Unit1.Money exchange 1
Dialogue1:Money exchange 1
Dialogue2:Unconvertible money 6
Dialogue3:Forgery confiscated. 11
Dialogue4:Change money back 16
Supplcmcntary Vocabulary 19
Unit2.Money deposit and withdrawal 22
Dialogue1:Deposit 22
Dialogue2:Withdrawing before the maturity date 30
Supplementary Vocabulary 35
Dialogue1:Inward remittance 37
Unit 3.Remittance 37
Dialogue2:Outward remittance 42
Dialogue3:Supplementary Vocabulary 47
Unit4.Traveler's cheques 48
Dialogue1:Cashing traveller's cheques 48
Dialogue2:Forgerting to bring the passpotr when cashing traveller's cheques. 59
Dialogue3:Claiming refund for lost Traveller's cheques 63
Dialogue4:Cashing a check 71
Supplementary Vocabulary 74
Unit5.Credit card 75
Dialogue:Cash with a credit card 75
Dialogue:What is a credit card? 79
Dialogue:Operation of a credit card 92
Supplementary Vocabulary 101
Uint6.Draft 102
Dialogue1:Documentary collections 102
Dialogue2:Clean Draft 108
Supplementary Vocabulary 111
Unit7.L/C 113
Dialogue1: L/C 113
Dialogue2:Operation of L/C 123
Dialogue3:Apply for an L/C 131
Dialogue4:Forms ofL/C 137
Dialogue5:Reciprocal L/Cand back-to-back L/C 147
Dialogue6:Preventing potential loss in transaction by means of L/C 156
Dialogue7:Application for an L/C 161
Supplementary Vocabulary 165
Unit8.Housing mortgage 169
Dialogue1:Applying mortgage for an apartment 169
Dialogue2:About housing mortgage 173
Dialogue3:Difference between the usual mortgage and housing mortagage 178
Supplementary Vocabulary 182
Unit9.Renting a safe deposit box 183
Dialogue1:Renting a Safe Deposit Box 183
Supplementary Vocabulary 188
Unit10.Functions of the Central bankl 189
Dialogue1:Functions of the central bank 189
Supplementary Vocabulary 198
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