英汉翻译手册 增订版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钟述孔著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:9017·894
- 页数:615 页
Chapter Ⅰ.Prerequisites for Translation 1
Section Ⅰ.Importance of Translation 2
Section Ⅱ.Striving to be Both Red Expert 3
*Be Dedicated to Work Good at Learning 3
*Language Proficiency:A Prerequisite 4
*Exposure to a Variety of Linguistic Experiences 4
*Vital Importance of General Knowledge 5
*Basic Training in 3 Essential Aspects 8
*On Daching Oil-Workers Experience 10
Section Ⅰ.The Correct Approach to Translation 10
Chapter Ⅱ.Dialectical-Materialism in Translation 10
*On Yen Fu s 3-Character Guide 11
*Errors Resulting from a Liberal or a Mechan-ical Approach 15
Section Ⅱ.Unity of Content Form 17
*Translation:A Very Complex Process 17
*Accurate Comprehension:Foremost Concern Adequate Representation:Crucial,too 18
*Views of Western Experts 20
*Our Point of View 21
Chapter Ⅲ.Set Our Mind to the Task 22
The Gapcan be Closed 22
*A Chinese word can be used in many different senses 23
SectionⅠAnalysis Handling of Some Familiar Words 23
*An English word can be used in many different senses 27
*Unity of Accurate Comprehension and Adequate Representation 29
Section Ⅱ.Analysis Handling of Proper Nouns Articles 30
*3 Rules on Translation of Proper Names 30
*Cases Wherein the Article is Omitted in E-C Translation 34
*Cases Wherein the Article Has to Be Translated 35
Section Ⅲ. Analysis Handling of Some Idioms 38
*Examples Showing the Rendition of Some Chinese Idioms 38
*Differentiation of the Commendatory Term from the Derogatory 41
*An Earnest Warning 42
*Analysis Handling of Some English Idioms 43
*Translation of Colloquial Expressions 47
*Absorption of New Expressions 49
Chapter Ⅳ.An Analysis of Translation Techniques 53
*We Beg to Differ from Two Groups of People 53
*What is a Good Piece of Translation? 53
*Translation Techniques do Play a Helpful Role 54
*List of 8 Basic Translation Techniques 55
*50-odd Sentences Showing the Usefulness of Translation Techniques 55
Section Ⅰ. Analysis of“Subordination”(“分清主从”) 59
*5 different Cases in which Subordination is called for 59
*Drill on Subordination 65
*In Dealing with Important Expressions 66
Section Ⅱ. Analysis of“Diction”(“选词用字”) 66
*In Dealing with Idiomatic Chinese Expressions 74
*In Dealing with StructuralWords 78
*Wording or Rewording of a Text 82
*Drillon Diction 82
Section Ⅲ.Analysis of“Amplification”(“增益”) 83
*By Supplying Necessary Words to convey 85
Real Meaning(of the Original) 85
*By Supplying Pronouns,etc 88
*By Supplying Necessary Connectives 89
*By Supplying the Required Article in C-E 90
*Drill on Amplification 91
Section Ⅳ.Analysis of“Omission”(“省略法”)in C-E 92
*Omission of the recurring Object 92
*Omission of the recurring Verb ,or Replacement of it by an Auxiliary v 93
*Omission for Better Economy in Words 94
* Repetition as a Stylistic Device Can-not be Dispensed with 95
*Drill on Omission 96
Section Ⅴ.Analysis of“Conversion”(“转换”) 97
*Vv.Converted into nn.(in C-E) 98
*Adjj.or Advv.Converted into nn.(in C-E) 101
in C-E 102
*Adverbials Converted into Adj.Clauses 102
*The Active Converted into the Passive 103
*The Wide Use of the Passive in English 104
*Drillon Conversion 105
Section Ⅵ.Analysis of“Inversion”(“词序调整”)in C-E 107
*Natural Order in Address,Designation,etc.(in English) 107
*Natural Order of Adverbials(in C-E) 108
*Negative Inversion 109
*Order Inverted to Avoid Anti-Climax 110
*Order Inverted to Ensure Clarity 112
*Wrong Word Order Creates Confusion 112
*Drill on Inversion 114
Section Ⅶ.Analysis of“Negation”(“正说反译,反说正译”) 115
* Peculiarities in Negation 115
*The Affirmative vs.the Negative 116
*The Use of English Words with Negative Implication 119
*The Use of Double Negative for Emphasis 124
*Drill on Negation 125
Section Ⅷ.Analysis of“Division”(“长句拆译”)in C-E 126
*5 Cases Wherein“Division”(in C-E)is usu.necessary and desirable 127
*Drill on Division 132
Section Ⅸ.Question of“Translatability or Untranslatability 134
Section Ⅰ.C-E Translation Techniques Appli-cable to E-C 140
