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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王卓,洪宇著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国铁道出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:7113240974
  • 页数:291 页

Chapter 1 Intercultural Communication 1

1.1 The Introduction of Intercultural Communication 1

1.2 The Development of Intercultural Communication 4

1.3 Problems in Intercultural Communication 8

1.4 Intercultural Communication vs. Cross-Cultural Communication 11

1.5 Improving Intercultural Communication 13

1.6 The Advantages of Intercultural Communication 16

1.7 Six Barriers to Intercultural Communication 18

1.8 Communicating Across Cultures 20

Summary 22

Chapter 2 Communication 23

2.1 What Is Communication 23

2.2 The Communication from Macro Angle 26

2.3 The Understanding Aspects of Communication 32

2.4 The Characteristics of Communication 34

Summary 37

Chapter 3 Culture 38

3.1 Introduction of Culture 38

3.2 The Aspects of Culture 40

3.3 High-Context and Low-Context Cultures 42

3.4 The Relationship between Culture and Communication 44

Summary 48

Chapter 4 Cultural Differences 50

4.1 Basic Difference 50

4.2 Cultural Dimensions 53

4.3 The Individual Culture and the Collective Culture in Different Society 56

Summary 60

Chapter 5 Culture and Language 61

5.1 Language and Its Culture Influence 61

5.2 Language in Practice 64

5.3 Language,Thoughts and Culture 68

5.4 Language and Culture in Translation 70

Summary 73

Chapter 6 Culture and Verbal Communication 74

6.1 Verbal Patterns 74

6.2 Culture in Communication 76

6.3 The Impact of Confucianism on Communication 80

6.4 Cultural Attitude toward Verbal Communication 83

6.5 Hospitality 88

6.6 Greeting and Concern 91

6.7 Money 93

6.8 Modesty 95

6.9 Compliments 97

6.10 Gratitude and Apology 100

6.11 No Politeness 101

6.12 Visiting and Parting 102

6.13 Courtesy of Visiting and Parting 104

6.14 Common Topics in China and the West 108

6.15 Gift-Giving Etiquette 109

Summary 114

Chapter 7 Culture and Nonverbal Communication 115

7.1 The Silent Language 115

7.2 Some Nonverbal Behaviors in Different Cultures 118

7.3 Black Walk and Japanese Bow 123

7.4 Functions of Nonverbal Behaviors in Communication 125

7.5 Body Language 129

7.6 Eye Contact 131

7.7 Facial Expressions 132

7.8 Paralanguage 134

7.9 Time Language 137

7.10 Space Language 139

7.11 Immediacy Behaviors in Teaching Context 142

Summary 143

Chapter 8 Time and Culture 145

8.1 Cultural Differences in Time Sense 145

8.2 Cultural Conceptions in Time 147

8.3 Patterning of Time in Different Cultures 153

8.4 Culture Shock in Future 156

Summary 158

Chapter 9 Space and Culture 160

9.1 Introduction of Personal Space 160

9.2 The Language of Space 162

9.3 The Use of Space in Culture 165

9.4 The Expression of Culture in Space 170

Summary 173

Chapter 10 Generation Gap in Communication 174

10.1 The Origin of Generation Gap 174

10.2 Living Generations of Americans 180

10.3 The Trend of Generation Gap 184

Summary 187

Chapter 11 Gender Differences 189

11.1 Different Expressions 189

11.2 Miscommunication 194

11.3 How to Learn to Become Male or Female 197

Summary 200

Chapter 12 Culture and International Business 201

12.1 Culture in International Business 201

12.2 Cross-culture Negotiation 204

12.3 Two Casts of Minds 209

12.4 The Globalization of Business 212

Summary 215

Chapter 13 Intercultural Perception 217

13.1 Different Images 217

13.2 Stereotypes 219

13.3 Ethnocentrism 221

Summary 225

Chapter 14 Culture Shock and Adaptation 227

14.1 Two Views of Culture Shock 227

14.2 Adjustment and Reentry Processes 229

14.3 Qualities of Mindfulness 236

14.4 Managing Conflict in Communication 240

Summary 243

Chapter 15 Intercultural Understanding 244

15.1 How to Improve Intercultural Understanding 244

15.2 How to Communicate Effectively with Strangers 246

15.3 How to Overcome Ethnocentrism in Communication 252

15.4 A Matter of Survival 255

Chapter 16 Naming and Addressing 260

16.1 Naming 260

16.2 Different Meanings of Names 263

16.3 Ways of Addressing 265

16.4 Kinship 270

Chapter 17 Culture-loaded Words in Communication 276

17.1 Cultural Differences in Colors 277

17.2 Words in Economy 280

17.3 Proverbs and Idioms about Proverbs 282

17.4 Numbers 284

17.5 Taboos 286

Summary 291
