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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:范伟平主编
  • 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7560943020
  • 页数:205 页

Unit 1 1

Text 1

Chemical and Biological Engineering 1

Reading Material 4

Historical Outline of Bio-based Products 4

专业英语阅读基本知识(Ⅰ) 8

专业词汇构词法 8

Unit 2 10

Text 10

Cultivation of Corynebacterium Glutamicum&Metabolic Flux Analysis Related to the 2-oxoglutarate 10

Reading Material 14

Metabolic Flux Analysis by the Metabolic Reaction Model 14

专业英语阅读基本知识(Ⅱ) 18

被动语态叙述 18

Unit 3 20

Text 20

Metabolic Flux Analysis of Glutamate Synthesis 20

Reading Material 25

A Process for Producing L-arginine 25

专业英语阅读基本知识(Ⅲ) 28

科技论文常用表达方式:图、表和公式 28

Unit 4 32

Text 32

Developing a Single Organism Catalyst to Produce 1,3-propanediol 32

Reading Material 36

Metabolic Models:Reconstruction 36

科技英语翻译常用方法(Ⅰ) 38

单词转化 38

Unit 5 42

Text 42

High-throughput Genomic and Proteomic Platforms 42

Reading Material 46

Isolation,Sequence and Overexpression of the Gene Encoding NAD-dependent Formate Dehydrogenase from the Methylotrophic Yeast Candida Methylica 46

科技英语翻译常用方法(Ⅱ) 52

句子成分的转换 52

Unit 6 54

Text 54

Fermentation to Produce Succinic Acid by Mannheimia Succiniciproducens MBEL55E 54

Reading Material 59

Fluorescent Proteins as Tools to Aid Protein Production 59

科技英语翻译常用方法(Ⅲ) 61

句子成分拆开、顺译或倒译 61

Unit 7 64

Text 64

Production of Lipase by Immobilized Cells of Aspergillus Niger 64

Reading Material 68

ε-Polylysine Production by Streptomyces Albulus 68

科技英语翻译常用方法(Ⅳ) 71

从句翻译 71

Unit 8 75

Text 75

Industrial Potential of Organic Solvent Tolerant Bacteria 75

Reading Material 79

Kinetic Modelling of Coupled Redox Enzymatic Systems for Regeneration of NADPH 79

科技英语翻译常用方法(Ⅴ) 81

长句及复杂句的翻译 81

Unit 9 84

Text 84

Bioreactor Design 84

Reading Material 89

Production of ε-polylysine in an Airlift Bioreactor(ABR) 89

科技英语文章的归纳 96

语法特点小结 96

Unit 10 98

Text 98

Fundamentals of Process Control 98

Reading Material 102

Abstracts in Chemical Abstracts 102

摘录文摘中缩写词汇的一般规律 104

Chemical Abstracts摘录文摘中的缩写词汇 104

Unit 11 108

Text 108

Introduction to Separation Techniques 108

Reading Material 113

Application of Separation Techniques in Downstream Process 113

科技英语论文写作(Ⅰ) 119

科技论文的基本结构及标题、摘要的写法 119

Unit 12 123

Text 123

Processes of Secondary Treatment of Wastewater 123

Reading Material 127

Wastewater Treatment Using Membrane Filtration——Effect of Biosolids Concentration on Cake Resistance 127

科技英语论文写作(Ⅱ) 130

正文写作 130

Unit 13 136

Text 136

High Cell Density Mixotrophic Culture of Spirulina Platensis on Glucose 136

Reading Material 141

Separation of Racemic 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Amino Acids on Carboxymethyl-β-Cyclodextrin Coated Zirconia in RPLC 141

科技英语论文写作(Ⅲ) 145

科技论文写作常用句型 145

Unit 14 151

Text 151

Potential of Salmon Thrombin as an Alternative to Mammalian Thrombins in Fibrin Sealants 151

Reading Material 157

Comparison of Fumaric Acid Production by Rhizopus oryzae Using Different Neutralizing Agents 157

科技英语论文写作(Ⅳ) 162

致谢、参考文献的写作 162

Unit 15 165

Text 165

Process of Producing L-Arginine 165

Reading Material 172

Hyaluronic Acid Production by Streptococcus Equi.Subsp.Zooepidemicus 172

常用构词表 175

前缀、后缀和构词成分 175

Appendix 179

课文翻译 179
