- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张霖欣主编
- 出 版 社:郑州:大象出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7534721598
- 页数:220 页
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.What is lexicography? 1
2.What is a dictionary? 4
3.What to learn in English lexicography 10
4.Why EFL students must study English lexicography 12
Chapter Two Types of English Dictionaries 14
1.Typology 14
2.Our typology 17
3.Functions of English dictionaries of different types 30
Chapter Three A History of General English Dic-tionaries 32
1.The developing stages 32
2.Trends of general English dictionaries 48
Chapter Four The Monumental Achievements 51
1.Johnson's Dictionary,an 18th century standard 51
2.Noah Webster's American Dictionary 57
3.OED,the most complete of English dictionaries 60
4.W3,the"masterpiece"of descriptivism 65
Chapter Five Content and Structure of General English Dictionaries 69
1.The front matter 69
2.The dictionary proper 72
3.The back matter 82
Chapter Six Describing the Form of the Word 85
1.Written forms 85
2.Spoken form:pronunciation 91
Chapter Seven Describing the Meaning of the Word 99
1.Description of meaning:general consideration 99
2.Defining methods 99
3.Principles of defining 107
4.Defining by part of speech 110
Chapter Eight Usage Indication 113
1.What is usage? 113
2.Traditions in usage indication 115
3.Devices used in usage indication 116
4.Using questionnaires before usage orientation 121
5.The inconsistency in labeling words 122
Chapter Nine Verbal and Pictorial Illustrations 124
1.Verbal illustrations 124
2.Pictorial illustrations 134
Chapter Ten Grammatical Information'Etymological Information 138
1.Grammatical information 138
2.Etymological information 147
Chapter Eleven Medium-sized General Dic-tionaries:British and American 155
1.The advantages of medium-sized dictionaries 155
2.Some best-known British medium-sized dictionaries 156
3.Some best-known American college dictionaries 158
4.Distinctive features of British medium-sized general dictionaries 163
5.Distinctive features of American medium-sized general dictionaries 165
Chapter Twelve EFL(ESL)Learner's Dictionaries 168
1.A general survey 168
2.Commonly shared features 171
3.Unique features of the"Big Four" 176
Chapter Thirteen Special Language Dictionaries 182
1.Pronouncing dictionaries 182
2.Etymological dictionaries 184
3.Synonym dictionaries 185
4.Dictionaries of idioms 186
5.Dictionaries of usage 192
6.Dictionaries of slang 193
7.Dictionaries of abbreviations 194
8.Dictionaries of neologisms 196
9.Other special language dictionaries 197
Chapter Fourteen Dictionary Making and Computer Use 198
1.Planning the dictionary 198
2.Writing the dictionary 205
3.Revising a dictionary 207
4.Computer uses in lexicography 208
English Dictionaries Coded 214
Bibliography 218
- 《汉语成语词典》宋永培,端木黎明编著 2017
- 《《金瓶梅词话》《醒世姻缘传》《聊斋俚曲集》语言词典》徐复岭编著 2018
- 《拉鲁斯小学英语图解词典》(法国)法国拉鲁斯出版社 2019
- 《中华科学技术大词典 人文科学卷》黄行编;白春礼总主编 2019
- 《英汉大词典》张柏然著 2017
- 《汉藏英化学对照词典》确生主编 2018
- 《土力学及基础工程实用名词词典》龚晓南著 2019
- 《简明京剧词典》北京戏曲艺术职业学院 2018
- 《星空词典》(法国)郑春顺 2019
- 《出版词典》《出版词典》(修订本)编委会编 2014
- 《考古郑州》任伟,刘彦锋著 2019
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
- 《近代民营出版机构的英语函授教育 以“商务、中华、开明”函授学校为个案 1915年-1946年版》丁伟 2017
- 《大象席地而坐》胡迁著 2019
- 《国之重器出版工程 云化虚拟现实技术与应用》熊华平 2019
- 《新闻出版博物馆 总第33期》新闻出版博物馆 2018
- 《哈佛出版史》董唯责编;李广良,张琛译者;(美)马克斯·豪尔 2019
- 《新时代期刊编辑出版的理论与实践》吴厚庆 2019
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- 《中国骨干旅游高职院校教材编写出版项目 中国饮食文化》邵万宽 2016