![高等专科英语教程 读写本 第1册](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/5/s66a231f.jpg)
![高等专科英语教程 读写本 第1册](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/5/s66a231f.jpg)
高等专科英语教程 读写本 第1册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨荣泉主编;田桂荣等编写
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7313014473
- 页数:274 页
Unit One 1
Text: Choosing a Career 1
Exercises 6
Reading Skills: Skimming 13
Reading A: Seeking a Job 14
Reading B : An Industrial Engineer 17
Unit Two 20
Text: The Lazy Man 20
Exercises 25
Reading Skills: Scanning 33
Reading A : Old Abe 34
Reading B: Open Your World 36
Unit Three 39
Text: The First Chinese 39
Exercises 44
Reading Skills: Study Reading 51
Reading A: The Great Wall of China 52
Reading B: The Yellow River 54
Unit Four 57
Text: Millionaire for a Day 57
Exercises 62
Reading Skills: Reading in Meaningful Thought Groups 71
Reading A : The Two Brothers 72
Reading B: A Childhood Disappointment 75
Unit Five 78
Text: The American Family 78
Exercises 83
Reading Skills: Using Context Clues for Word Meanings (A) 95
Reading A: Four Stages of Marriage Relationships 97
Reading B: The Role of the Family in Society 100
Unit Six 103
Text: The Educational Ladder 103
Exercises 109
Reading Skills: Using Context Clues for Word Meanings (B) 118
Reading A: Extracurricular Activities 120
Reading B: An African Student in the United States 123
Revision Exercises (Unit 1—6) 126
Unit Seven 131
Text:Understanding Lectures 131
Exercises 138
Reading Skills: Repetition 146
Reading A : Taking Lecture Notes 147
Reading B: Taking Examinations 150
Unit Eight 154
Text: What Helicopters Do for Us 154
Exercises 159
Reading Skills: Appositives 167
Reading A: Rockets 169
Reading B: The Planemakers 171
Unit Nine 175
Text: Nuclear Energy 175
Exercises 179
Reading Skills: Ellipsis 185
Reading A: Mineral Oil 188
Reading B: Solar Energy 190
Unit Ten 193
Text: The Stock Market 193
Exercises 198
Reading Skills: Classification……(205)UnitReading A: Some Bank Services 207
Reading B: Money 210
Unit Eleven 213
Text: Man and the Killers 213
Exercises 218
Reading Skills: Anaphoric and CataphoricReference 226
Reading A: Smoking and Cancer 227
Reading B : What You Don’t Know About Exercise 229
Unit Twelve 233
Text: What We Eat and Drink 233
Exercises 238
Reading Skills: Comparison-Contrast 246
Reading A : Bread 248
Reading B: Meals and Table Manners 251
Self-Assessing Test 254
Appendix Ⅰ Phrases and Expressions 264
Appendix Ⅱ Vocabulary 267
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