Section A-Molecular genetics 1
A1 DNA structure 1
A2 Genes 6
Preface 8
A3 The genetic code 10
A4 Gene transcription 13
A5 Transfer RNA 21
A6 Ribosomal RNA 25
A7 Messenger RNA 29
A8 Translation 35
A9 DNA replication 43
A10 Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes 49
A11 Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes 56
B1 Chromosomes 63
Section B-Genomes 63
B2 Cell division 72
B3 Prokaryotic genomes 75
B4 The human genome 80
B5 DNA mutation 86
B6 Mutagens and DNA repair 92
B7 Recombination 99
B8 Bacteriophages 106
B9 Eukaryotic viruses 112
Section C-Mechanisms of inheritance 119
C1 Basic Mendelian genetics 119
C2 More Mendelian genetics 126
C3 Meiosis and gametogenesis 134
C4 Linkage 141
C5 Transfer of genes between bacteria 148
C6 Genes in eukaryotic organelles 155
C7 Quantitative inheritance 159
C8 Sex determination 169
C9 Sex and inheritance 174
C10 Somatic cell fusion 177
C11 Inbreeding 183
C12 Probabilities 188
C13 Tests for goodness of fit: chi-square and exact tests 193
Section D-Population genetics and evolution 199
D1 Introduction 199
D2 Evolution by natural selection 203
D3 Genes in populations: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 210
D4 Genetic diversity 218
D5 Neo-Darwinian evolution selection acting on alleles 223
D6 Chromosome changes in evolution 228
D7 Species and speciation 239
D8 Polyploidy 246
D9 Evolution 251
Section E-Recombinant DNA technology 259
E1 Nucleic acid hybridization 259
E2 DNA cloning 264
E3 Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) 274
E4 DNA sequencing 278
Section F-Applications of genetics 283
F1 Genetic diseases 283
F2 Genes and cancer 293
F3 Genotoxicity testing 298
F4 Gene therapy 302
F5 The human genome project 306
F6 Genetics in forensic science 313
F7 Genetic engineering and blotechnology 321
Further reading 331
Index 335
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