- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:覃乃昌著
- 出 版 社:南宁:广西民族出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7536332998
- 页数:351 页
绪论 1
一、壮族——古老的稻作民族 1
Introduction 1
Preface by You Xiuling 1
游修龄序 1
Rice Agricultural History of the Zhuang Nationality 1
梁庭望序 9
Preface by Liang Tingwang 9
二、研究壮族稻作业史的意义 12
三、关于本书的研究方法 19
Part Ⅰ The Zhuang Nationality And The Origin Of Rice Agriculture 25
Chapter One Substrate words of rice in the Han Language and linguistic evidence of the Zhuang region as one of origin areas of planting rice 25
上编 壮族与稻作农业的起源 25
第一章 汉语稻的底层词及壮族地区是栽培稻起源地之一的语言学依据 25
1.A textual research of Hau(?) 26
一、“?”考 26
2.A textual research of Hou(糇) 27
二、“糇”考 27
三、“膏”考 29
3.A textual research of kau(膏) 29
4.A textual research of [?a:i] 31
四、“?a:i”考 31
5.Linguistic evidence of the Zhuang resion as one of original areas of planting rice 32
五、壮族地区是栽培稻起源地之一的语言学依据 32
第二章 籼型栽培稻的起源在壮侗语民族语言中的反映 34
一、“?”:壮侗语民族先民称籼型水稻的汉字记音 34
1.Lian(?)):the Han record of ancient Zhuang-Dong Pronunciation of aquatic indica rice 34
Chapter Two Evidence ofthe origin of planting indica rice in the Zhuang-Dong language 34
二、“?”:壮侗语民族先民称籼型陆稻的汉字记音 37
2.Fei(?):the Han record of ancient Zhuang-Dong Pronunciation of upland indica rice 37
3.Nuo(糯):the Han record of ancient Zhuang-Dong Pronunciation of glutinous rice 38
三、“糯”:壮侗语民族先民称糯稻的汉字记音 38
4.The name of indica rice is from Lian(?)rice instenad of from Jiancheng rice-query as to Jiancheng rice 39
四、籼稻之名源于“?稻”,而不是源于占城稻——对占城稻的一些质疑 39
五、籼型栽培稻的起源在壮侗语民族语言中的反映 40
5.Evidence of the origin of planting indica rice in the Zhuang-Dong language 40
一、广西——野生稻的故乡 45
第三章 壮族地区是栽培稻起源地之一的遗传学依据 45
1.Guangxi-anative place of wild rice 45
Chapter Three Genetic evidence of the Zhuang region as one of original areas of planting rice 45
二、“秜”、“穞”:壮侗语民族先民对野生稻的称词及其最早认识和利用野生稻的证明 49
2.?[?I:]and ?[luk8]:names of wild rice called by ancestor of the Zhuang-Dong Branch 49
3.Genetic evidence of the Zhuang region as one of original areas of planting rice 51
三、壮族地区是栽培稻起源地之一的遗传学依据 51
一、新石器时代早期的稻谷加工和炊煮工具 54
Chapter Four Archaeological evidence of the Zhuang region as one of original areas of planting rice 54
1.Rice processing tools and cooking utensile in early neolithic age 54
第四章 壮族地区是栽培稻起源地之一的考古学依据 54
二、新石器时代早期的家畜饲养 57
2.Domestication of animals in early neolithic age 57
3.Farm tools in late neohthic age 58
三、新石器时代晚期的稻田耕作工具 58
四、壮族地区农业考古的缺憾 61
4.The lack of archaeological data about agriculture in Zhuang region 61
第五章 稻作文明起源的鲜明印记 63
Chapter Five Clear proof of the origin of rice civilization 63
一、壮侗语民族自成系统的稻作词汇 64
1.Systematic words about rice cultivation 64
二、独特的“那”文化 67
2.Distinct Na Culture 67
三、稻作文明起源的鲜明印记 78
3.Clear proof of the origin of rice civilization 78
第六章 左右江、邕江流域——西瓯骆越民族原始居民的家园与稻作农业起源的中心之一 80
Chapter Six The Zuo-Youjiang River valley and the Yongjiang River valley——Homeland of primitive Luoyue people and one of center of the origin of rice agriculture 80
一、分布广泛的古人类遗址 82
1.Stratified and widely-distributed prehistorical sites 82
2.Shell Mound in early neolithic age——a sign of the origin of rice agriculture in the Yongjiang River valley 84
二、新石器时代早期贝丘遗址——邕江及其上游流域稻作农业出现的标志 84
