新世纪研究生英语教程 视听说 第2版 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴树敬,王玉雯主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7564002893
- 页数:163 页
Unit1 Holidays 1
Learning Objectives 1
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 2
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 4
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 11
Unit2 Jravel 13
Learning Objectives 13
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 14
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 16
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 23
Unit3 Edueation 25
Learning Objectives 25
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 26
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 27
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 34
Unit4 Jransport 36
Learning Objectives 36
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 37
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 37
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 43
Unit5 Qomputers 45
Learning Objectives 45
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 46
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 46
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 50
Unit6 Environment 52
Learning Objectives 52
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 53
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 54
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 62
Unit7 Sports 64
Learning Objectives 64
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 65
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 66
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 71
Unit8 Food and Restaurants 73
Learning Objectives 73
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 74
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 75
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 8
Unit9 Science and Jechnology 85
Learning Objectives 85
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 86
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 87
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 91
Unit10 Jols 93
Learning Objectives 93
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 94
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 95
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 101
Unit11 Qultures 103
Learning Objectives 103
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 104
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 105
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 112
Unit12 Love 114
Learning Objectives 114
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 115
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 116
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 123
Unit13 Entertainment 125
Learning Objectives 125
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 126
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 127
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 133
Unit14 Qommunications 135
Learning Objectives 135
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 136
PartⅡ Listen, Speak ad Watch 137
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 143
Unit15 Famous People 145
Learning Objectives 145
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 146
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 146
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 152
Unit16 Health 154
Learning Objectives 154
PartⅠ Warm-up Activities 155
PartⅡ Listen, Speak and Watch 156
PartⅢ Listening Comprehension 160
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