- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:范国敏主编
- 出 版 社:北京:煤炭工业出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787502032975
- 页数:214 页
1 Manufacturing Considerations in Design 1
1.1 Standardization 1
1.1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.2 There are two stages in standardization 1
1.1.3 In mechanical engineering the following items are included in standardization 1
1.1.4 Standardization has got the following uses 2
1.2 Interchangeability 2
1.2.1 The definition of interchangeability 2
1.2.2 ISO GB and the function of interchangeability 2
1.2.3 There are two different ways to ensure interchangeability of the parts in the machinery 2
1.2.4 The classification of interchangeability 3
1.3 Preferred Numbers 3
2 The Limit and Fit of Smooth Cylindricality 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.1.1 What is a dimensional tolerance 8
2.1.2 The need for dimensional tolerances 8
2.1.3 The use of dimensional tolerances 8
2.1.4 Relevant standards 9
2.2 Dimensional Tolerance of a Shaft and a Hole 9
2.2.1 The item of hole and shaft 10
2.2.2 Item of size 10
2.2.3 Dimensional tolerance,limits of a shaft and a hole 11
2.2.4 Fits of a shaft and a hole 16
2.2.5 Fit tolerance 19
2.2.6 Conclusion 20
2.3 Standard Tolerance 20
2.3.1 Tolerance grade 20
2.3.2 Formula of tolerance 21
2.3.3 Value of tolerance 21
2.4 Basic Deviation 24
2.4.1 Basic deviation 24
2.4.2 Tolerance notes 25
2.5 Basic System 51
2.5.1 The basic shaft system 52
2.5.2 The basic hole system 52
2.6 The Selection of Dimensional Tolerances 59
2.6.1 Some factors influencing the selection of tolerances 59
2.6.2 Manufacturing tolerances 59
2.7 Selective Assembly 61
2.7.1 Limits and fits—classification 61
2.7.2 Limits and fits—background to“selected fits” 61
3 Geometrical Tolerance 66
3.1 Introduction 66
3.2 Geometric Tolerances 66
3.3 Tolerance Frame with Symbol Identifications 67
3.3.1 Symbol of tolerance 67
3.3.2 Tolerance value 68
3.3.3 Indication of datum 69
3.3.4 Additional frames—notes 70
3.4 Positioning of Frames/Datum Lines 70
3.5 The Tolerance Zone 72
3.6 Geometrical Tolerance Examples 72
3.7 Principle of Tolerance 93
3.7.1 Supplementary symbols 93
3.7.2 Maximum material condition(MMC) 93
3.7.3 Least material condition(LMC) 96
3.7.4 Regardless of feature size(RFS) 97
3.7.5 Principle of independency 97
3.7.6 Examples of maximum material condition 97
4 Surface Finishes 100
4.1 Introduction 100
4.2 Outlet of Surface 101
4.2.1 Surface notes 101
4.2.2 Surface control 101
4.2.3 Surface profile 102
4.3 Surface Finish Parameters 104
4.4 Surface Finish Symbols 107
4.5 Accuracy and Finish Achievable 109
4.6 Evaluation of Surface Finish 111
5 Tolerance of Roll Bearing 112
5.1 Introduction 112
5.2 ISO Nomenclature 113
5.3 Various Load Conditions 115
5.3.1 Various load conditions are discussed below 115
5.3.2 Load conditions and fits 115
5.4 Geometric and Dimensional Accuracy,Surface Finish of Bearing 117
5.4.1 The tolerances for geometric accuracy 117
5.4.2 Dimensional accuracy 118
5.4.3 Rough surface finish 119
5.5 The Design and Safety Guidelines 126
5.5.1 Conditions of rotation 127
5.5.2 Shaft and housing tolerances—guidelines 127
5.5.3 Material and design of adjacent construction 136
5.5.4 Roll bearing fits with shaft and hole 136
6 Tolerance of Gear 138
6.1 Gear Types 138
6.1.1 Spur gears 138
6.1.2 Internal spur gears 138
6.1.3 Helical gears 138
6.1.4 Racks 138
6.1.5 Bevel gears 138
6.1.6 Worm and worm wheel 139
6.2 Gearing Assemblies 139
6.3 Gear Tooth Strength 139
6.4 Gear Terms and Abbreviations 140
6.5 Addendum Modification(Profile Shift) 142
6.5.1 Addendum modification coefficient 142
6.5.2 Addendum modification 144
6.6 Gear Deviations—Flank Deviations 145
6.6.1 Profile deviations 145
6.6.2 Total profile deviation Fa 145
6.6.3 Profile slope deviation fHa 145
6.6.4 Profile form deviation Ffa 146
6.6.5 Base diameter deviation fdb and pressure angle deviation FA 146
6.6.6 Profile undulation fwa 146
6.7 Helix Deviations 146
6.7.1 Total helix deviation Fb 146
6.7.2 Helix slope deviation fHb 147
6.7.3 Helix form deviation ffb 147
6.7.4 Helix angle deviation fb 147
6.7.5 Helix undulation fwb 147
6.8 Gear Deviations—Pitch Deviation 147
6.8.1 Single pitch deviation 147
6.8.2 Cumulative pitch deviations 148
6.9 Gear Tooth Vernier 149
7 The Tolerance of Key and Spindle 151
7.1 Key and Key Associated Parts 151
7.2 Spindle Parts 151
8 The Tolerance of Thread 152
8.1 Outline 152
8.2 The Tolerance and Fit of Common Thread 152
9 Measurement Technology 154
9.1 Vernier Caliper 154
9.2 Micrometer Calipers 155
9.3 Dial Indicators 156
9.4 Surface Plates 157
9.5 Spirit Levels 158
10 Dimension Stacking 159
10.1 Outline 159
10.2 Dimension of Dimension Stacking 159
10.3 Tolerance of Dimension Stacking 162
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