3.The big stone shovel——distinct cultural pattern of ancestor of the Luoyue rooted in rice agriculture 87
三、桂南大石铲——植根于稻作农业的骆越先民的特殊文化形式 87
4.The rock art of the Zuojiang River Valley——Art of Totem culture of rice agricultural nationality 90
四、左江流域崖壁画——稻作民族图腾文化的艺术再现 90
5.The Bronze Drum of the Luoyue——Cultural remain from rice agriculture 93
五、骆越铜鼓——源于稻作农业的文化遗存 93
6.Close distribution of place name with Na(那)——living fossil of the origin of rice agriculture 98
六、分布密集的“那”地名——稻作农业起源的活化石 98
七、邕江、右江——壮语南北方言的分界线和“kau”、“hau”系稻词的分水龄 100
八、左右江、邕江流域——西瓯骆越民族原始居民的家园与稻作农业起源的中心之一 100
8.The Zuo-youjiang River valley and the Yongjiang River valley——Homeland of the Primitive Luoyue people and one of center of the origin of rice agriculture 100
7.The Yongjiang River and the Youjiang River——dividing line between the north dialect and the south dialect of the Zhuang Language and between the Kau and Hau systematic words about rice 100
Chapter Seven Changes of rice names of the Zhuang-Dong Branch in other national language and diffusion of planting rice 111
1.From Hau(?)and Hou(糇)to He(禾):Changes of rice names of the Zhuang-Dong Branch in the Southeastern dialect of the Han Language and the eastern diffusion of planting indica rice 111
第七章 壮侗语族称稻词在其他民族语言中的演变及栽培稻的传布 111
一、“?”(hau)、“糇”(hou)——禾:壮侗语族称稻词在汉语东南沿海方言中的演变及籼型栽培稻的东向传布 111
2.From Kau(膏)to Gu(谷):Changes of rice names of the Zhuang-Dong Branch in the Southwestern dialect of the Han language and the northern diffusion of planting indica rice 114
二、“膏”(kau)——谷:壮侗语族称稻词在汉语西南方言中的演变及籼型栽培稻的北向传布 114
3.From[?a:i]to rice:Change of rice name of the Zhuang-Dong Branch in Indo-European and the western diffusion of planting indica rice 116
三、“?a:i”——rice:壮侗语族称稻词在印欧语中的演变及籼型栽培稻的西向传布 116
下编 壮族稻作农业的历史发展 127
PART Ⅱ Historical Development of Rice Agriculture of the Zhuang Nationality 127
第八章 新石器时代西瓯骆越先民的稻作农业 127
Chapter Eight Rice agriculture of the ancestor of the Luoyue people in neolithic age 127
一、壮族地区石器时代的人类——西瓯骆越先民与现代壮族 128
1.Human in lithic age in the Zhuang region——ancestor of the Luoyue and the Zhuang nationality 128
二、壮族地区何时进入新石器时代 135
2.When did the Zhuang region come to neolithic age 135
三、壮族地区最早种植的粮食作物 142
3.The first planting crops in the Zhuang region 142
4.Rice agricultural tools of ancestor of the Luoyue people in neolithic age 147
四、新石器时代西瓯骆越先民的稻作农业工具 147
五、新石器时代西瓯骆越先民稻作农业的特点 165
5.Characters of rice agriculture of ancestor of the Luoyue people in neolithic age 165
Chapter Nine Rice agriculture of the Xiou-Luoyue people before the Chin Dynasty 172
1.The society of the Xiou-Luoyue people before the Chin Dynasty 172
一、先秦时期的西瓯骆越及其社会 172
第九章 先秦时期西瓯骆越的稻作农业 172
2.The bronze age of the Xiou-Luoyue people and bronze farm tools 177
二、西瓯骆越地区的青铜时代及青铜农具 177
3.The use of iron farm tools in the middle of the warring states 183
三、战国中期铁农具的使用 183
4.Characters of rice agriculture of the Xiou-Luoyue people before the Chin Dynasty 190
Chapter Ten Rice agriculture of the Wuhu,the Li and the Liao people from the Chin and Han Dynasty to the Wei and the Tsin and the Southern Northern 198
第十章 秦汉魏晋南北朝时期乌浒、俚、僚的稻作农业 198
一、两汉魏晋南北朝时期岭南的乌浒、俚、僚及其社会 198
1.The socioty of the Wuhu,the Li and the Liao from the Han Dynasty to the Wei and the Tsin and the Southern Northern 198
