无敌英语词组 高中版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴霈锦主编;郑天生撰文
- 出 版 社:北京:海豚出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7801381297
- 页数:335 页
目录 13
A 13
a few 13
a great deal of 14
a great many 15
a handful of 16
a kind of 17
a length of 18
a little 19
a lot of 19
a moment later 20
a pair of 21
a piece of 21
according to 22
above all 22
add…to 23
after a(short)while 24
after all 24
again and again 25
agree to do sth 26
all day 27
all one's life 27
all over the world 28
all sorts of 28
all the best 29
all the year round 29
and so on 30
apart from 31
arrive at/in place 32
as a matter of fact 33
as/so far as 34
as if 35
as well 36
as well as 36
ask…for 37
at a time 38
at breakfast 39
at dawn/noon/night 40
at last 40
at least 41
at one time 42
at one's own expense 42
at present 43
at sea 43
at the bottom(of) 44
at the end(of) 45
at the mercy of 45
at the most 46
at the same time 47
at times 47
(a)waste of time 48
B 49
be able to do sth 49
be about to 50
be after 50
be angry with 51
be anxious about 51
be busy with 52
be famous for 53
be familiar with 53
be fit for 54
be fond of 55
be in hospital 55
be in love with 56
be made up of 57
be popular with 58
be proud of 58
be related to 59
be rich in 60
be seated 60
be uncertain about 61
be used to 62
before long 63
beat to death 63
beg one's pardon 64
begin with 64
believe in 65
belong to 66
blow away 66
break away from 67
break down 67
break into 68
break off 69
break out 69
break the rule(s) 70
break up 70
bring down 71
bring on 72
bring in 72
bring up 73
burn down 73
burn…to the ground 74
by accident 74
by mistake 75
by sea 75
by the side of 76
C 77
call at(a place) 77
call back 77
call for 78
call in 78
care for 79
call on 79
carry off 80
carry on 80
carry out 81
catch fire 82
change…for 82
change…into 83
change one's mind 83
check out 84
clean up 84
clear away 85
clear up 85
close to 86
come about 87
come across 87
come up 88
come true 88
compare to 89
compare with 89
connect with 90
consider…as 90
cut off 91
cut through 92
cut up 92
D 93
date from 93
day after day 93
day and night 94
day by day 94
deal with 95
depend on 96
department store 96
devote to 97
die…of 97
die…out 98
divide…into 98
divide…up 99
do(a)good deed 100
do sb.a favour 100
do the deed 101
do well(in) 102
do wrong 102
dozens of 103
dream of 103
drop in 104
due to 104
end up 105
E 105
earn one's living 105
enjoy oneself 106
even if 107
F 107
face to face 107
fall ill 108
fall in love with 108
fall over 109
fall to pieces 110
far from 110
feel like doing 111
first of all 111
fix a time for 112
fix a date for 112
fix up 113
for a while 113
for ever 114
for one thing 114
free of change 115
from generation to generation 116
from time to time 116
G 117
generally speaking 117
get away 117
get down to 118
get dressed 118
get in touch(with) 119
get married 120
get into the habit of 120
get off 121
get through 122
get together 122
give a talk 123
give back 123
give birth to 124
give in 125
give off 125
give up 126
go against 126
go ahead 127
go bad 128
go off 128
go up 129
go on with 129
H 130
hand down 130
hand in 131
hand in hand 131
hand out 132
have a gift for 133
have a nice time 133
have a nice trip 134
have a seat 135
havee a talk with 135
have a test 136
have a word with 137
have an effect on 137
have on 138
have to do with 139
hear about 140
heart and soul 140
help…out 141
here and there 142
hold on 142
hold one's breath 143
hold out 143
hold up 144
hot spring 145
human being 145
in a flash 146
in a hurry 146
I 146
in a short time 147
in actual fact 148
in all 148
in battle 149
in charge of 150
in common 150
in danger 151
in debt 151
in honour of 152
in modern times 153
in need of 153
in one's opinion 154
in order that 154
in order to 155
in peace 156
in other words 156
in place 157
