建筑史论文集 第13辑PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张复合主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7302000735
- 页数:245 页
怀念良师莫宗江先生 楼庆西 1
Cherishing the Memory of Prof. Muo Zongjiang Lou Qingxi 1
名城成都历史文化遗产保护与展现的基本构想 郑小明 5
Essential Conceptions on Conservation and Showing of Chengdu s Cultural and Historic Heritage Zheng Xiaoming 5
成都市老皇城坝区历史演变及现状分析 杨小奕 29
Studies on History and Present of the Downtown of Chengdu City Yang Xiaoyi 29
清末四川与日本的交往之研究——留日的铁路留学生、雇佣日本技术者与成都“辛亥秋保路死事纪念碑” 徐苏斌 46
A Study on the Exchanging between Sichuan and Japan at the End of Qing Dynasty——Chinese Railway Students Leamed in Japan,Japanese Engineers in China and“the Monument to Safeguard the Right of Chuan-Han Railway in the Autumn of 1911” Xu 46
中国古代园林序说 徐伯安 62
The Expounding in Times of Chinese Antiquity Garden Xu Boan 62
关于北宋东京艮岳范围的探讨 朱育帆 91
Study to the Boundary of Genyue Garden in Kaifeng City in North Song Dynasty Zhu Yufan 91
对北魏洛阳永宁寺塔的复原研究 张驭寰 102
A Restored Picture of Yongning Buddhist Pagoda in Luoyang of Northem Wei Dynasty Zhang Yuhuan 102
《营造法式》研究札记——论“以中为法”的模数构成 张十庆 111
The Study on Yingzao Fashi——About the Form of Modulus Yizhong weifa” Zhang Shiqing 111
Commentary on the Extant Gaos Archives of Construction-Cost -Control Office in Late Qing Dynasty Liu Chang 119
清代晚期算房高家档案述略 刘畅 119
Architects and Architecture in Yongzuo Temple--to Memory the Temple for 400 Anniversary Jin Zhiqiang 125
永祚寺的建筑与建筑师——纪念永祚寺建寺四百周年 金志强 125
The Acoustics Measurement and Analysis of De Heyuan Opera in Summer Palace Luo Deyin Qin youguo 133
颐和园德和园大戏楼音质测定及初步分析 罗德胤 秦佑国 133
Meeditation on Built Time Condusion of Vemacatar Architectare Lou Qingxi 139
关于乡土建筑年代鉴定的思考 楼庆西 139
The Space Type,Composition and Construction of Cave Dwelling Li Qiuxiang 149
窑洞民居的类型布局及建造 李秋香 149
“Sharawadgi”——A Riddle between Chinese and Westem Gardening Zhao Chen 158
“Sharawadgi --中西方造园景观学说之间的迷雾 赵辰 158
The Impression of Chinese architecture Aesthetics Xiao Mo 164
读《中国建筑美学》 萧默 164
The Further Perspective of Architecture Remark Song Jianhua 168
建筑评论深层观 宋建华 168
Facing the Changes during the Past Two Decades——Meditations on Declining Phenomena and Revival Possibilities of the Plaza and Huacheng Temple,Jiuhua Mountain Shan Deqi Fan Xiaopeng 176
放生池边二十年——九华山化城寺广场衰落现象和复兴途径的思考 单德启 范霄鹏 176
The Thoughts of Design of New Leifeng Pagoda Guo Daiheng 187
雷峰新塔设计理念的思考 郭黛姮 187
Leifeng Pagoda and Restoration of Historic Building Lu Zhou 195
从雷峰塔的重建谈历史建筑的复原问题 吕舟 195
Study on Presenation of Yuanmingyuan Ruins LuJia 205
关于圆明园遗址保护 鲁佳 205
The Renewal and Conservation of the Second Gate at the Printing Bureau of former Finance Department Zhang Fuhe 213
原财政部印刷局中卫门翻建保护 张复合 213
Human Culture, Geography, Traditional Architecture in Southeast-Asian Countries Mei Qing 221
人文·地理·东南亚岛国传统建筑 梅青 221
Abstracts 228
英文提要 228
Appendix 1 Subject of the Dissertations for the Master Degree in Department of Architecture,Southeast University(1983—1999) 233
附录1 东南大学建筑系硕士学位研究生论文目录(1983—1999) 233
Appendix 2 Subject of the Dissertations for the Doctor Degree in Department of Architecture,Southeast University(1989—1998) 244
附录2 东南大学建筑系博士学位研究生论文目录(1989—1998) 244
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