- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蔡睿贤著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787302191155
- 页数:469 页
第一部分 叶轮机械气动热力学 2
小功率燃气透平转速的选择 2
平面叶栅的中心流线法解析解 7
静叶内围带对轴流式压气机气动性能的影响及4500马力机车燃气轮机的热力性能 36
燃气轮机起动与压气机低速特性 44
Constraint on Design Parameters and Twist of S1 Surfaces in Turbomachines 48
A Summary of Developments of the Mean-Streamline Method in China 55
校验叶轮机械三维数值解的某些解析解 68
An Improved Simple Method for Designing Optimum Annular Diffusers 75
轴流式叶栅完全反问题工程解 87
A Rapid Engineering Method for Solving Poisson Equation in A Doubly Connected Region 93
Basic Analysis of Counter-Rotating Turbines 97
三对转涡轮及其基本分析 111
透平叶栅自动设计程序 117
Discussion on“The Infl uence of Shrouded Stator Cavity Flows on Multistage Compressor Performance” 121
有关对转涡轮基本设计与应用的进一步思考 123
第二部分 能源动力系统 132
在燃烧室及后燃室中产生给定温度燃气所需燃料量的计算公式的讨论 132
余热锅炉式燃气-蒸汽轮机联合循环近似热力学分析 135
Discussion on“Thermodynamic Availability and Its Application to Combined Heat and Power Plant” 141
功热并供评价准则及燃气轮机功热并供基本分析 143
甲醇燃料燃气轮机及其效率 148
Comparison Method for Complex Cycle Analysis 154
燃气轮机回热循环新析 164
余热锅炉变工况计算 171
Analysis of A Novel Hydrogen and Oxygen Combined Cycle 176
工程热物理研究所建所以来热力循环分析研究工作综述 186
The Basic Performance of Combined Cycles and Their Optimum Gas Turbine Pressure Ratios 197
涡扇发动机内外函回热分析 209
论可再生能源动力装置的评价指标及优化方向 213
Analytical Solutions and Typical Characteristics of Part-Load Performances of Single Shaft Gas Turbine and Its Cogeneration 218
无补燃余热锅炉型联合循环性能的简捷估算方法 230
关于分布式能源系统的思考 239
Analysis of the Recuperative Gas Turbine Cycle with a Recuperator Located between Turbines……- 243
An Advanced Zero Emission Power Cycle with Integrated Low Temperature Thermal Energy 257
An Advanced Oxy-Fuel Power Cycle with High Efficiency 271
A Novel Hybrid Oxy-Fuel Power Cycle Utilizing Solar Thermal Energy 293
A Proposed Scheme for Coal Fired Combined Cycle and Its Concise Performance……- 307
第三部分 严格简明解析解 320
Unsteady One-Dimensional Analytical Solutions for Bioheat Transfer Equations 320
Explicit Analytical Solutions of Non-Fourier Heat Conduction Equation for IC Chip 327
Some Explicit Analytical Solutions of Unsteady Compressible Flow 332
关于完全气体无粘可压流动的解析解 342
One-Dimensional Algebraic Explicit Analytical Solutions of Unsteady Non-Fourier Heat Conduction in a Sphere 347
非定常可压等熵流非线性方程显式解析解的推导 353
Explicit Analytical Wave Solutions of Unsteady 1D Ideal Gas Flow with Friction and Heat Transfer 359
Some Algebraically Explicit Analytical Solutions of Unsteady Nonlinear Heat Conduction 367
两相非定常流的一些显式解析解 373
Explicit Analytical Solutions of the Anisotropic Brinkman Model for the Natural Convection in Porous Media 379
Explicit Analytical Solutions of Incompressible Unsteady 2-D Laminar Flow with Heat Transfer 389
Explicit Analytical Solutions of Linear and Nonlinear Interior Heat and Mass Transfer Equation Sets for Drying Process……- 396
Explicit Analytical Solutions of 2-D Laminar Natural Convection 405
Exact Solutions of Double Diffusive Convection in Cylindrical Coordinates with Le=1 412
Algebraically Explicit Analytical Solutions of Unsteady 3-D Nonlinear Non-Fourier (Hyperbolic) Heat Conduction 422
Algebraically Explicit Analytical Solutions for the Unsteady Non-Newtonian Swirling Flow in an Annular Pipe 429
Discussion on the Convective Heat Transfer and Field Synergy Principle 434
第四部分 其他 452
红套加销钉盘鼓式等鼓径转子的简化强度计算方法及其计算结果分析 452
应该由谁决定中国基础性研究的方向 462
确定科研评价准则要万分慎重 464
后记 466
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