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  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李经纬著
  • 出 版 社:乌鲁木齐:新疆人民出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7228037359
  • 页数:458 页


Notes on the Transcription Symbols 1

Foreword 1

前言 1

转写符号说明 1

一、台特迷里克等买卖妇女契 3

1.Deeds by Tatmilik for buying and selling women 3

Ⅰ.Documents of Population Buying and Selling 3

买卖人口文书 3

2.Deeds by Kalimutu for selling female slaves 7

二、凯里姆杜卖女奴契 7

3.Deeds by Qaling Qara for selling female slaves 10

三、喀林·喀喇卖女奴契 10

4.Deeds by Yap torli for selling his female slaves 14

四、雅甫·托合里利卖女奴契 14

5.Deeds by Kuqu for selling slaves 17

五、库屈卖奴隶契 17

6.Deeds by Kuteluk Tamur for selling his son 21

六、库特鲁克·铁木耳等卖子弟契 21

7.Deeds by Kadira for mortgaging out his blood son 24

七、凯狄列典当亲子契 24

八、分配对奴隶的占有权契 27

8.The contract for the ownership and distribution of slaves 27

9.Deeds by Great Master Dinghui for selling slaves 30

九、定惠大师卖奴隶契 30

A斌通卖身契之一 32

十、斌通卖身契 32

10.The contract for selling Bintong 32

A)The contract for selling Bintong(1) 32

B)The contract for selling Bintong(2) 34

B斌通卖身契之二 34

C斌通卖身契之三 37

C)The contract for selling Bintong(3) 37

D斌通控告主人书(残叶) 42

D)Bintong s written accusation of his master 42

十一、库克塔牟尼卖子契 46

11.Quqdamuni s contract for selling his son 46

十二、海锁都统卖子契 50

12.Qaytso Tutung s contract for selling his son 50

13.Koni Quz s last words before freeing a boy 54

十三、昆尼·库孜解放男孩遗言 54

Ⅱ.Tenancy and Documents for Buying and Selling Land 59

1. Ilci s contract for renting land 59

租佃与买卖土地文书 59

一、伊利奇租田契 59

2.Bay T?mür s contract for leasing land 61

二、巴依·铁木耳租田契 61

三、腾斯图租田契(残叶) 63

3.Tinsitu s contract for leasing land 63

4.Aram Qara and others contract for leasing land 65

四、阿拉姆等人租田契 65

5.T?mir s contract for leasing land 67

五、铁木耳租田契 67

六、米四儿租田契 70

6.Misir s contract for leasing land 70

七、铁木耳·普化租田契 72

7.T?mi Buqa s contract for leasing land 72

八、凯依姆杜租葡萄园契 74

8.Qayümdu s contract for renting a grape arbor 74

九、阿剌·铁木耳租葡萄园契 76

9.Ara T?mir s contract for renting a grape arbor 76

十、奥斯迷失卖葡萄园契 78

10.Osmi? s contract for selling a grape arbor 78

11.Sada s contract for selling a grape arbor 81

十一、萨达卖葡萄园契 81

12.Osmi? and others contract for selling land (1) 85

十二、奥斯迷失等人卖土地契(一) 85

13.Osmi? and others contract for selling land (2) 90

十三、奥斯迷失等人卖土地契(二) 90

14.T?l?k T?mür s contract for selling land 94

十四、吐列克·铁木耳卖土地契 94

十五、吐尔迷失·的斤卖土地契 97

15.Turmi? Tigin s contract for selling land 97

十六、依格·布尔特卖土地契 101

16.Yig Bürt s contract for selling land 101

十七、偿还地价契 105

17.A contract for repaying land price 105

十八、典田抵债协议书 108

18.An agreement for paying debt on mortgage 108

19.A contract for exchanging land 111

十九、交换土地契 111

20.T?rpi? s contract for selling a grape arbor 115

二十、台尔皮西卖葡萄园契 115

21.Y(a)rp Yanga and others contract for selling land 119

二十一、雅尔甫等人卖田契 119

Ⅲ.Loan Contracts 127

1.Bulmi? s contract for borrowing money (1) 127

借贷文书 127

一、博尔迷失借银契(一) 127

2.Bulmi? s contract for borrowing money (2) 129

二、博尔迷失借银契(二) 129

三、博尔迷失借银契(三) 131

3.Bulmi? s contract for borrowing money (3) 131

四、尼古收银字据 133

4.Nikü s written pledge of receiving money 133

5.A Replacement for a lost contract for borrowing money 136

五、后补借银契 136

6.Qaisidu Tutuq s contract for borrowing money 138

六、凯西杜借银契 138

7.Qirirquz s contract for borrowing cloth 140

七、克利尔库孜借布契 140

8.Si?i and others contract for borrowing cloth 143

八、斯西等借布契 143

九、吐尔巴依借布契 146

9.Turbay s contract for borrowing cloth 146

10.Abi? s contract for borrowing official cloth 148

十、阿毕赤借官布契(残叶) 148

11.Inal bar? contract for borrowing official cloth 150

十一、依纳尔借官布契 150

12.A Replacement for a lost contract for borrowing leather and silk 152

十二、借皮革与丝绸的后补契约 152

