- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李瑞扬主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560314511
- 页数:354 页
Part Ⅰ Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1
1.1 Definition of a Fluid and Classification of Fluid Flow 1
1.2 Historical Development of Fluid Mechanics 6
1.3 The Characteristics of Fluids 11
1.4 Scope Significance and Trend of Fluid Mechanics 15
1.5 The Principles of Fluid Machines 21
1.6 Turbulent Flow 24
1.7 Flow of Gas Through a Nozzle 28
Part Ⅱ Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 33
2.1 Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics 33
2.2 Thermodynamic Systems 38
2.3 General Characteristics of Heat Transfer 41
2.4 Necessity of Studying Heat Transfer 44
2.5 Conduction 49
2.6 Natural Convection 53
2.7 Radiation 57
Part Ⅲ Fuels and Combustion 61
3.1 Heat of Combustion 61
3.2 Oil and Gas 65
3.3 Fuel-ash 71
3.4 The Mechanisms of Gaseous Fuels Combustion 76
3.5 The Combustion of Liquid Fuels and Solid Fuels 81
3.6 Nuclear Fuels 87
Part Ⅳ Refrigeration and Airconditioning 91
4.1 The Ideal Basic Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle 91
4.2 Refrigerant Evaporators 96
4.3 Refrigeration 99
4.4 Absorption Heat Pumps 103
4.5 Comfort and Discomfort 107
4.6 Compressor Failure 111
4.7 Operation and Maintenance of the Airconditioning Plant 115
5.1 Boilers 120
Part Ⅴ Boiler 120
5.2 Stokers 126
5.3 Boiler Circulation 131
5.4 Fossil-fuel Boilers for Electric Utilities 137
5.5 Spreader Stoker 142
5.6 Economizers and Air Heaters 148
5.7 Selection of Coal-burning Equipment 154
5.8 Oil and Gas Burning Equipment 161
5.9 Draft 166
5.10 Gas and Fuel Oil-fired Furnaces 170
6.1 Steam Turbine 174
Part Ⅵ Turbine 174
6.2 Gas Turbine 180
6.3 Compressor 188
6.4 Gas Turbine Plants 191
6.5 Types of Turbines 196
6.6 Current Practice and Trends of Turbine 202
6.7 The Modern Steam Power Plant 206
6.8 Wind Turbines 214
Part Ⅶ Environmental Protection,Corrosion and Others 220
7.1 Ash Removal and Disposal 220
7.2 Oil-ash Corrosion 225
7.3 Control of Pollutant Gases 232
7.4 Fans 238
7.5 Stokers 243
7.6 History of Steam Generation and Use 248
7.7 Steam Separation 253
7.8 Pulverizers 259
7.9 Steam Application 265
7.10 Air Pollution 270
参考译文 273
流体的定义和流体流动的分类(1.1) 273
流体力学发展史(1.2) 275
热力系统的基本概念(2.1) 277
导热(2.5) 279
自然对流(2.6) 281
燃料嫩烧的机理(3.4) 282
液体燃料的燃烧(3.5) 284
核燃料(3.6) 286
理想的基本蒸气压缩制冷循环(4.1) 288
吸收式热泵(4.4) 290
压缩机故障(4.6) 292
空调设备的运行和维修(4.7) 293
锅炉水循环(5.3) 296
电力公用事业电站燃用矿物燃料的锅炉(5.4) 300
燃油燃气锅炉炉膛设计(5.10) 302
汽轮机(6.1) 304
燃气轮机(6.2) 306
除灰及灰的处理(7.1) 311
油灰腐蚀(7.2) 313
蒸气的发生和应用的历史(7.6) 317
附录一 常用缩写词 320
附录二 常用计量单位换算 349
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