2.Practice of iron plough with ox 203
二、铁犁牛耕的推行 203
三、良种的选用与水稻品种资源的开发 207
3.Seiection of improved varieties and the exploitation of resource of rice varieties 207
4.Appearance of two crops a year and primarily formation of rice planting system 209
四、一年两熟的出现与水稻栽培制度的初步形成 209
五、育秧移栽与水稻栽培技术的进步 210
5.Raise rice seeding and transplantation and improvement of rice planting technique 210
6.Making of farm fertilizer and planting of green manure 211
六、农家肥的积制和绿肥的种植 211
七、稻谷的储藏与加工 212
7.Storage and processing of paddy 212
八、农田灌溉的兴起 215
8.Development of farmland irrigation 215
9.Formation of rice-mainly planting structure 217
一、隋唐时期的僚和宋元时期的壮族及其社会 220
第十一章 隋唐宋元时期壮族的稻作农业 220
1.The Liao people in the Sui and Tang Dynasty and the Zhuang in the Sung and Yuan and their societies 220
Chapter Eleven Rice agriculture of the Zhuang nationality from the Sui and Tang Dynasty to the Sung and Yuan 220
二、曲辕犁、脚踏犁和秧马 226
2.Brace plough,pedal plough and Yangma 226
3.Practice of Tuntian System and expansion of the area under rice planting 230
三、屯田的推行与水稻种植面积的扩大 230
4.Reclaimation of dry land and terraced field and upland rice planting 236
四、畲田、梯田的开垦和旱稻的种植 236
5.Diffusion of rice planting technique and increasing of rice yield 239
五、水稻种植技术的传播与稻谷产量的提高 239
6.Development of farmland irrigation 244
六、农田灌溉的发展 244
7.Import of wheat and consolidation of the key role of rice 249
七、麦的传入及水稻主粮地位的巩固 249
Chapter Twelve Rice agriculture of the Zhuang nationality in the Ming and Ching Dynasty(Ⅰ) 253
1.The society of the Zhuang in the Ming and Ching Dynasty 253
一、明清时期的壮族及其社会 253
第十二章 明清时期壮族的稻作农业(上) 253
2.Inte gration of rice agriculture tools and improvement of farming technique 261
二、传统稻作农具的配套和耕作方法的改进 261
3.Development of Tuntian System and the influence on rice agriculture 268
三、屯田的发展及其对稻作农业的影响 268
4.Advancement of knowledge on rice varieties and types 280
四、对水稻品种及类型认识的深化 280
5.Exploitation and use of resource of rice varieties 287
五、水稻品种资源的开发和利用 287
Chapter Thirteen Rice agriculture of the Zhuang nationality in the Ming and Ching Dynasty(Ⅱ) 297
6.Improvement of rice planting tecnnique 297
六、水稻栽培技术的提高 297
第十三章 明清时期壮族的稻作农业(下) 297
7.Itegration and perfection of farmland irriguous installation 308
七、农田灌溉设施的配套与完善 308
8.Increase of yield of rice and export of paddy from Guangxi 318
八、“粜不尽戎圩谷”——水稻产量的提高及广西谷米外运 318
9.Introducion of maize and reformation of rice-mainly planting structure 325
九、玉米的传入和以水稻为主的粮食种植结构的重新组合 325
Conclusion 336
结语 336
References 340
主要参考书目 340
Postscript 348
后记 348
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- 《物联网与嵌入式技术及其在农业上的应用》马德新 2019
- 《普通高等教育农业部“十二五”规划教材 基础化学实验 农科各专业用 第2版》罗志刚编 2014
- 《普通高等教育农业部“十二五”规划教材 植物病虫害防治》段玉玺,方红 2017
- 《中国农业现代化中的制度实验 国有农场变迁之透视》朱玲 2018
- 《“互联网+”背景下的现代农业服务业发展策略研究 基于黑龙江省的分析》吴彦艳,张丽霞,李琳 2019
- 《农业农村面源污染防控技术》张庆忠,梅旭荣,朱昌雄主编 2019
- 《农业物联网技术与应用》王振录,梁雪峰,陈胜利著 2017
- 《我国农产品贸易与农业环境效应研究》马进著 2019
- 《农业与工业化》(中国)张培刚 2019
- 《走向现代的艰难“转换”》李浩昌著 2019
- 《节能减排路径优化理论分析及政策选择》方国昌著 2020
- 《于太昌山水画艺术》于太昌著 2008
- 《梁启超传》吴其昌著 2019
- 《盐柳1号研究与示范》李月祥,田生昌著 2018
- 《浮选机理论与技术》沈政昌著 2012
- 《生态安全》余谋昌著 2006
- 《囹圄集》杨洪昌著 2013
- 《名侦探柯南 第8辑 76》(日)青山刚昌著;natuya等译 2013
- 《梁启超传 中国宪政启蒙百年第一人》吴其昌著 2014