- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钟述孔著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:1984
- ISBN:90220·13
- 页数:501 页
Ⅱ.The Two Most Widely-Used Forms of Interpretation 2
Ⅲ.Prerequisites for Interpretation 4
Ⅳ.Basic Qualities Required of the Interpreter 7
Ⅴ.Dialectical-Materialism in Interpretation:“Unity ofAccuracy and Smoothness”is Our Goal 10
Ⅵ.Genuine Knowledge Comes from Practice 12
PART TWO:STEPPING-STONE TO COMPETENCYIN CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETATIONChapter 1:Familiarity with the Structure of SpokenEnglishⅠ.Stressing 14
Ⅱ.Pronunciation 15
Ⅲ.Intonation 17
Ⅳ.Rhythm 19
Ⅴ.Word Order 20
Reading Aloud:Drills 1 and 2 21
Chapter 2:Familiarity with“Polite Forms”in English—Interpret the following 80 sentencesSection 1:Asking Favours 24
Section 2:Complaining 25
Section 3:Apologizing 26
Section 5:Polite Orders 27
Section 4:Polite Refusal 27
Section 6:Expressing Disapproval or Objection 28
Chapter 3:“Constant Exposure”is of Vital ImportanceSection 1:Our Strong Points and Weak Points 30
Section 2:Recognizing and Using the Correct“Levels”of English 31
Section 3:Absorption of Knowledge and UsefulExpressions 35
3 Relevant Exercises 36
Ⅱ.Distinguish the“Commendatory Term”from“theDerogatory Term” 40
Chapter 4:Proper Handling of Idioms—Three“Rules”to Go ByⅠ.Render the Meaning,not mere“Words”,in thelight of the Context 40
Ⅲ.Do Not Misuse Foreign Idioms in Interpreting 41
Chapter 5:Note-Taking in InterpretingSection 1:Two Special Features 44
Section 2:Some Practical Hints 46
Section 3:Practising Note-Taking—Interpreting“Pro-cedural Brief”for Meetings(E—C andC—E) 48
Chapter 6:The Interpreting of“Figures”Section 1:Some Practical Difficulties for Chinese Inter-preters 54
(Ⅰ)Two Significant Points 55
Section 2:Practice Makes Perfect 55
(Ⅱ)Possible“Signs”to be Used 56
Interpreting“Figures” 57
PART THREE:PRACTISING CONSECUTIVEINTERPRETATION ON VARIOUS THEMESChapter 7:Features of PART THREE and the Basicsof Interpretation TechniquesSection 1:Basic Features of the 9 Chapters in PARTTHREE 65
Section 2:On the Basics of“Interpretation Tech-niques” 66
Section 3:Weighing“C—E and E—C”,“Consecu-tive”and“Simultaneous” 68
Chapter 8:Protocol RoutineBackground Notes(1 and 2) 72
Meeting a Foreign Guest at the Airport 74
Making Appointment 76
Chapter 9:Weather And Dinner PartiesBackground Notes(1 and 2) 86
Talking about the Weather 88
Entertaining Guests at Dinner 91
More Dialogues for Consecutive Interpretation 94
Chapter 10:On China s AgricultureBackground Notes(1 to 3) 100
In a Commune Reception Room 104
Discussion on Policy Matters 107
At the Reception Room of the Dragon-Well Brigade 110
Chapter 11:Visiting Places of InterestBackground Notes(on History and Geography ofChina and on Tourism) 116
A Brief Introduction to Beijing 121
Sightseeing Trip to the Great Wall and Ming Tombs 123
Touring the Summer Palace 127
Guilin to Yangshuo by Boat 130
Hangzhou,the Famous Chinese Lake City 131
Chapter 12:Day-To-Day Conversation In Diplomatic Serv-iceBackground Notes(1 to 3) 136
Asking the Foreign Office for Help 139
On Overseas Chinese 141
Expressing Regret and Lodging Protest 142
Exchange of Views on Disarmament 144
A Speech on Current International Issues 146
Chapter 13:On International Economic Relations andForeign TradeBackground Notes(1 to 3) 152
