高性能通信网络 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美) Jean Walrand,(美) Pravin Varaiya著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7111078497
- 页数:693 页
Preface 1
1 Overview 1
1.1 History of Communication Networks 5
1.1.1 Telephone Networks 6
1.1.2 Computer Networks 10
1.1.3 Cable Television Networks 17
1.1.4 Wireless Networks 19
1.2 Networking Principles 21
1.2.1 Digitization 21
1.2.2 Economies of Scale 24
1.2.3 Network Externalities 25
1.2.4 Service Integration 26
1.3 Future Networks 27
1.3.1 The Internet 27
1.3.2 Pure ATM Network 29
1.3.3 Cable TV 29
1.3.5 And the Winner Is... 30
1.3.4 Wireless 30
1.4 Summary 32
1.5 Notes 33
1.6 Problems 33
2 Network Services and Layered Architectures 39
2.1 Applications 41
2.1.1 World Wide Web 42
2.1.2 Audio or Video Streams 42
2.1.5 Client/Server 43
2.1.4 Networked Games 43
2.1.3 Voice over Packets and Videoconferences 43
2.2 Traffic Characterization and Quality of Service 44
2.2.1 Constant Bit Rate 45
2.2.2 Variable Bit Rate 46
2.2.3 Messages 46
2.2.4 Other Requirements 47
2.3 Network Services 47
2.3.1 Connection-Oriented Service 48
2.3.2 Connectionless Service 48
2.4.1 Traffic Increase 49
2.4 High-Performance Networks 49
2.4.2 High-Performance 50
2.5 Network Elements 51
2.5.1 Principal Network Elements 51
2.5.2 Network Elements and Service Characteristics 53
2.5.3 Examples 54
2.6 Basic Network Mechanisms 56
2.6.1 Multiplexing 58
2.6.2 Switching 63
2.6.3 Error Control 68
2.6.4 Flow Cntrol 77
2.6.5 Congestion Control 78
2.6.6 Resource Allocation 79
2.7 Layered Architecture 80
2.7.1 Layers 81
2.7.2 Implementation of Layers 82
2.8 Open Data Network Model 86
2.9 Network Architectures 89
2.10 Network Bottlenecks 91
2.13 Problems 93
2.11 Summary 93
2.12 Notes 93
3 Packet-Switched Networks 103
3.1 OSI and IP Models 104
3.1.1 Layer 1:Physical Layer 104
3.1.2 Layer 2:Data Link Layer 105
3.1.3 Sublayer 2a:Media Access Control 106
3.1.4 Sublayer 2b:Logical Link Control 107
3.1.5 Layer 3:Network Layer 109
3.1.6 Layer 4:Transport Layer 110
3.1.7 Layer 5:Session Layer 111
3.1.8 Layer 6:Presentation Layer 112
3.1.9 Layer 7:Application Layer 113
3.1.10 Summary 113
3.2 Ethernet(IEEE 802.3) 114
3.2.1 Physical Layer 115
3.2.2 MAC 118
3.2.3 LLC 121
3.2.4 LAN Interconnection 122
3.3 Token Ring(IEEE 802.5) 127
3.3.1 Physical Layer 128
3.3.2 MAC 128
3.3.3 LLC 130
3.4 FDDI 131
3.5 DQDB 135
3.6 Frame Relay 138
3.7 SMDS 142
3.7.1 Internetworking with SMDS 145
3.8 Summary 147
3.9 Notes 149
3.10 Problems 149
4 The Internet and TCP/IP Networks 155
4.1 The Internet 155
4.2 Overview of Internet Protocols 158
4.3 Internet Protocol 160
4.3.1 IPv4 160
4.3.2 Multicast IP 173
4.3.3 Reliable Multicast 174
4.3.4 Mobile IP 175
4.3.5 IPv6 176
4.4 TCP and UDP 178
4.4.1 Applications 180
4.4.2 FTP 181
4.4.3 SMTP,rlogin,TFTP,and HTTP 182
4.5 Internet Success and Limitation 183
4.6 Performance of TCP/IP Networks 186
4.6.1 Window Adjustment in TCP 186
4.6.2 Suggested Improvements for TCP 188
4.6.3 Suggested Improvements for IP 190
4.6.4 Queuing Algorithms 190
4.6.5 Label Switching 191
4.6.6 Suggested Improvements for Other Protocols 193
4.7 Summary 196
4.8 Notes 197
4.9 Problems 198
5 Circuit-Switched,Networks 205
5.1 Performance of Circuit-Switched Networks 208
5.2 SONET 211
5.2.1 SONET Frame Structure 215
5.3 Dense Wave-Division Multiplexing(DWDM) 223
5.4 Fiber to the Home 225
5.4.1 The Optical Loop Carrier System 225
