航海英语 船长业务英语 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王建平,李新江,吕弘编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连海运学院出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7563206671
- 页数:324 页
Chapter Ⅰ Vessel's Certificates 1
1.The People's Republic of China Certificate of Vessel's Nationality 1
2.Passenger Ship Safety Certificate 2
3.Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate 6
4.Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate 9
5.Cargo Ship Safety Radiotelephony Certificate 13
6.Cargo Ship Safety Radiotelegraphy Certificate 14
7.Exemption Certificate 16
8.International Tonnage Certificate 17
9.International Loadline Certificate 20
10.International Loadline Exemption Certificate 22
11.Certificate of Class and Survey Reports 24
Chapter Ⅱ Declarations and Lists 28
1.General Declaration 28
2.Passenger List 29
3.Crew List 30
4.Crew's Effects Declaration 31
5.Ship's Stores Declaration 32
6.Cargo Declaration 32
7.Maritime Declaration of Health 33
Chapter Ⅲ Maritime Business Letters 36
1.Form of Maritime Business Letters 36
2.Declaration of DWC/DWTC 42
3.Notice of Readiness 43
4.Notice of Demurrage 47
5.Applications and Requests 48
6.Reports Concerning Cargo Operations 54
7.Reports of Damage to Vessel 64
8.Reports on Collision and Grounding 69
9.Declarations and Statements 71
Chapter Ⅳ Marine Note of Protest 77
1.海事声明的格式 77
2.中国远洋运输公司的海事声明格式 78
3.船长以第一人称提出的海事声明 80
4.船长以第三人称提出的海事声明 81
5.公证人代为提出的海事声明 81
6.在公证人的公证下提出的海事声明 82
7.船长与本国驻当地领事共同提出海事声明 84
8.延伸海事声明 87
9.一些海事声明的正文 89
Chapter Ⅴ Cables and Telex 91
1.Telegram and Telex 91
2.Telegram Examples 95
3.Booking Telex 97
4.Telex from Master 101
5.Telex from Agents and Port Authorities 108
6.Main Abbreviations in Telegram&Telex 115
Chapter Ⅵ Selections of Marine Publications 131
1.Port of London 131
2.Danger Messages 135
3.Stowage of Survival Craft 136
4.The Pilot Ladder 137
5.PCC Regulations for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods 140
6.Circulars Issued by Suez Canal Authority 142
7.Documents and Requirements of Suez Canal Transiting 144
8.Panama Canal Navigation Regulations 145
9.Notes Referring to Deduction in Suez Canal Tonnage Measurement 148
10.Carrier's Responsibilities 150
Chapter Ⅶ International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 157
1.General 157
2.Conduct of Vessels in Any Condintion of Visibility 161
3.Conduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another 168
4.Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility 173
5.Distress Signals 174
6.1972年国际海上避碰规则 175
Chapter Ⅷ COSCO Bill of Lading 183
Chapter Ⅸ Salvage Conventions and Contracts 205
1.Salvage Convention of 1910 205
2.Salvage Contract 210
3.Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage Agreement 213
4.International Convention on Salvage 1989 228
Chapter Ⅹ Marine Insurances 244
1.Hull Insurance Clauses 244
2.Hull Warand Strikes Clauses 253
3.Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses 255
4.Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks Clauses 260
5.Oil Pollution and Other Protection and Indemnity Risks Clauses 262
Chapter Ⅺ GENCON Charter 266
Chapter Ⅻ BALTIME 1939 Uniform Charter 281
Chapter ⅩⅢ ASBATIME Charter 295
Chapter ⅩⅣ SINOTIME Charter 309
附录 323
- 《格兰特船长的儿女》(法)儒勒·凡尔纳著 2012
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- 《航海家 郑和》莫知;达观 2016
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- 《弗里达·卡罗》(加)苏珊娜·巴贝扎特著;朱一凡,玩静雯,李梦幻译 2020
- 《行测资料分析》李永新主编 2019
- 《饲养栽培图鉴》李志丹责任编辑;申文淑译;(日本)有泽重雄,月本佳代美 2019
- 《电贝司》李杰,李国标,杨昌明编 2019
- 《换一种教法》姜风平,侯丙生,李长宾 2013
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- 《中国科学院规划教材·大学数学系列教材 高等数学 第2版》(中国)马少军,张好治,李福乐 2019
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
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- 《蓬莱学院 4 大漠之王》古月奇 2019
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
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