- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:龚卫东,韩晓玲著
- 出 版 社:保定:河北大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787810974073
- 页数:254 页
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Preliminary Remarks 1
1.2 A Broad Preview of Scalar Implicatures 2
1.3 Rationale of the Present Research 4
1.4 Objectives of the Current Research 8
1.5 Significance of the Current Research 8
1.6 Layout of the Book 9
Chapter Two Literature Review 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 The Gricean Framework of Meaning Classification 14
2.3 Grice's Theory of Implicatures:The Cooperative Principle 15
2.4 Two Mainstream Approaches to Scalar Implicature 18
2.4.1 The Neo-Gricean Approach 18
2.4.2 The Post-Gricean Approach 25
2.5 Interim Summary 31
2.6 Scalar Implicatures in Experimental Pragmatics 32
2.7 Problems with the Previous Accounts 33
2.8 Summary 35
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 36
3.1 Introduction 36
3.2 Empirical Observation 37
3.3 Cognitive Orientation 42
3.3.1 Conceptual Scales 42
3.3.2 Pragmatic Scales as Conceptual Scales 45
3.3.3 Scalar Models 49
3.3.4 Two Properties of Scalar Models 55
3.3.5 Four Major Kinds of Scalar Logic 57
3.4 Pragmatic Constraints on Scalar Implicatures 60
3.5 Summary 63
Chapter Four Scalar Implicatures via Polarity Items 65
4.1 Introduction 65
4.2 Polarity Sensitivity of Polarity Items 67
4.2.1 Polarity Items 68
4.2.2 Polarity Context 72
4.3 The Semantic Approaches to Polarity Items 74
4.3.1 Affectivity as Downward Entailment:Ladusaw(1979) 75
4.3.2 Affectivity as Negation:Baker(1970)and Linebarger(1980) 77
4.4 Scalar Model of Polarity Items(SMP) 83
4.4.1 The Journey Through the Study of Scalar Model 83
4.4.2 The Initial SMP 89
4.4.3 Comments on the Initial SMP 97
4.4.4 The Revised SMP 99
4.4.5 Comparison Between the Initial SMP and the Revised SMP 102
4.4.6 Cognitive Understanding of the Revised SMP 104
4.4.7 Comments on the Revised SMP 111
4.5 Supplements to the Revised SMP 111
4.5.1 The Pragmatic Constraints on the Revised SMP 112
4.5.2 Solutions to the Three Untouched Issues 120
4.6 Summary 129
Chapter Five Scalar Implicatures via Even as a Scalar Operator 130
5.1 Introduction 130
5.2 A General Survey of Previous Studies on Even 131
5.2.1 The Argumentative Approach to Even 132
5.2.2 The Semantic Approaches to Even 133
5.2.3 The Pragmatic Approaches to Even 143
5.2.4 The Scalar Approaches to Even 152
5.3 A Dynamic Cognitive-pragmatic Approach to Even 163
5.3.1 Relevance-oriented Procedural Meaning of Even 164
5.3.2 Ad hoc Pragmatic Scales and the Dynamic Scalar Interpretation of Even-sentences 168
5.4 Summary 176
Chapter Six Scalar Implicatures via Hyperbolic Metaphors 178
6.1 Introduction 178
6.2 Hyperbolic Metaphors and Their Classifications 180
6.2.1 Definition of Hyperbolic Metaphors 181
6.2.2 Two Types of Hyperbolic Metaphors 181
6.3 Class-inclusion Theory and Novel Hyperbolic Metaphors 183
6.3.1 Identification of Novel Metaphors 183
6.3.2 The Standard Pragmatic Theory of Metaphor Comprehension 184
6.3.3 Class-inclusion Theory of Metaphor Comprehension 185
6.4 Scalar Implicatures of Hyperbole 193
6.4.1 Two Basic Computational Rules for Scalar Implicature 193
6.4.2 The Great Chain of Being 195
6.4.3 Scalar Implicature of Hyperbole 198
6.5 Scalar Implicature of Novel Hyperbolic Metaphors 200
6.5.1 Construction of Ad hoc Categories and Ad hoc Pragmatic Scales 200
6.5.2 Scalar Implicature of Novel Hyperbolic Metaphors 203
6.5.3 Revisiting Glucksberg's Classic Examples 209
6.6 Scalar Implicature of Conventionalized Hyperbolic Metaphors 210
6.6.1 Drawbacks of Lakoff et al's Conceptual Metaphor Theory 211
6.6.2 Counterfactual Thinking 212
6.6.3 Scalar Implicature of Conventionalized Hyperbolic Metaphors 213
6.7 Summary 229
Chapter Seven Conclusion 230
7.1 Introduction 230
7.2 Summary of the Major Findings 231
7.2.1 Findings Relating to the Extended Theory of Scalar Implicatures 231
7.2.2 Findings Concerning the Applications of the Extended Theory of Scalar Implicatures 233
7.3 Practical Implications of the Current Research 234
7.4 Limitations of the Current Research 237
7.4.1 Limitations in the Source of Data 237
7.4.2 Limitations in the Explications of the Findings 238
7.5 Suggestions for Further Study 239
References 241
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