大学英语分级限时阅读训练 3级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张鑫友,胡志清主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:湖北人民出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7216029283
- 页数:317 页
Practice 1 The Mars 1
练习、答案及详析 2
Practice 2 Levy's Resignation 4
练习、答案及详析 4
Practice 3 A Famous Woman Pilot 7
练习、答案及详析 7
Practice 4 We Have Our Own Way of Education 10
练习、答案及详析 11
Practice 5 Taking Spares With You 13
练习、答案及详析 14
Practice 6 "Pete"and Spring 17
练习、答案及详析 18
Practice 7 Einstein(Part One) 20
练习、答案及详析 21
Practice 8 Einstein(Part Two) 23
练习、答案及详析 24
Practice 9 The Sixth Sense 26
练习、答案及详析 27
Practice 10 How do School Textbooks Depict Native Americans? 29
练习、答案及详析 30
Practice 11 Thunder and Lightning 33
练习、答案及详析 34
Practice 12 Shakespeare's or Someone Else's? 36
练习、答案及详析 37
Practice 13 The Problem of Space Debris 40
练习、答案及详析 41
Practice 14 The Fight for Nursing Education in the United States 43
练习、答案及详析 44
Practice 15 Examination 46
练习、答案及详析 47
Practice 16 The Respect for Cats 49
练习、答案及详析 50
Practice 17 The Defence of Trees 52
练习、答案及详析 53
Practice 18 Unnoticed Danger 55
练习、答案及详析 56
Practice 19 Protect Alarm 59
练习、答案及详析 60
Practice 20 The Largest Underground Lake 62
练习、答案及详析 63
Practice 21 Jamestown 65
练习、答案及详析 66
Practice 22 The Invention of Money 68
练习、答案及详析 69
Practice 23 How to Improve Our Reading 71
练习、答案及详析 72
Practice 24 How to HelP Children to Read 75
练习、答案及详析 76
Practice 25 How to Prevent Flood 79
练习、答案及详析 80
Practice 26 The Making of Violin Prodigies 82
练习、答案及详析 83
Practice 27 Looking After the Elderly 86
练习、答案及详析 87
Practice 28 Negotiations for a Law of the Sea 89
练习、答案及详析 90
Practice 29 The Trumpet 92
练习、答案及详析 93
Practice 30 A Breakthrough 95
练习、答案及详析 96
Practice 31 Exhibits in Modem Art 99
练习、答案及详析 100
Practice 32 Wht Is the Market? 102
练习、答案及详析 103
Practice 33 To Live on the Moon 106
练习、答案及详析 107
Practice 34 How Are Tides Created? 110
练习、答案及详析 111
Practice 35 Women's Liberation 113
练习、答案及详析 114
Practice 36 The Greatest Bridge in the World 116
练习、答案及详析 117
Practice 37 Intelligence in a Machine 119
练习、答案及详析 120
Practice 38 Olympic and Brotherhood 122
练习、答案及详析 123
Practice 39 Nap or Not 125
练习、答案及详析 126
Practice 40 Animal Training 128
练习、答案及详析 129
Practice 41 Andrew Carnegie 131
练习、答案及详析 132
Practice 42 Living With Parents 134
练习、答案及详析 135
Practice 43 Solar Energy 138
练习、答案及详析 139
Practice 44 Students in American Universities 141
练习、答案及详析 142
Practice 45 The Instant Coffee 144
练习、答案及详析 145
Practice 46 Science and Society 148
练习、答案及详析 149
Practice 47 Goethe-the Representative of Romanticism 151
练习、答案及详析 152
Practice 48 Snowblindness 154
练习、答案及详析 155
Practice 49 Say No to Your Kids 157
练习、答案及详析 158
Practice 50 Fight Illiteracy 160
练习、答案及详析 161
Practice 51 English as a World Language 164
练习、答案及详析 165
Practice 52 Chance in a Blue Moon 168
练习、答案及详析 169
Practice 53 A Day to Remember 171
练习、答案及详析 172
Practice 54 The Real Happiness 175
练习、答案及详析 176
Practice 55 Sea Harvest 179
练习、答案及详析 180
Practice 56 Who's Who 182
练习、答案及详析 183
Practice 57 The Robots 186
练习、答案及详析 187
Practice 58 This World 189
练习、答案及详析 190
Practice 59 Mathematics—the Base of Science 192
练习、答案及详析 193
Practice 60 A Trip to Mars 195
练习、答案及详析 196
Practice 61 The Changes in Job-hunting 199
练习、答案及详析 200
Practice 62 Through the Earth's Crust 203
练习、答案及详析 204
Practice 63 Exercise and Pulse Rate 206
练习、答案及详析 207
Practice 64 Toys 209
练习、答案及详析 210
Practice 65 Driving in America 213
练习、答案及详析 214
Practice 66 An Amusing Acting 216
练习、答案及详析 217
Practice 67 The Benefit of Stock Exchange 219
练习、答案及详析 220
Practice 68 Vocabulary Building 223
练习、答案及详析 224
Practice 69 The Study of the Sea 226
练习、答案及详析 227
Practice 70 The First Calendar 230
练习、答案及详析 231
Practice 71 The Research for E.T 234
练习、答案及详析 235
Practice 72 Insurance 238
练习、答案及详析 239
Practice 73 Benefit or Not 242
练习、答案及详析 243
Practice 74 The Equality in Family 246
练习、答案及详析 247
Practice 75 New Year Resolution 250
练习、答案及详析 251
Practice 76 The Best Way to Avoid Aging 254
练习、答案及详析 255
Practice 77 Automation 258
练习、答案及详析 259
Practice 78 Unhappiness 262
练习、答案及详析 263
Practice 79 A Case of Mistaken Identity 266
练习、答案及详析 267
Practice 80 The Power of the Press 270
练习、答案及详析 271
Practice 81 Behaviour of Babies 274
练习、答案及详析 275
Practice 82 The Wealth for a Country 278
练习、答案及详析 279
Practice 83 The Westhaven Express 282
练习、答案及详析 283
Practice 84 The London Fire 286
练习、答案及详析 287
Practice 85 Mud is Mud 290
练习、答案及详析 291
Practice 86 Women's Pride 295
练习、答案及详析 296
Practice 87 Robots 299
练习、答案及详析 300
Practice 88 The Hurt of Those Left Behind 303
练习、答案及详析 304
Practice 89 Illusions of Pastoral Peace 307
练习、答案及详析 308
Practice 90 A Turn Back to Traditional Values 312
练习、答案及详析 313
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