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CTTI智库报告  2017版
CTTI智库报告  2017版

CTTI智库报告 2017版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李刚,王斯敏,陈媛媛主编
  • 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2018
  • ISBN:9787305200885
  • 页数:311 页
《CTTI智库报告 2017版》目录
标签:主编 报告

2017年CTTI来源智库发展报告 1

1中国特色新型智库建设议程设置过程回顾 1

2党的十八大以来中国特色新型智库建设进展 4

3“中国智库索引”新平台(CTTI Plus)概述 10

3.1 CTTI Plus版是对原有CTTI功能架构的全新升级 11

3.1.1 智库共同体 11

3.1.2 智库云 13

3.2 CTTI Plus版是对原有CTTI数据库系统的全面升级 15

3.2.1 数据维度的全面提升 15

3.2.2 数据内容的全面拓展 16

3.2.3 数据分析手段的全新升级 16

3.3 CTTI Plus版是对原有CTTI评价系统的全面升级 17

3.3.1 可配置评价功能 17

3.3.2 主观评价功能 18

4 CTTI来源智库目录增补 18

4.1 CTTI来源智库增补原则 18

4.2 来源智库增补过程 20

4.3 CTTI来源智库数据分析 21

5 MRPA测评指标体系 28

5.1 评价基本原则 28

5.2 MRPA测评指标的确定 29

5.3 MRPA智库测评指标的赋值 34

6 MRPA排序规则 35

6.1 MRPA排序规则设计原理 35

6.2 MRPA智库排序规则 36

6.3 MRPA智库专家排序规则 37

6.4 大学智库指数排序规则 39

6.5 MRPA测评系统 40

7 MRPA测评结果数据分析 41

7.1 数据反映的总体情况 41

7.2 社会智库测评数据示例 45

7.3 大学智库指数测评情况 47

7.4 高校智库测评数据 49

7.5 各研究领域智库测评数据分析 65

8加强中国特色新型智库建设的几点建议 75

2017 Annual Report on the Development of CTTI Source Think Tanks 81

1 A Review of How the Construction of a New Type of Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics Was Placed on the Agenda 81

2 Progress in the Construction of a New Type of Think Tanks with Chinese Charac-teristics Since the 18th CPC National Congress 87

3 An Overview of the CTTI Plus Platform 99

3.1 CTTI Plus Represents a General Upgrading of CTTI’s Functional Architecture 100

3.1.1 The Think Tank Community 101

3.1.2 The Think Tank Cloud 103

3.2 CTTI Plus Represents a Total Upgrading of the CTTI Database System 106

3.2.1 Overall Enhancement in Data Dimensions 106

3.2.2 Comprehensive Expansion of Data Contents 107

3.2.3 General Upgrading of Data Analysis Tools 108

3.3 CTTI Plus Represents an Overall Upgrading of the CTTI’s Assessment System 109

3.3.1 Configurable Assessment 109

3.3.2 Subjective Assessment 109

4 Addition to the Catalogue of CTTI’s Source Think Tanks 110

4.1 Principles of Addition 110

4.2 The Process of Adding Source Think Tanks 113

4.3 Analysis of the CTTI Source Think Tank Data 115

5 The MRPA Assessment Indicator System 127

5.1 Basic Principles of Evaluation 127

5.2 The Selection of the MRPA Assessment Indicators 128

5.3 Value Assignment for MRPA Indicators 135

6 The MRPA Ranking Rules 138

6.1 Principle for Designing MRPA Ranking Rules 138

6.2 MRPA Think Tank Ranking Rules 139

6.3 MRPA Think Tank Expert Ranking Rules 141

6.4 University Think Tank Index Ranking Rules 144

6.5 MRPA Assessment System 145

7 Analysis of MRPA Assessment Result Data 147

7.1 Overall Situation Reflected by Data 147

7.2 Examples of Evaluation Data on Private Think Tanks 152

7.3 University Think Tank Index Assessment 156

7.4 University Think Tank Assessment Data 159

7.5 Assessment Data Analysis for Think Tanks in Various Research Areas 184

8 Suggestions on How to Improve the Construction of a New Type of Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics 202

2017年中国智库网络影响力评价报告 213

1 项目背景 213

2 智库网络影响力RSC雪球评价模型 214

3 网络数据综合分析与评价结果 217

4 2017年智库网络影响力的新特点与启示 224

参考文献 227

2017 Annual Report of Web Impact Evaluation and Rankings of Chinese Think Tanks 229

1 Project Background 229

2 RSC Snowball Evaluation Model of the Think Tank’s Web Impact 231

3 Comprehensive Analysis and Evaluation Results of Online Data 234

4 New Characteristics and Revelations of the Think Tank’s Web Impact in 2017 246

References 250

CTTI来源智库目录(2017—2018) 253

(一)党政部门智库(63家) 253

(二)社科院智库(48家) 255

(三)党校行政学院智库(49家) 257

(四)高校智库(348家) 259

(五)军队智库(6家) 273

(六)科研院所智库(32家) 274

(七)企业智库(7家) 275

(八)社会智库(38家) 275

(九)传媒智库(13家) 277

CTTI Source Think Tanks (2017—2018) 279

(Ⅰ) Think Tanks of Party/Government Organizations (63) 279

(Ⅱ) Think Tanks of Academies of Social Sciences (48) 282

(Ⅲ) Think Tanks of Party Schools/Administrative Colleges (49) 284

(Ⅳ) University Think Tanks (348) 287

(Ⅴ) Military Think Tanks (6) 306

(Ⅵ) Think Tanks of Research Institutes (32) 306

(Ⅶ) Corporate Think Tanks (7) 308

(Ⅷ) Private Think Tanks (38) 308

(Ⅸ) Media Think Tanks (13) 310
