大学艺术英语 第1册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:罗红,李道顺主编(武汉科技大学中南分校外语学院)
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787307067714
- 页数:222 页
Unit 1 Olympic Mascots 1
Ⅰ.Text A:The Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games 2
Ⅱ.Text B:A Brief History of the Olympic Mascots 9
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 14
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Simple Present Tense 17
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Application Form 18
Unit 2 Art Appreciation 19
Ⅰ.Text A:Looking at Art 20
Ⅱ.Text B:Chinese Knots 25
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 30
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Past Progressive Tense 32
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:A Short Letter 34
Unit 3 Dressing Fashion 35
Ⅰ.Text A:Fashion Style 36
Ⅱ.Text B:Shape 41
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 44
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Past Perfect Tense 46
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Résumé 48
Unit 4 Watercolor Painting 49
Ⅰ.Text A:The Development of Watercolor Painting in America 50
Ⅱ.Text B:Colonial Artists 56
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 61
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Passive Voice 64
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Certificate 66
Unit 5 Greek Sculpture 67
Ⅰ.Text A:The Art of Greek Sculpture 68
Ⅱ.Text B:The Romans Preserved Greek Culture 73
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 78
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Modal Verbs 81
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Business Card 83
Unit 6 American Music 84
Ⅰ.Text A:Jazz(1) 85
Ⅱ.Text B:Jazz(2) 91
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 96
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Consistency of Subject and Predicate 99
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:An Application Letter 100
Unit 7 Environmental Design 101
Ⅰ.Text A:The Ornamental Aesthetics 102
Ⅱ.Text B:On Garden 107
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 113
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Present Participle 116
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:E-mail 118
Unit 8 Religious Architecture 119
Ⅰ.Text A:Byzantine Art 120
Ⅱ.Text B:Gothic Art 126
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 131
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree 134
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Business Letter 136
Unit 9 Famous Paintings 137
Ⅰ.Text A:Why Vincent van Gogh Painted Sunflowers 138
Ⅱ.Text B:Claude Monet and Serial Paintings 144
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 149
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Relative Pronouns 152
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:General Rules of Formal Invitation 153
Unit 10 City Design 154
Ⅰ.Text A:City Reforms in the United States 155
Ⅱ.Text B:City in the United States 161
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking 166
Ⅳ.Grammar:The Relative Adverbs 169
Ⅴ.Guided Writing:Poster and Postcard 170
Key to the Exercises 171
参考译文 190
Glossary 208
Acknowledgement 222
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