全球化背景下亚洲城市的战略性选择 汉、英PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王桂新,杨汝万主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海人民出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787208085213
- 页数:311 页
“上海论坛2008”共识:亚洲在转型中增进社会福祉 1
Shanghai Forum Consensus 2008:To Promote Asian Social Welfare through Transition 1
全球化背景下亚洲城市的发展及其挑战—代序&王桂新 杨汝万 1
上海全球城市建设中的环境挑战&顾朝林 陈璐 18
全球化作用下中国沿海多层次港一城关系的演变过程及其影响&王缉宪 33
论大上海都市圈&高汝熹 吴晓隽 46
上海的外资R&D活动与自主创新发展&杜德斌 62
民用机场建设与城市经济发展初探&芮宏 70
计算机产业全球生产网络分析—兼论其在中国大陆的发展&李健 宁越敏 汪明峰 87
全球绿色建筑发展状况与中国:节能建筑政策措施评述和政策建议&殷永元 宫鹏 王卓妮 110
Urban Poverty and Governance in Asia: Lessons to be Learnt from China A Comparative Analysis&Reem Marwah 137
Inter-City Cooperation and Competition between Hong Kong and ShebZhen:Institutional Constraints and Asymmetric Urban Governance&Jianfe Shen 169
Creating Edge Cities with Chinese Characteristics:Transforming Global City-Regions in Beijing and Shanghai&Fulong wu and Nock Phelps 193
The Monetary Compensation Mechanism: An Altemative to the Clean Development Mechanism&Xuemei Liu 217
How Do We Theorize the Pattern of Technological Transfer Which could Result in“Geese Flying Pattern” of Asian Economic Growth?&Yuko Arayama 238
Sustable Development in a Balanced Way:A Case of Thai Tourism&Prapin Manomaivibool 253
2010 World Expo and Urban Life Quality in terms of Sustainable Development 259
Demographic,Psychological,and Social Environmental Factors of Loneliness and Satisfacrion among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in Shanghai,China&Ming Wen and Guixin Wang 274
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