英语常见错辨析 理查德森帮中国人学英语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(加拿大)波玲·理查德森著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787100161435
- 页数:278 页
1.above 1
2.conflicting adverbs 2
3.age 3
4.ago 4
5.all 5
6.allow、let 和 let know 8
7.aloud 和 loudly 11
8.always、often 和 usually 12
9.and、or、but、yet、for 和 so 15
10.another、other、the other、others 和 the others 16
11.answering questions 21
12.any、any of 和 some 23
13.anyone、anybody、someone 和 somebody 26
14.anything 和 something 28
15.anywhere 和 somewhere 32
16.as 33
17.as...as 34
18.ask 和 tell 35
19.askfor leave 36
20.asking questions 36
21.at last 38
22.at least 39
23.attend 40
24.attributive words and phrases 40
25.audience 和 spectators 44
26.away 45
27.before、at the front of、in front of、face 和 facing 47
28.belong to 49
29.below 50
30.beside 和 besides 51
31.between 51
32.big、great 和 large 52
33.break、break down、break out、break the law、break up、broke 和 outbreak 55
34.brush、clean 和 wash 58
35.busy 59
36.can、could 和 be able to 60
37.can find 65
38.capitalization 67
39.catch 和 catch up 69
40.chance 70
41.change 和 change another one 71
42.chronological order 72
43.clear 和 clearly 74
44.collapse 75
45.color 75
46.come 和 approach 76
47.come late to 79
48.common、normal、ordinary、usual、average 和 regular 80
49.company 84
50.comparisons 85
51.conditionals、wish 和 hope 86
52.congratulate 和 congratulations 89
53.consistency in spelling 90
54.contractions 90
55.convenient、convenience 和 conveniently 92
56.copy 和 follow 93
57.covered with 和 full of 95
58.cut hair 96
59.damage 和 damages 96
60.dead、death 和 die 98
61.degree 99
62.destroy 和 destruction 99
63.difficult 100
64.discover、find out、learn(about) 和 detect 101
65.do an experiment、do homework、do/go for/have an interview、do research 和 do a survey 103
66.do good to 105
67.each、every 和 how much 106
68.early 和 earlier 108
69.easy 109
70.economic、economical、economically、economics、economize、economy 和 economy class 110
71.enough 112
72.enter、go to、join、sign up for 和 take part in 114
73.even 和 ever 116
74.fall asleep 119
75.favorite 120
76.feel、hear f see 121
77.fight against 122
78.finish 124
79.gain 124
80.get rid of 125
81.go、going on 和 go home 127
82.half 128
83.happen、occur 和 take place 128
84.hardly 129
85.heavy 131
86.help 132
87.here和there 132
88.how、how about、what、what about和why not 134
89.ill 138
90.impression和impress 139
91.introduce 140
92.it、this和that 141
93.joy 144
94.just、just now和only 144
95.keep 147
96.know、learn 和 understand 148
97.late、lately、later、latest、nowadays、recently和these days 153
98.lead和leader 156
99.like 158
100.like、prefer、want和would like 158
101.live、stay和spend time with/together 161
102.look、look at、see和watch 163
103.look sth./sb.over和overlook 165
104.lose 166
105.make 166
106.marry、be married to和get married to 168
107.may、might、may be和maybe 169
108.meet 172
109.misplaced modifiers 174
110.more and more 175
111.most、most of 和 one of 176
112.must 和 have to 178
113.nature、natural 和 naturally 180
114.negatives 180
115.numbers 185
116.obesity、obese、overweight 和 weight 186
117.open 187
118.opening-up policy 187
119.our 188
120.over-used words and phrases 189
121.pain 和 painful 189
122.pass an exam 190
123.passive voice 191
124.pay 193
125.performance 193
126.population 194
127.possessive determiners 和 the 194
128.possibility、possible 和 impossible 196
129.pride、take/have pride in 和 proud 198
130.quite 和 quite a bit 199
131.realize 200
132.reason 201
133.reflexive pronouns 201
134.relax 203
135.(the) room 204
136.ruin 和 ruins 205
137.run-on sentences 205
138.say、speak、talk 和 tell 206
139.send 211
140.sentence structure 212
141.shock 和 in shock 214
142.shall、should 和 ought to 214
143.shy 217
144.singular and plural nouns 217
145.so 219
146.speak out 220
147.study 221
148.suceed、success、successful 和 successfully succeed 222
149.such、such as、such kind of 和 this kind/type of 225
150.take care of、care about 和 care for 228
151.take the first place 230
152.tautologies 231
153.tell about 和 tell how 233
154.(1) tenses used in asking questions 233
(2) tenses in most situations 234
155.think、don’t you think 和 do you think so 236
156.think、think about 和 think of 237
157.time、in time 和 on time 239
158.time—spend time、take time 和 how long 241
159.time—which time (first、second、third time 等) 244
160.together 245
161.too、very 和 so 247
162.traveling—how do you get there、come、go 248
163.travel、trip、tour、sightseeing 和 outing 249
164.unnecessary verbs 253
165.vacation 254
166.waste 255
167.wear out 256
168.welcome 257
169.will 和 would 258
170.words 259
171.words not modified 260
172.(in the) world 260
索引 262
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