5.4.2 Passive Optical Networks(PONs) 226
5.4.3 Passive Photonic Loop(PPL) 230
5.4.4 Hybrid Scheme 231
5.5.1 ISDN 232
5.5 Digital Subscriber Line(DSL) 232
5.5.2 ADSL 235
5.6 Intelligent Networks 239
5.6.1 Service Examples 239
5.6.2 Intelligent Network Architecture 241
5.6.3 Functional Components 243
5.7 CATV 244
5.7.1 Layout 245
5.7.2 CATV Layered Network 247
5.7.3 Services over CATV 249
5.7.4 MPEG 250
5.8 Summary 252
5.9 Notes 253
5.10 Problems 254
5 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 257
6.1 Main Features of ATM 258
6.1.1 Connection-Oriented Service 259
6.1.2 Fixed Cell Size 262
6.1.3 Statistical Multiplexing 266
6.1.4 Allocating Resources 267
6.2.1 ATM Addressing 269
6.2 Addressing,Signaling,and Routing 269
6.2.2 Signaling 270
6.2.3 PNNI Routing 272
6.3 ATM Header Structure 277
6.3.1 VCI and VPI 278
6.3.2 Other Fields 280
6.3.3 Reserved VCI/VPI 281
6.4 ATM Adaptation Layer 282
6.4.1 Type 1 283
6.4.3 Type 3/4 284
6.4.4 Type 5 285
6.5 Management and Control 285
6.5.1 Fault Management 287
6.5.2 Traffic and Congestion Control 290
6.5.3 Network Status Monitoring and Configuration 291
6.6.4 User/Network Signaling 292
6.6 BISDN 293
6.7 Internetworking with ATM 294
6.7.1 Multiprotocol Encapsulation over AAL5 295
6.7.2 LAN Emulation over ATM 295
6.7.3 IP over ATM 297
6.7.4 Multiprotocol over ATM(MPOA) 300
6.7.5 FR and SMDS over ATM 301
6.8 Summary 301
6.9 Notes 302
6.10 Problems 303
7 Wireless Networks 305
7.1 Introduction 306
7.1.1 History of Wireless Networks 306
7.1.2 Wireless Data Vision 309
7.1.3 Technical Challenges 312
7.2 The Wireless Channel 315
7.2.1 Path Loss 316
7.2.2 Shadow Fading 317
7.2.3 Multipath Flat-Fading and Intersymbol Interference 318
7.2.4 Doppler Frequency Shift 321
7.2.5 Interference 321
7.2.6 Infrared versus Radio 322
7.2.7 Capacity Limits of Wireless Channels 323
7.3 Link Level Design 324
7.3.1 Modulation Techniques 324
7.3.2 Channel Coding and Link Layer Retransmission 325
7.3.3 Flat-Fading Countermeasures 326
7.3.4 Intersymbol Interference Countermeasures 328
7.4 Channel Access 331
7.4.1 Multiple Access 332
7.4.2 Random Access 334
7.5 Network Design 337
7.5.1 Architecture 337
7.4.3 Spectral Etiquette 337
7.5.2 Mobility Management 339
7.5.3 Network Reliability 340
7.5.4 Internetworking 341
7.5.5 Security 341
7.5.6 A New Paradigm for Wireless Network Design 342
7.6 Wireless Networks Today 343
7.6.1 Ceilular Telephone Systems 344
7.6.2 Cordless Phones 348
7.6.3 Wireless LANs 349
7.6.4 Wide Area Wireless Data Services 351
7.6.5 Paging Systems 352
7.6.6 Satellite Networks 352
7.6.7 Other Wireless Systems and Applications 353
7.7 Future Systems and Standards 354
7.7.1 Wireless LANs 354
7.7.2 Ad Hoc Wireless Networks 355
7.7.3 IMT-2000 356
7.7.4 High-Speed Digital Cellular 357
7.7.5 Fixed Wireless Access 357
7.7.6 HomeRF and Bluetooth 358
7.8 Summary 358
7.9 Notes 359
7.10 Problems 360
8 Control of Networks 363
8.1 Objectives and Methods of Control 364
8.1.1 Overview 365
8.1.2 Control Methods 365
8.1.3 Time Scales 367
8.1.4 Examples 368
8.1.5 Quality of Service 369
8.2 Circuit-Switched Networks 372
8.2.1 Blocking 372
8.2.2 Routing Optimization 374
8.3 Datagram Networks 378
8.3.1 Queuing Model 378
8.3.2 Key Queuing Result 379
8.3.3 Routing Optimization 381
6.4.2 Type 2 383
8.4 ATM Networks 392
8.4.1 Control Problems 393
8.4.2 Dtrerministic Approaches 395
8.4.3 Statistical Procedures 405
