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中学生英语阅读分阶训练  英汉对照
中学生英语阅读分阶训练  英汉对照

中学生英语阅读分阶训练 英汉对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)科瑞帕克(Kirkpatrick)著;陈必庆等译
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7506245817
  • 页数:185 页
上一篇:新托福听力 1下一篇:金融英语入门
《中学生英语阅读分阶训练 英汉对照》目录


1 The Uncle and Nephew 叔叔和侄 2

2 The Thief and the Policeman 警察与小偷 4

3 A Piece of String 一根绳子 6

4 Laughing to Death 乐极生悲 8

5 The School Teacher 小学教师 10

6 The Wrong Age 错误的年龄 12

7 The Picture 一幅画 14

8 Rich Man,Poor Man 富人,穷人 16

9 The Friends 朋友 18

10 Ten Husbands and Ten Wives 10个丈夫和10个太太 20

11 The Wrong House 走错门了 22

12 The Audience 听众 24

13 The “Hat” “帽子” 26

14 The Birthday Present 生日礼物 28

15 The Shoes 鞋 30

16 Handwriting 笔迹 32

17 The Hen and the Cock 母鸡和公鸡 34

18 A Rat and a Cat 老鼠和猫 36

19 The Flying Cow 飞牛 38

20 The Eyes 一双大眼睛 40

21 Sink or Swim 沉没或浮起 42

22 A Bad Mistake 致使的错误 44

23 Enjoying the Cold 享受寒冷 46

24 The New Bed 新床 48

25 No Food for Lunch 没了午餐 50

26 10 Cents is Far Too Much! 一毛钱太多了! 52

27 The Big Cup 一只大酒杯 54

28 The Tiger 老虎 56

29 Dying Happy 天国之乐 58

30 The Big Lie 弥天大谎 60

LEVEL 2 64

1 The Hole 洞 64

2 Barking Like a Dog 像狗一样叫 66

3 The Tortoise 乌龟 68

4 The Leaf 树叶 70

5 Mr Ten Thousand 万先生 72

6 Fathers and Sons 父亲和儿子 74

7 Freeing the Birds 给鸟自由 76

8 Strong Medicine 特效药 78

9 The Deer 小鹿 80

10 Because 因为 82

11 The Cook 厨师 84

12 Half-Price 半价 86

13 What s in a Name? 取名 88

14 A Mean Friend 一个吝啬的朋友 90

15 The Proud Driver 骄傲的车夫 92

16 Blind Man s Iuck 瞎子的运气 94

17 Are You Sure You Are Lucky? 塞翁失马 96

18 Mr Wang s Animals 王先生的动物 98

19 Tapping the Table 敲桌子 100

20 The Barber 理发师 102

21 I Don t Like Buns 我不喜欢馒头 104

22 The Fortune-Teller s Son 算命先生的儿子 106

23 The Thief s Coat 小偷的外套 108

24 The Hunchback 驼背 110

25 Three in the Morning and Four in the Evening 朝三暮四 112

26 The Frog in the Well 井底之蛙 114

27 Racing Horses 赛马 116

28 Who Do You Think Should Get the Job? 你认为谁该得到这职位? 118

29 An Expensive Head 昂贵的马头颅 120

30 A Snake with Legs 画蛇添足 122

LEVEL3 126

1 The Magic Mirror 奇妙的镜子 126

2 Arrested by a Dog 狗逮凶手 128

3 The Magic Bell 做贼心虚 130

4 An Unlucky Man 生不逢时 132

5 The Lonel Husband 忠贞不渝 134

6 Skyhigh 通天之法 136

7 More Frightening than Tigers 苛政猛于虎 138

8 The Ambassador 晏子使楚 140

9 Oranges and Tangerines 桔与柑 142

10 The Foolish Man and the Mountains 愚公移山 144

11 Three Brothers 三兄弟 146

12 Borrowing Money 借钱 148

13 The Art of Stealing 偷的技巧 150

14 The Greedy Ghost 贪婪的死鬼 152

15 Paying Back Money 来世还债 154

16 A Boastful Man 说大话的人 156

17 The Painter 粉刷工 158

18 Choosing a Servant 挑选人 160

19 The Burning Coat 上衣燃着了 162

20 Silver or Tin 是银还是锡 164

21 The Wine Well 酒井 166

22 A Bad Memory 健忘的人 168

23 Confucius and the Intelligent Boy 孔子与神童 170

24 The Tiger and the Girl 和女孩 172

25 The Apple Tree 苹果树 174

26 A Chance Encounter 见异思迁 176

27 Two Peaches for Three People 二桃杀三士 178

28 A Simple Mistake 一个简单的错误 180

29 Antiques 古董“迷” 182

30 The 10,000-day Wine 万日葡萄酒 184
