世界经济与中国 汉英双语读本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:《世界经济与中国》编辑部编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国财政经济出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7500544200
- 页数:639 页
综合篇 Overall Review 3
社会主义市场经济理论的形成和重大突破 3
The Formation and Major Breakthroughs of the Theory of Socialist Market Economy 28
深化改革,加强管理,依法理财 73
Deepening Reform,Strengthening Management,Handling Financial Affairs in Accordance with the Law 82
经济社会发展的目标及主要任务 100
Regulatory Targets and Major Tacks for Future Economic and Social Development 110
经济全球化过程中的政治稳定与国际关系 131
Political Stability and International Relations in the Process of Economic Globalization 158
中国的国有企业改革与外商在大陆的投资前景 199
专题篇 Special Topic 199
Reform of State-owned Enterprises and Prospects of Foreign Investment in the Mainland of China 217
论中国的资本管制 247
On China's Capital Controls 258
经济转型时期的扶贫计划与社会安全网 275
Social Safety Net and Poverty Alleviation Programs in the Economic Transition 281
中国农业变革的制度分析 291
Rural Transformation in China:An Institutional Analysis 308
欧盟对华贸易投资与经济合作 335
The EU's Trade and Investment and Economic Cooperation with China 348
东亚外向型工业化经济转变的一些问题 366
Some Problems of Transformation of Outward-oriented Industrialized Economy in East Asia 379
对策篇 Policies 401
进一步启动经济应着眼于提高最终消费率 401
An Opportunity to Raise the Ultimate Consumption Rate while Re-starting the Economy 408
治理通货紧缩与微观机制改革 419
Deflation and Structural Reform in China 431
降低银行业系统风险的思考 447
Thoughts about Reducing Risks of the Banking System 453
中国信托投资公司的困境及其出路 461
Difficulties and Way Out for China's Trust and Investment Companies 470
中国经济次高增长阶段的宏观政策选择 484
China's Macroeconomic Policy Options for the Hypo-high Growth Stage 500
警示篇 Warning 527
金融风险:世界经济发展中的主要威胁 527
Financial Risks:A Major Threat in the Development of the World Economy 533
全球化中的不平等问题:亚洲经济危机的教训及政策含义 542
An Unequal Footing Problem in Globalization-Lessons and Implications from Asian Financial Crisis 553
优化治理:从亚洲金融危机中得出的教训 568
Good Governance:The Lessons of the Asian Crisis 577
广信关闭:潜在的金融风险及政府对策 589
The Closure of GITIC,Latent Financial Risks,and Government Approach 596
Growth Rates Per Annum of Main Indicators on National Economic and Social Development 609
国民经济和社会发展主要指标的年平均增长率 609
数据篇 Statistical Data 609
光辉的50年:中国主要经济指标的变化 609
50 Glorious Years:China's Main Economic Indicators 609
国内生产总值 611
Gross Domestic Product 611
对外贸易 613
External Trade 613
工业主要产品产量居世界位次的变化 615
Changes in the Rank of Output of Major Industrial Products 615
Changes in the Rank of Output of Major Agricultural Products 616
农业主要产品产量居世界位次的变化 616
改革开放20年:中国主要经济指标的变化 617
20 Years in Reforms and Opening to the Outside World:China's Main Economic Indicators 617
国内生产总值指数 617
Indices of Gross Domestic Product 617
黄金和外汇储备 619
Gotd and Foreign Exchange Reserves 619
中国利用外资概况 620
Utilization of Foreign Capital 620
Household Consumption Levels 622
居民消费水平 622
城乡居民家庭人均收入及指数 623
Per Capita Annual Incomeof Urban and Rural Household and the Related Indices 623
中国在世界经济中的地位 624
China's Status in the World Economy 624
国内生产总值及其增长率 624
Gross Domestic Product and Annual Growth Rates 624
国内生产总值 626
Gross Domestic Product 626
Consumer Price Indices 628
消费者价格指数 628
失业率 630
Unemployment Rates 630
国际收支 632
Balance of Payments 632
出口贸易额 634
Exports 634
进口贸易额 636
Imports 636
国民总收入 638
Gross National Income 638
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