中国风物 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杜飞豹,杜白编著;李念培,凌原译
- 出 版 社:北京:中国旅游出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7503218568
- 页数:269 页
Introduction(前言) 2
1.Ancient Relics(古代遗物) 2
Counters(算筹) 2
The Bronze Tripod or Cauldron(鼎) 3
Musical Bells and Chime Stones(钟与磬) 4
The Bronze Mirror(铜镜) 7
The Bronze Drum(铜鼓) 8
“As You Wish”(如意) 9
Sedans(轿子) 10
Ancient-Figurines(七俑) 12
The Chinese Grandfather Chair(太师椅) 16
The Sacred Way and Stone Statues(神道与石像) 17
Stele on the Back of Stone Tortoise(石龟驮碑) 19
Tombstone and Buried Tablet(墓碑与墓志) 21
Picture of the Ultimate and the Eight Diagrams(太极八卦图) 24
Sealing Clay(封泥) 25
Bi and Cong—Ancient Jade Carvings(璧与琮) 26
Tally(符) 27
Jade Clothes Sewn with Gold Thread(金缕玉衣) 28
Bronze Ware(青铜器) 29
Ancient Coins(古币) 30
Hitching Post(拴马桩) 32
2.Folk Arts(民间工艺) 34
Embroidery(刺绣) 34
Hair Embroidery(发绣) 35
Tapestry Weaving(缂丝或刻丝) 36
Jade Carving(玉雕) 37
The Luminous Cup(夜光杯) 39
Ivory Carving(牙雕) 40
Microscopic Carving(微雕) 41
Clay Figurines(泥人) 42
The God of Longevity(老寿星) 44
Dough Figurines(面塑) 45
Ice Carving(冰雕) 46
Butter Sculpture(酥油花) 47
Lacquerware(漆器) 48
Porcelain of Jingdezhen(景德镇瓷器) 49
Cloisonné(景泰蓝) 50
Potted Landscapes(盆景) 51
Batik(蜡染) 53
Paper-Cuts(剪纸) 54
Basketwork on Porcelain(瓷?竹编) 55
The Shadow Show(皮影戏) 56
The Puppet Show(木偶戏) 57
The Kite(风筝) 59
Fancy Lanterns(彩灯) 61
Firecrackers(鞭炮) 63
Celadon(青瓷) 64
Red Ware(紫砂陶器) 65
Tri-Coloured Tang(唐三彩) 66
Eggshell China(薄胎瓷) 67
Silhouette Carving(影雕) 68
Silk Flowers(绢花) 69
Brick Sculpture(砖雕) 70
Palace(宫) 72
3.Architecture(建筑) 72
Hall(殿) 74
Ornamental Pillar(华表) 75
Screen Wall(影壁) 76
Glazed Tile(琉璃瓦) 78
The Number “Nine”and Imperial Buildings(“九”与皇家建筑) 80
Stone Baluster Head(望柱头) 81
Stone Lions(石狮) 82
Door Studs(门钉) 84
Knocker Base(铺首) 85
Water Vat(大缸) 85
Dougong Brackets(斗拱) 86
Caisson Ceiling(藻井) 87
“Gold Bricks”(金砖) 88
Patterned Footpaths(花石子路) 90
Zoomorphic Ornaments (吻兽) 91
Roof Crown(宝顶) 92
Pavilions(亭) 93
“Flowing-Cup Pavilion”(流杯亭) 95
Terrace(台) 96
Storeyed Building(楼) 97
Storeyed Pavilion(阁) 98
Waterside Pavilion(?) 99
House of Retreat(斋) 100
Studio(轩) 101
Covered Corridor(廊) 102
Altar(坛) 104
Altar of the Land and Grain(社稷坛) 105
Archway(牌楼) 106
Marble Boat(石舫) 108
Scenic Openings(景洞) 109
Taihu Rockery(太湖石) 110
The Chinese Quadrangle(四合院) 111
Bridges(桥梁) 112
Underground Irrigation Tunnels(坎儿井) 117
Stupas and Pagodas(塔) 119
Beijing City Gates(北京城门) 124
Passes(关隘) 126
Lingxing Gate(棂星门) 127
Hakka Castle-Like Dwellings(客家土楼) 128
Eaves Tiles(瓦当) 129
Cave Dwellings(窑洞) 130
Embrasured Watchtower and Barbican Entrance(箭楼与翁圈) 131
Aobao (Mongolian Stone Heaps for Worship)(敖包) 132
Latticed Windows(漏窗) 133
Hutongs of Beijing(北京胡同) 133
Yellow Tiles and Vermillion Walls(黄瓦红墙) 135
The Great Wall(长城) 136
Grand Canal of China(大运河) 138
4.Calligraphy and Painting(书画) 140
Origin of the Chinese Script(汉字的起源) 140
Oracle Inscriptions(甲骨文) 141
Inscriptions on Bronze Objects(金文或钟鼎文) 143
Bamboo and Wood Slips(竹简与木简) 144