Chapter Ⅴ.Applicability of C-E Translation Tech- 140
niques to E-C 140
* Omission in C-Evs. Amplification in E-C 141
1. Subordination in E-C 143
* Subordination not to be Employed in Isolation 145
2. Diction inE-C 146
*Be Mindful of Collocation in Chinese 146
*Absorption of New English Expressions 148
*Vital Importance of TERMINOLOGY 149
3. Amplification in E-C 152
*5 Cases in which Amplification is usu.called for 152
4. Omission in E-C 156
*6 Cases in which Omission is usu.called for 157
5. Conversion in E-C 160
*Nouns in Eng.Converted into Verbs in Chinese 161
*Adjj.,Prepp.,or Prepositional Phrases usu.Converted into Vv.in Chinese 161
*The Passive Converted into the Active 163
6. Inversion in E-C 163
*SubordinateClauses usu.Placed Before the Principal Clause 164
*Cases involving an Adverbial which in effect means a clause 164
*Cases involving a that- Clause which 165
is too long 165
7. Negation in E-C 167
*Grasp the Real Meaning from the Context 168
* Implied Double Negative 169
8. Division in E-C 171
*A Careful Analysis from 3 different angles 173
*A few Rules to go by 173
*Drill on E-C Translation Techniques 180
*Drill on Over-Worked Expressions 183
Section Ⅱ Analysis Handling of News-Items from Western Press 185
*Features of Western Press Reports 185
*A typical content-packed sentence 187
*Usefuluess of reading Western newspapers and periodicals 189
*There are Better types of Newspaper English 189
*On Sources quoted by Western reporters 190
*Component Parts of a News-Item 192
*The Label lead;the Summary lead;the Main Fact lead;the Combined lead 193
*On Translation of News-Items from Western press 195
*Drills on Translation ofWestern News-Items 198
Section Ⅲ.Methods of Analysis in the Handl-ing of Difficult Sentences in E-C 200
*Accurate Comprehension:the Basis 200
*The Useful Stepsto Takein E-C: A 3-fold Analysis 201
*Analysis of 3 difficult Paragraphs 202
*Analysis of an Article to be translated 207
*Language Phenomena— Organically connected with,dependent on and determined by,each other ,too 214
Chapter Ⅵ.Genuine Knowledge Comes from Practice 215
Section Ⅰ.Analysis of E-C Passage Trans-lation 30 E-C Exx 215
*Translation of a piece of Prose 216
*Translation of Press Commentaries 219
*Translation of Very Formal English(in Documents) 226
*Translation of texts on Legal Matters 239
*Scientific Register 244
*Translation of texts on Scientific Technological Matters 245
*On Translation of Classical English 258
* Of Studies by F.Bacon 259
*A Chinese version in classical style 261
*3 Points for Reference 262
*E-C Translation:A Brief Summary 263
*30 E-C Exx.for Independent Work 264
Section Ⅱ. Analysis of C-E Passage Translation 30 C-E Exx 322
* Foreigners are Not Chinese. 322
* Discourse Analysis ,Essential 323
* Form be appropriate to the Occasion 325
*2 different versions to suit a formal an informal occasion respectively 325
*Examples of Application of translation techniques to passage-translation 328
*Analysis of an Article in C-E 331
*Translation of texts on Political and Economic Matters respectively 336
*More on a Translator s Continuing Process of Learning 345
*On Translation of Classical Chinese 348
*Comprehension:One Cannot be Too Careful 349
*Representation:A Multi-Dimensional Affair 353
*Summary of C-E Passage Translation 362
*30 C-E Exx.for Independent Work 364
Chapter Ⅶ.KEY to Drills Exercises 409
*List of KEY to Translation Exx 409
(Ⅰ) KEY to the 25 Drills on Sentence Trans-lation 412
(Ⅱ)KEY to 30 E-C Translation Exx 439
(Ⅲ)KEY to 30 C-E Translation Exx 485
Appendix 1:Table on E-C Transliteration 552
Appendix 2:Models for Notices,Invitations,Letters,Diplomatic Notes,etc 554
*Practical Writing 554
*On the Form of Diplomatic Notes 572
*Samples of Personal Note 574
*Samples of Note Verbale 577
*Additional Exx.On Practical Writing 582
*Additional Exx.On Diplomatic Notes 584
Appendix 3:Terms Relating to Conferences Documents 590
Appendix 4:Romanization of Chinese Names 598
of Persons and Places 598
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