- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:戴文进,张卫国主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7562917205
- 页数:358 页
Part1 Electrics and Electronics 2
Unit1 Circuit Elements and Parameters 2
Unit2 Ideal Sources Series and Parallel Equivalent Circuits 9
Unit3 Analysis of a Single-Loop Network 16
Unit4 Analysis of Sinusoidal Current and Voltage 25
Unit5 Analysis of Small Signal Amplifiers in the Mid-Frequency Band 34
Unit6 Operational Amplifiers 41
Unit7 Negative Feedback Amplifiers 50
Unit8 Introduction to Logic Circuits 58
Unit9 The Transformer on Load 67
Unit10 Introduction to DC Machines 76
Unit11 Operating Conditions and Vector Diagrams of the Induction Machine 85
Unit12 Voltage Diagrams of the Three-Phase Synchronous Generator on Balanced Load 93
Part 2 Computer and Network 104
Unit13 Microcomputers in Engineering 104
Unit14 Personal Computer 110
Unit15 Systems Using Microprocessors 116
Unit16 Software 122
Unit17 Operating Systems 127
Unit18 Microcomprter Interface 134
Unit19 Computer Networking 140
Unit20 Internetworking 146
Unit21 Process Instrumentation 152
Unit22 Pressure&Temperature Measurement 157
Unit23 Robotics 163
Unit24 Office Automation 170
Part3 Classical Control Theory and Technique 178
Unit25 Construction of Linear System Models 178
Unit26 Response of First-and Second-Order Systems 183
Unit27 Feedback Control 192
Unit28 Steady-State Performance 198
Unit29 Transient Analysis by Root-Locus Methods 205
Unit30 Performance Specifications 215
Unit31 Improvement of Static Accuracy 224
Unit32 Stabilization and Improvement of Transient Response 233
Unit33 Lag-Lead Compensators and Three-Term Controllers 241
Unit34 The Position-Control System 247
Unit35 Process-Control Systems 251
Unit36 The Closed-Loop Ward-Leonard Method of Speed Control 255
Part4 Modern Control Theory and Technology 262
Unit37 Background of Control Theory 262
Unit38 Introduction to System Modeling 268
Unit39 State Variable Concepts 275
Unit40 Liapunov Stability Analysis 283
Unit41 Dynamic Programming 289
Unit42 Adaptive Control 296
Unit43 Expert Systems&Expert Control 304
Unit44 Dual Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Using Neural Networks 310
Unit45 Robust Controller Design 317
Appendix1 Commonly-Used Nouns in Automation 323
Appendix2 Commonly-Used Mathematic Symbol 350
Appendix3 Metrology Table 352
Appendix4 Metrology Compare Table 355
References 358
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