- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭静主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787560327877
- 页数:213 页
UNIT 1 Simple Patterns简单句型 1
01.May I...? 2
02.Sb(I/He/She)can't stand... 5
03.I am used to... 8
04.I hear that... 11
05.I wonder... 14
UNIT 2 Making Suggestions提建议 17
06.Shall we...? 18
07.Let's... 21
08.Why don't(didn't)...? 24
09.How about...?What about...? 27
10.I suggest... 30
11.(Maybe)we could... 33
12.You shouldn't... 36
13.You'd better(not)... 39
14.If I were you,... 42
15.It might be a good idea/You might try... 45
UNIT 3 Opinion看法与意见 49
16.I am afraid... 50
17.I suppose/I think... 53
18.I am(not)sure... 56
19.We disagree/We do not agree... 59
20.I guess... 62
21.I have no idea... 65
22.I agree... 68
23.I must admit,... 71
24.What do you think of...? 74
25.I bet... 77
26.I've(never)thought(of)... 80
27.To tell you the truth,... 83
28.I suspect... 86
29.What I'm trying to say is,... 89
30.It seems to me... 92
31.The most adjective(interesting/challenging/difficult)thing is/was... 95
32.I'd rather... 98
33.I have(always)regretted... 101
34.The thing I like (most)about/The thing I don't(least)like about... 104
35.It's a good thing... 107
UNIT 4 Likes and Dislikes喜欢和不喜欢 111
36.I enjoy... 112
37.I prefer... 115
38.I dislike/don't like/hate... 118
39.I am crazy about... 121
UNIT 5 Surprise惊奇 125
40.I can't believe... 126
41.Why hadn't I thought about/of...? 129
42.I didn't know... 132
UNIT 6 Expressing Thanks表达谢意 135
43.I am/was/will be grateful... 136
UNIT 7 Reason原因 139
44.due to... 140
45.The reason(why)... 143
46.There is no reason... 146
47.Why is it that some people...? 149
48.In order... 152
49.I am calling to... 155
50.In case... 158
UNIT 8 Feelings感觉 161
51.I have no doubt.../There is no doubt... 162
52.I'm in the mood/I'm not in the mood... 165
53.I don't feel like... 168
54.I am willing to... 171
UNIT 9 Asking Questions提问 175
55.Can you...? 176
56.Is it all right...? 179
57.Would it be correct...? 182
58.Have you ever seen/been to/gone/bought/lost...? 185
UNIT 10 Others其他 189
59.Let me know... 190
60.It depends on... 193
61.I can't afford... 196
62.It reminds me... 199
63.It's helpful/useful/important/a good idea... 202
64.On second thought,... 205
65.We're/I am having difficulty/had no difficulty(trouble)... 208
66.Not...until... 211
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