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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:大连海事大学外语系编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连海事大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7563215786
  • 页数:232 页

第一部分 语言教学论丛 1

英语教学中的演讲技能培养&刘迎春,张晓平 2

大学生英语常见错误解析&杨丽娟 4

教学中学生缺乏交际能力原因浅析&孙丽红,李玉武 6

交流教学法在英语教学中的应用&李燕 8

试论航海类院校的第二外语教学&王正良,李延坤 10

多媒体辅助教学的历史、现状及其发展趋势&李忠保,张良福 11

从写作过程谈英语写作&张锦玲,徐微 14

本科生外语能力的提高与运用&李延坤 16

如何组织好大学英语课堂教学的点滴体会&赵新平,周世界 17

深刻领会新大纲,促进大学英语教学上新台阶&佟大明,罗卫华 19

海上专业学生英语交际能力的培养&刘励,王海华 21

轮机工程专业大学英语听力课教学模式探析&王艳秋,郭莹 24

浅析英语完形填空&汪涓,顾萍 28

大学英语泛听训练方法及技巧探讨&张宁,马志波 31

大学英语写作中的问题及对策&张晓平,王艳华 34

以学生为中心模式中的语法学习策略&单文博,李冰冰 35

浅议如何上好英语口语课&邓春容,郭莹 37

大学日语学习中的阅读及其考试&朱丽颖 39

航海ESP词汇学习浅论&张毅,姜君 42

介词of在GMDSS英语中使用浅谈&张晓峰,徐东华 44

建立英语教学网络平台的设想&胡智林,谭万成 47

中英文中的同义习语&刘晓晖 50

A Walking Dictionary-A Useful Approach to Language Learning&Cheng Xin 52

Objectives and Methods of Listening and Speaking&Chen Xiaofang,Tan Wancheng 54

Discourse in Interpretation-From the Psycholinguistic Perspective&Lin Yingchun,Wang Haiyan 58

Contrastive Analysis of Reading Comprehension Questions in CET-4,CET-6 and NETEM&Xie Jing,Liu Yingchun 61

Note-Taking Strategy in College English Classroom&Wang Yanhua,Wang Haiyan 64

The Levels of Reading Comprehension&Shan Yong,Zhou Shijie 66

Multimedia Applications in English Teaching System&Gu Yumei,Zhang Liangfu 68

Metacognitive Strategy Awareness and Its Implementation in College English Learning&Shan Wenbo,Zou Jing 71

On Some Strategies of Listening Comprehension&Feng Dingni,Zhao Xiaoshu 75

Communicative Language Teaching in Electrical Audiovisual Medium&Liu Haiyan 77

The Ideological Perspectives and Comments on the Traditional Lecture and Circle Format&Zhao Xiaoshu,Feng Dingni 82

On the Learners'Importance in College English Learning&Liu Li,Shang Wen 85

Communicative Competence-Aim of More Practical Teaching&Chen Hong,Chen Yong 87

Sentence Combining Skills&Liu Fang,Zhao Yanhong 90

The Theory and Practice in ESL Reading&Sun Wenkang,Li Hong 92

A Research on Mnemonics of English Words by Intermediate-Level Non-English Freshmen of Dalian Maritime University&Bai Hongdan,Li Hong 100

On Teaching of Oral English in Maritime Communication&Lin Ying 108

L2 Vocabulary Acquisition through Extensive Reading for Meaning&Jiang Huihong,Yang Hongyi 112

Parameters which Restrict the Design of the Language Program&Xu Jin,Zhang Jinling 115

The Making of an Effective Oral English Teaching&Gong Xuejun,Ma Zhibo 118

Factors Involved in Selecting an EFL Reading Passage&Gong Xuejun Tong Daming 122

How to Make Students Participate Actively in Class&Guo Ying,Dong Yaochuan 126

An Appreciation of Vocabulary of the Victoria Novels&Li Bingbing,Shan Wenbo 130

The Study of Nautical Origins of Some Common English Expressions&Ma Zhibo,Gong Xuejun 134

On Some Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension and Teaching Countermeasures&Feng Dingni,ZhangXiaoping 137

A Corpus Approach to Enhance Writing in English&Ma Zhibo,Zhang Ning 140

Computerized Stylistics in Business English&Song Xiaomei,Shang Xiaohua 143

The Distribution of REL-Clauses in Nautical English&Su Zhi,Sun Rumin 146

How to Arouse Students'Interests in Learning English&Xin Mingu,Yu Fengjun,Yuan Yajuan 148

Comment on CET Band-4 for Non-English Majors&Wang Fang 150

第二部分 语言学与文学问题探讨 155

伍尔夫的创作理论与《到灯塔去》&单勇 156

《致羞涩的情人》的艺术特色&赵小东,王文娟 158

英汉差异与翻译&杨丽娟 159

法语动词过去时三种时态比较&王晓红 163

英汉文化差异在词汇中的反映&隋桂岚 165

倩谁执笔为谁言——论《英国病人》的历史重建性&孟繁滨,胡智林 169

英语转类构词的语用分析&杨连慧,范超英 171

赏析毛姆的《午餐》及其写作风格&范超英,杨连慧 172

对日语词汇的体系和出处的探究&刘志荣,李锋传 174

Two-Level Phonology vs Generative Phonology&Zhou Shijie,Zhao Xinping 182

On Whorf Hypothesis&Zhao Hongyu,Gao Yufen 184

Lexicographical Principles for Selecting Lexical Items&Wang Jing 188

Huck-A True Freedom Seeker&Wang Jing 190

Euphemisms in English&Zhang Guangfeng,Shang Wen 194

Nonverbal Communication&Gao Yufen,Sun Wenkang 195

Discourse and Inequality&Liu Suli 198

The New Discussion about the Speech Act for Request&Chen Yong,Chen Hong 201

Learnig Styles&Liu Fang,Zhao Yanhong 205

The Syntactic Structure of Apposition&Gao Lin,Wang Xiuping 207

Using Determiners with Count and Noncount Nouns&Wang Haiyan,Liu Yingchun 211

The Double Personality of the Protagonists in Wuthering Heights&Zhao Dehua,Wang Ying 214

The Antiwar Spirit in A Farewell to Arms&Yang Wenguang,Zhao Hongyu 218

On Words from Greco-Roman Mythology in English Language&Zhao Yue,Li Bingbing 222

An Apprecation of Vocabulary of the Victorian Novels&Li Bingbing,Shan Wenbo 225

The Influence of Borrowing between Chinese and English on Their Cultures in the Last Decade Years&Li Hong,Zheng Shihua 228
