大学英语 预备二级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王戈等编写
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林教育出版社
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7538303839
- 页数:364 页
Unit 1 1
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 1
Text: The Uses of Scionce 7
Grammar: The Infinitive 16
Part Two Extensive Reading: Happy Families 19
Listening 24
Unit 2 29
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 29
Text: Tornadoes 35
Grammar: Present Participle 43
Part Two Extensive Reading: Chinese New Year 46
Listening 52
Unit 3 56
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 56
Text: Life and Death 62
Grammar: Past Participle 70
Part Two Extensive Reading: Water Pollution 73
Listening 78
Unit 4 82
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 82
Text: Everybody Helps out 88
Grammar: Gerund 97
Part Two Extensive Reading: Using Reference Books 98
Listening 105
Unit 5 109
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 109
Text: The Preservation of Food 116
Grammar: Attributive Clauses 124
Part Two Extensive Reading: Insect Zoo 127
Listening 132
Unit 6 138
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 138
Text: A Young Doctor 144
Grammar: Attributive Clauses 152
Part Two Extensive Reading: Galileo Galilei 155
Listening 159
Unit 7 163
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 163
Text: Blackout 170
Grammar: Attributive Clauses 178
Part Two Extensive Reading: Canada s School on Wheels 180
Listening 185
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 190
Unit 8 190
Text: The Olympic Games 195
Grammar: Adverbial Clauses 203
Part Two Extensive Reading: Animal Language 206
Listening 212
Unit 9 216
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 216
Text: The Loch Ness Monster 223
Grammar: Abverbial Clauses 231
Part Two Extensive Reading: The United Nations 234
Listening 240
Unit 10 244
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 244
Text: A Hairy Frog 251
Grammar: Adverbial Clauses 258
Part Two Extensive Reading: Conversation with a Bird-watcher 261
Listening 266
Unit 11 270
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 271
Text: Race 276
Grammar: Noun Clauses 284
Part Two Extensive Reading: Conservation 287
Listening 291
Unit 12 296
Part One Pattern Drills and Learning Drills 296
Text: Frensic Science 302
Grammar: Noun Clauses 310
Part Two Extensive Reading: Our Own Planet 312
Listening 317
Fast Readings 322
1.Disneyland 322
2.Superstitions 324
3.Electricity 326
4.When Were You Born 328
5.Air Pollution 330
6.Orderliness 332
7.The Cheater 334
8.The First American Indians 336
9.The Smell of Fried Fish 338
10.The Greedy Captain 340
11.Natural Resources 342
12.Water 344
Glossary 347
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