8.4.4 Dtrerministic or Statistical? 422
8.5 Summary 424
8.6 Notes 425
8.7 Problems 426
9 Control of Networks:Mathematical Background 431
9.1 Markov Chains 431
9.1.1 Overview 431
9.1.2 Discrete Time 432
9.1.3 Continuous Time 438
9.2.1 Single Switch 443
9.2 Circuit-Switched Networks 443
9.2.2 Network 446
9.3 Datagram Networks 450
9.3.1 M/M/I Queue 450
9.3.2 Discrete-Time Queue 453
9.3.3 Jackson Network 456
9.3.4 Buffer Occupancy for an MMF Source 459
9.3.5 Insensitivity of Blocking Probability 462
9.4 ATM Networks 465
9.4.1 Deterministic Approaches 466
9.4.2 Large Deviations of iid Random Variables 470
9.4.3 Straight-Line Large Deviations 474
9.4.4 Large Deviation of a Queue 475
9.4.5 Bahadur-Rao Theorem 480
9.5 Summary 482
9.7 Problems 483
9.6 Notes 483
10 Network Economics 489
10.1 Derived Demand for Network Services 491
10.1.1 Information Goods 492
10.1.2 Site Rents 493
10.2 Internet Service Providers 494
10.2.1 A Subscriber Demand Model 497
10.2.2 Empirical Evidence 501
10.3 Network Charges:Theory and Practice 504
10.3.1 A Resourec Model 505
10.3.2 Economic Principles 506
10.3.3 Charges in Practice 509
10.3.4 Vulnerability of the Internet 510
10.4 A Billing and Provisioning System for Internet Connections 511
10.4.1 User Experience 512
10.4.2 Demand for Variable Quality 513
10.4.3 The INDEX Billing and Provisioning System 515
10.4.4 Flexibility of INDEX Pricing and Provisioning 517
10.5 Pricing a Single Resource 518
10.5.1 Usasge-Based Prices 520
10.5.2 Congestion Prices 523
10.5.3 Cost Recovery and Optimum Link Capacity 526
10.6 Pricing for ATM Services 528
10.6.1 A Model of ATM Resources and Services 529
10.6.2 Revenue Maximization 533
10.7 Summary 535
10.8 Notes 536
10.9 Problems 536
11 Optical Networks 541
11.1 Optical Links 542
11.1.1 Transmitter 543
11.1.2 Receiver 544
11.1.3 Fiber 546
11.1.4 Subcarrier Multiplexing 554
11.2 WDM Syetems 556
11.3 Optical Cross-Connects 557
11.4 Optical LANs 561
11.4.1 Single-hop LAMs 561
11.4.2 Multihop LANs 563
11.5 Optical Paths and Networks 565
11.5.1 Static Wavelength Assignment 565
11.5.2 Dynamic Wavelength Assignment and Blocking 568
11.5.3 Ring Networks 569
11.5.4 Hierarchical Mesh Networks 570
11.5.5 Optical Networks 571
11.6 Summary 572
11.7 Notes 572
11.8 Problems 573
12 Switching 575
12.1 Switch Performance Measures 576
12.2 Time-and Space-Division Switching 580
12.3 Modular Switch Designs 582
12.4 Packet Switching 588
12.5 Distributed Buffer 593
12.5.1 Impact of Hot spots 596
12.5.2 Input Buffers 598
12.5.3 Combating Hot Spots 601
12.5.4 Multicasting 605
12.6 Shared Buffer 605
12.6.1 Multicasting 607
12.6.2 Queuing Analysis 607
12.7 Output Buffer 608
12.7.1 Multicasting 608
12.7.2 Knockout 609
12.8 Input Buffer 610
12.8.1 HOL Blocking 611
12.8.2 Overcoming HOL Blocking 613
12.8.3 Multicasting 614
12.9 Summary 615
12.10 Notes 616
12.11 Problems 617
13 Toward a Global Multimedia Network 619
13.1 Attributes of the Global Network 620
13.2 Technology Areas 622
13.2.1 Architecture 623
13.2.2 Networking 624
13.2.3 Signal Processing 625
13.2.4 Applications 626
13.3 Challenges 626
13.3.1 Architecture 627
13.3.2 Quality of Service 628
13.3.3 Mobility 632
13.3.4 Heterogeneity 636
13.3.5 Scalability and Configurability 637
13.3.6 Extensibility and Complexity Management 639
13.3.7 Security 641
Bibliography 643
Index 655
8.3.4 Congestion Control 3873
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