13.Qawsidu s contract for borrowing sesame 154

十三、喀乌西杜借芝麻契 154

14.? üri s contract for borrowing sesame 156

十四、楚利借芝麻契 156

15.Quma? Bay s contract for borrowing sesame 159

十五、索玛什·依力借芝麻契 159

16.Suriya?iri s contract for borrowing sesame 161

十六、苏利亚西里借芝麻契 161

17.Yig?dmi? s contract for borrowing cereal 163

十七、依格特迷失借谷子契 163

十八、蒙·铁木耳借酒契 165

18.Ming T?mür s contract for borrowing wine 165

十九、喀喇胡奇借驴契 167

19.Qarangu? s contract for borrowing a donkey 167

二十、布吐斯租毡子契 170

20.Bütü? Tutuq s cortract for borrowing blankets 170

二十一、伊尔·铁木耳赊货物契 172

21.Il T?mür s contract for buying things on credit 172

二十二、铁木耳借银契 174

22.T?mür s contract for borrowing money 174

1.A bill for paying taxes and handing over tribute 179

Ⅳ.Taxes and Corvee 179

有关赋税、徭役的文书 179

一、纳税缴贡单 179

2.A list of taxes to be paid and tributes to be handed over 182

二、缴贡纳赋单 182

3.A list of miscellaneous levies to be handed over 184

三、缴杂税单 184

4.Document for dispatching forced labour and taxes 188

四、劳役与捐税差派书 188

5.A list of labourers to be dispatched 190

五、派工单 190

6.A list of foodstuff to be dispatched 191

六、派饭单 191

七、马税征收单 192

7.A list of taxes on horses to be collected 192

8.A list of forced labourers to be assigned 194

八、劳役派定单 194

九、征粮单 196

9.A list for collecting provisions 196

B件 198

A件 198

十、四件课税单 198

A)The first tax 198

10.Alist of four taxes 198

B)The second tax 198

D)The fourth tax 199

D件 199

C件 199

C)The third tax 199

十一、支银条 204

11.A list of expenses 204

十二、请求免税书 206

12.A document concerning a request for exemption from taxes 206

13.A ruler s signature for exemption from taxes 214

十三、免税手谕 214

14.A pardoning order for exemption from taxes 216

十四、豁免寺院捐税敕令 216

15.Documents for borrowing money,exchanging jobs and exemption from taxes 223

十五、借贷、换工、免税文书 223

十六、有关捐税与劳役的协议书 227

16.An agreement concerning taxes and forced labour 227

十七、给巴西·喀雅的派工单 231

17.To Ba? Qaya s order for dispatching labour 231

十八、致差官的免赋手谕 232

18.A ruler s signature to the bailiff for exemption from taxes 232

一、帐单(一) 237

各类经济记录 237

Ⅴ.Accounts 237

1.Bill(1) 237

2.Bill(2) 241

二、帐单(二) 241

3.Bill for cloth 243

三、布帐 243

四、棉布帐 247

4. Bill for cotton cloth 247

5. Bill for rotton-padded mattresses 249

五、褥帐 249

6. Bill for wine(1) 251

六、酒帐(一) 251

7. Bill for wine(2) 253

七、酒帐(二) 253

8. Bill for sheep 255

八、羊帐 255

9.Record of keeping accounts 257

九、登帐记录 257

十、婚丧费用记录 259

10.Record of the cost of marriages and funerals 259

11. Record of Qumar Torli s debts 277

十一、库玛尔·托合里利的债务记录 277

一、一封追寻地契的信件 285

其他文书 285

Ⅵ.Other Documents 285

1.A letter looking for a land contract 285

二、一封有关租佃葡萄园的信函 288

2.A letter concerning the renting of a grape arbor 288

3.A letter for collecting taxes 291

三、一封征集贡税的信 291

4.Tüs?k s parting words 293

四、屈瑟克的遗嘱 293

5.Qara?oq s parting words 297

五、喀喇楚克的遗言 297

六、遗留物品馈赠单 300

6.A present list of the things left 300

七、过继儿子契 303

7.A contract for adopting son 303

8.A marriage contract concerning a girl 307

八、关于一个女孩子的婚约 307

9.An agreement of joint-venture trade 311

九、合资贸易协议书 311

10.A document for settling accounts 313

十、结帐文书 313

A) 316

11.Two kinds of guarrantee documents 316

十一、具结书二种 316

A件 316

B件 316

B) 316

十二、三件收支条 320

12.Three lists of income and expenses 320

13.A receipt 321

十三、收条 321

十四、解决纠纷议定书 323

14.An agreement for solving a dispute 323

十五、收银供货合同 326

15.A contract for collecting money and supplying goods 326

词汇表 329

Ⅶ.Vocabulary list 329

Ⅷ.Table of Document Catalogue Numbers 403

四种编号对照表 403

本书所收文书的出土地、搜集者及研究情况一览表 411

Ⅸ.Table of Document Origins,Discoverers and Relevant Publicaitions 411

略语表 429

Ⅹ.Abbreviations 429

Ⅺ.A Glimpse of the Social Economy of the Gaochang Uyghur Guo Pingliang 437

高昌回鹘社会经济管窥 郭平梁 437

Ⅻ.Postscript 458

后记 458
