- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄秋敏著
- 出 版 社:开封:河南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787564912192
- 页数:201 页
Chapter One Introduction to the Study 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Problem Statement:Reality of China's Copyright Protection versus the Expectations of the United States 2
1.3 Western/Greco-Roman Rhetorical Tradition 15
1.4 U.S. Cultural Values and Beliefs 17
1.5 Chinese Rhetorical Heritage 19
1.6 Chinese Cultural Values and Beliefs 21
1.7 Global Copyright Practice and the U.S.-China Debate 23
1.8 Rhetoric:A General Definition and its Relatedness to the Project 27
1.9 Rhetoric and the U.S.-China Copyright Approaches:Meta-Methods 30
1.10 Conclusion 31
Chapter Two Methods 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 Main Research Question and Sub-Questions 34
2.3 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods versus Rhetorical Criticism 35
2.4 Why Comparative Rhetorical Approach 38
2.5 Cluster Analysis:An Approach to Articulate the Author's Intention on the Audience 41
2.6 Intercultural Rhetoric/Communication:The Approach to Cultural Values and Beliefs as Well as Behaviors 45
2.7 Marxist Criticism:An Ideological Approach to the U.S.-China Conflicts over Copyright Practice 50
2.8 Researcher Role 53
2.9 Research Materials 54
2.10 Conclusion 62
Chapter Three Rhetorical Tradtions and Western(U.S.)/Chinese Legal(Copyright)Approaches—A Cluster Analysis 63
3.1 Introduction 63
3.2 Rule by Law or Rule by Man:The Concept of Virtue/Ethos in Early Greco/Roman and Chinese Rhetorical Traditions 64
3.3 Plato's Concept of Virtue in Protagoras 66
3.4 Ethos as Human Character in Aristotle's On Rhetoric 71
3.5 Cicero's Ideal Orator in De Oratore 76
3.6 Chinese Rhetorical Tradition:Confucianism and Daoism 81
3.7 Western and Chinese Concept of Virtue/Ethos and its Potential Impact on U.S.and Chinese Legal(Copyright)Approaches:A Comparison and Contrast 97
3.8 Conclusion 101
Chapter Four The Impact of Cultural Traditions on the U.S.and China Legal/Copyright Approaches—the Cultural Dimensions 103
4.1 Introduction 103
4.2 U.S.Cultural Dimensions:Cultural Values and Beliefs Revealed in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution 105
4.3 Universalism,Individualism,and Low Power Distance:U.S. Cultural Dimensions and Values and Beliefs 108
4.4 Chinese Cultural Dimensions:Cultural Values and Beliefs Revealed in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and Deng Xiaoping's Southern Tour Speeches 115
4.5 Particularism,Collectivism,and High Power Distance:Chinese Cultural Dimensions and Values and Beliefs 120
4.6 Cultural Dimensions and Their Potential Impact on the U.S.-China Copyright Approaches:A Comparison and Contrast 130
4.7 Conclusion 136
Chapter Five The U.S. and Chinese Approaches to Copyright Practice—An IdeologicalCriticism 137
5.1 Introduction 137
5.2 Global Copyright Protection:From Internationalization to Globalization 139
5.3 The U.S.-China Copyright Conflicts:The 1992 MOU and the 1995 U.S.-China IP Agreement 146
5.4 The Ideology of the Conflict:Implications for the U.S. and Chinese Copyright Approaches…………………………161.5.5 Conclusion 167
Chapter Six Discussions and Conclusions 169
6.1 Introduction 169
6.2 Summary of Research Results 170
6.3 Conclusions 177
6.4 Recommendations for the Discipline and Policy Makers 183
6.5 Limitations of the Study 189
6.6 Contributions 190
References 191
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