.Essential Definitions for Tool Point and Undeformed Chip Dimensions 43
2.Physical Basis of the Cutting Process 49
3.Cutting Forces and Cutting Power 55
4.Cutting Fluids and TheirImportance 60
5.Qualities of Machined Surface 63
6.Measuring and Gaging[Ⅰ] 71
7.Measuring and Gaging[Ⅱ] 78
8.Engine Lathe 86
9.Milling Machines and Milling Cutters 92
10.Gear Cutting Machines and Processes[Ⅰ] 98
11.Gear Cutting Machines and Processes[Ⅱ] 104
12.Grinding 110
13.Honing and Superfinishing Processes 118
14.Numerical Control 124
PART Ⅲ Hydraulic Transmission 132
1.Preface 132
2.Introduction to Fluid Power 135
3.Fluid-Power Pumps 141
4.Reciprocating Pumps 151
5.Hydraulic Cylinders and Rams 158
6.Pressure-Control Valves and Flow-Control Valves 166
7.Industrial Hydraulic Circuits 174
PART Ⅳ Mining Machinery and Face Equipment 180
1.Longwall Face Equipment 180
2.Shearers and Plows——The Coal Mining Machinery 185
3.In-Web Shearers 187
4.Types of Roof Supports 192
5.Development of Power Loader Haulage Systems 196
6.New Shearer Loaders 200
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