Inscriptions on Drum-Shaped Stone Blocks(石鼓文) 146
Inscriptions on Stone Tablets(碑文) 147
Writings and Paintings on Silk(帛书与帛画) 148
Calligraphy(书法) 149
Rubbings(拓本) 152
The Four Treasures of the Study(文房四宝) 153
Seals(印章) 158
Image Seals(肖形印) 159
Red-Stained Stone(鸡血石) 160
Ink Paste for Seals(印泥) 161
Traditional Chinese Painting(中国画) 162
Water Colour Block Printing(木版水印) 164
Picture Mounting(装裱) 165
New Year Pictures(年画) 166
The Iron Picture(铁画) 167
Interior Painting in Snuff Bottles(鼻烟壶内画) 168
Calligraphic Copybooks(帖) 169
Tianhuang Stone Carvings(田黄) 170
Tangkha Paintings(唐卡) 171
5.Articles of Everyday Use(日用品) 174
Chopsticks(筷子) 174
Earthen Pot(沙锅) 175
Stoves and Warmers(火炉) 176
Food Steamers(蒸笼) 177
Fans(扇子) 178
Umbrellas(伞) 180
Abacus(算盘) 181
Steelyard(杆枰) 182
Bambooware(竹器) 183
Jiaoyi——Ancient Folding Chair(交椅) 184
Walking Sticks(手杖) 185
Boat with Black Awning(乌篷船) 186
Old Ration Coupons(老票证) 187
6.Clothing(服饰) 190
Chinese Tunic Suit(中山装) 190
Cheongsam(旗袍) 191
Dragon Robe(龙袍) 192
Tibetan Robe(藏袍) 193
Miao-Style Silver Jewellery(苗族银饰) 194
Patches of Embroidery on Official Robes(补子) 195
Tea(茶) 198
7.Drinks and Snacks(饮食) 198
Alcoholic Drinks(酒) 202
Chinese Cuisine(中餐) 204
Steamed Bread(馒头) 206
Noodles(面条) 207
Dumplings(1)(饺子) 208
Dumplings(2)(馄饨) 209
Deep-Fried Dough Sticks and Dough Cakes(油条与油饼) 210
Steamed Corn Bread(窝头) 211
Pyramid-Shaped Glutinous Rice Dumplings(粽子) 212
Eight-Treasure Rice Pudding(八宝饭) 212
Dumplings(3)(元宵) 213
Moon Cake(月饼) 215
Dough Flowers(面花) 216
New Year Cake(年糕) 216
Spring Rolls(春卷) 217
Bean Curd(豆腐) 218
Fermented Bean Curd(腐乳) 219
Preserved Eggs(松花蛋) 220
Roast Duck(烤鸭) 221
Toffee Fruits(糖葫芦) 222
Chafing Dish(火锅) 223
Shashlick(羊肉串) 224
Hot Candied Fruit(拔丝) 225
Cake Particles in Mutton Soup(羊肉泡馍) 226
“Cross-Bridge”Rice Noodles(过桥米线) 227
“Buddha Jumps the Wall”(佛跳墙) 227
Lotus Root(莲藕) 228
8.Lucky Things(吉祥物) 230
Dragon and Phoenix(龙与凤) 230
Wind-Riding Streamers(风马旗) 231
Big-Mouthed Celestial Animal(吞口儿) 232
Hada(哈达) 233
Spring Festival Couplets(春联) 234
“Fu”and “Fu”Upside Down(“福”与“福”字倒贴) 236
Protective Chicken Talisman(贴鸡符) 238
Tianlu and Pixie(天禄与辟邪) 239
Xiezhi a Mythological Animal(獬豸) 240
Gourd(葫芦) 241
9.Entertainment(娱乐) 244
Peking Opera(京剧) 244
Facial Makeups in Operas(脸谱) 245
Masks(面具) 247
Exorcisers Masks(傩面具) 248
Long White Silk Sleeves(水袖) 249
The Change of Faces(变脸) 250
Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments(中国乐器) 251
Xun(埙) 252
Zheng(筝) 253
Guqin(古琴) 253
Suona(唢呐) 254
Sheng(笙) 254
Xiao and Di(箫和笛) 255
Pipa(琵琶) 256
Chinese Chess(象棋) 256
Mah-jong(麻将) 257
Weiqi (Encirclement Chess)(围棋) 258
10.Medicine(医药) 260
Traditional Chinese Medicine(中医) 260
Traditional Chinese Pharmaceuticals(中药) 261
Channels and Collaterals(经络) 262
Acupuncture and Moxibustion(针灸) 262
Cupping(拔火罐) 263
Medicinal Pillow(药枕) 264
Ginseng(人参) 265
Caterpillar Fungus(Cordyceps Sinesis)(冬虫夏草) 266
Pilose Antler(鹿茸) 267
APPENDIX(附录) 268
A Brief Chinese Chronology(中国历史年代简表) 268
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