One Session of the Trade Talks 156
Talking about Shipping Documents 159
Exchanging for Chinese Money(at a hotel bank) 160
Conversation On Income Tax Concerning Foreign En-terprises 162
Conversation with a U.S.Businessman 164
Another Round of Trade Talks 167
Chapter 14:On China s IndustriesBackground Notes(1 to 3) 169
An Introduction to a Machinery Factory 176
Discussion at a Factory Reception Room 177
A“Casual Dialogue”between Two Foreign Visitors 179
Introducing a Cotton Mill 181
Further Discussion with a Foreign Guest 183
Chapter 15:Theatre-Going and Discussion On Art andLiteratureBackground Notes(1 to 3) 185
Going to a Concert 188
Theatre-Going 191
After Seeing the Play 193
On Chinese Acrobatics 195
Discussion on Art and Literature 196
Chapter 16:Visiting a Division of PLA and Discus-sion on Related MattersBackground Notes(1 and 2) 200
A Brief Account of the History of Division 196 203
Discussion at the Divisional Headquarters 204
Visiting Regiment 587 206
Viewing Various Items of Military Training 209
Talk by a Visiting Ex-Pilot from the U.S 212
PART FOUR:STEPPING-STONE TO COMPETENCYIN SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATIONChapter 17:Professional Ethics and EvaluationSection 1:On the“Professional Ethics” 215
Section 2:On the Professional Evaluation 216
Chapter 18:Basics of Simultaneous-Interpretation Tech-niqueSection 1:Striking a Proper Balance between Listeningand Speaking 220
Section 2:Rendering the Idea,not mere“Words” 221
Section 3:Keeping the Situation under Control 223
Section 4:Always Analysing the“Peculiarities”ofTransference 225
Section 5:Always Trying to be Dialectical inApproach 230
Section 6:Samples Showing Application of Basic Si-multaneous-Interpretation Techniques 240
A Sample Speech for Simultaneous Interpreting 241
PART FIVE:PRACTISING SIMULTANEOUSINTERPRETATIONChapter 19:Genuine Knowledge Comes from PracticeSection 1:The Training Must be Severely Practical 247
Section 2:Setting a Higher Demand on Ourselves 249
Section 3:Features of Exercises in PART FIVE andSuggested“Procedure to be Followed” 251
Chapter 20:Exx.on Useful Expressions Relating toMeetingsSimultaneous Interpretation of“Stock-Phrases” 254
Simultaneous Interpretation of Procedural Matters 257
Exercising“Right of Reply”(C—E) 259
Speech in Explanation of Vote(C—E) 260
Chapter 21:Speeches,ete.On Political and SecurityMattersAgenda Item:The Situation in the Occupied ArabTerritories 261
The Politics of Disarmament 264
Speeches by Chinese Representative 265
Chapter 22:On Economic MattersSpeech by Barbados 268
Speech on North-South Relations 270
Speech by Chinese Delegate(C—E) 273
Speech by Chinese Representative(C—E) 274
Chapter 23:Speeches,etc.On Scientific MattersRole of Science and Technology in Development 276
A Talk on Computers 278
Speech by Chinese Representative(C—E) 281
Uses of Atoms(C—E) 282
Chapter 24:Legal Matters Relating to UN ActivitiesMain Contents of Provisional Agenda 284
Explanation of 3 Agenda Items 287
On International Terrorism(C—E) 291
Speech of Head of the Chinese Delegation on CrimePrevention 292
PART SIX:KEY TO THE INTERPRETATIONEXERCISESChapter 25:Strive for COMPETENCY both in CON-SECUTIVE and in SIMULTANEOUSAbout the“KEY”and the Professional Training ofConference Interpreters 302
KEY to Interpretation Exercises 304
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