in praise of 157
in public 158
in(one's)seach for 159
in search of 159
in silence 160
in space 160
in that case 161
in(the)future 162
in the hope of 162
in the past 163
in this way 163
insist on 164
instead of 165
J 166
join in 166
join up 166
K 167
keep a record(of) 167
keep fit 167
keep in touch with 168
keep off 168
keep on doing sth 169
keep one's balance 170
keep silent 171
keep up 171
key figure 172
lead to 173
L 173
lead a simple life 173
learn by heart 174
leave out 174
let…in 175
live on 176
long before 176
look back upon 177
look down upon 178
look forward to 178
look out 179
look round(=look around) 180
lose heart 180
lose one's life 181
make a decision 182
lose one's sight 182
M 182
make a good effort 183
make a plan for 183
make a promise 184
make(a)record 185
make a speech 185
make an effort 186
make a ends meet 186
make fun of 187
make progress 187
make sense 188
make sure of 189
make up 190
make…to one's own measure 190
make up one's mind 191
make use of 192
masses of 192
more or less 193
mouth to mouth 194
move on 195
N 195
no doubt 195
no more than 196
not…any more 197
now and then 198
now that 198
of one's own 199
O 199
official lauguage 200
on average 200
on board 201
on fire 202
on holiday 202
on one's own 203
on the point of 204
on the radio 204
once again 205
once in a while 205
once upon a time 206
one after another 207
one another 207
open up 208
or so 209
or else 209
ought to 210
out of breath 211
out of one's reach 211
out of work 212
over and over again 212
P 213
pass on 213
pay a visit 214
pay attention to 214
pay back 215
pay for(sth.) 216
pay off 217
pick out 217
pick up 218
play a part in 219
play a trick on 220
play the piano 220
play the role 221
play with 222
point out 222
point to 223
post office 224
prevent from 225
pull up from 226
push over 226
put away 227
put down 227
put in prison 228
put on 228
put out 230
R 231
rather than 231
pull out of 231
refer to 232
remind somebody of 233
right away 234
right now 234
ring back 235
roll over 236
round up 236
run out of 237
rush hours 238
say hello/hi to 239
scores of 239
S 239
see sb.off 240
see sb.to 240
send away 241
send out 242
send up 242
sentence to 243
set an example 244
set fire to 245
set free 245
set off 246
set…on fire 247
set sail 248
set up 248
show off 250
shout at 250
show somebody around 251
sit down 252
so as to 252
so long as 253
so that 253
sooner or later 254
spare time 255
speak to 256
speed up 256
spend…on 257
stand for 258
stare at 259
start doing sth 259
stay up 260
stick to 261
stop…from 262
struggle against 262
succeed in 263
such as 264
suffer from 265
suit…to 265
T 266
take a look at 266
take a photograph of 266
take a rest 267
take along 268
take an action 268
take an interest in 269
take…by surprise 270
take away 270
take charge(of) 271
take down 271
take…in one's arm 272
take it easy 272
take(have)medicine 273
take off 273
take on 274
take one's time 275
take part in 275
take place 276
take possession of 276
take pride in 277
take the place of 278
take sides 278
take up 279
take up arms 280
talk about 280
teach oneself 281
tear down 282
tell a lie 282
tell sb.about sth 283
thanks to 284
the more…the 284
the other day 285
the others 285
think about 286
throw at 287
throw away 287
to be honest 288
time and time again 288
to one's astonishment 289
to one's delight 290
to one's joy 290
to one's surprise 291
to the point 292
too…to 292
transtale…into 293
try on 294
try out 294
turn away 295
turn green 295
turn…into 296
turn off 297
turn over 298
turn up 299
U~Y 300
up and down 300
use one's head 300
very much 301
wait for 301
wake up 302
wear ou 303
with one's help 303
work on 304
work out 304
worry about 305
write down 306
write to 306
year after year 307
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