- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:夏国芳,王承康编著
- 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7305026654
- 页数:318 页
1.The Anniversary 1
2.Turning Failure into Success 5
3.Large - Scale Projects in the Japan of Today 10
4.“J.F.K” 17
5.The Jeaning of America —and the World 21
6.Marie Curie and Radium(Ⅰ) 26
7.Marie Curie and Radium(Ⅱ) 30
8.Grasping Proof of Black Hole Theory 34
9.Superconductivity and Robots 39
10.On Friendship 46
11.A Two-Million-Dollar Pearl 52
12.Career Charisma 59
13.How the World s First Atomic Bomb Was Born 65
14.Throwing a Flying Bridge 71
15.The Mystery of Genius(Ⅰ) 76
16.The Mystery of Genius(Ⅱ) 81
17.My Friend, Albert Einstein 86
18.An Ambassador Abroad 93
19.When the Great White Shark Bites(Ⅰ) 98
20.When the Great White Shark Bites(Ⅱ) 104
21.Take a Lesson from the Economists 109
22.The Throwaway Tail 114
23.The Honest Repairman - A Vanishing American? 120
24.The Language of High Tech(Ⅰ) 126
25.The Language of High Tech(Ⅱ) 131
26.A Sense of Where You Are 136
27.Science with a Human Face 141
28.What Went Wrong? 146
29.Sandman 154
30.Miracle Boy of Sierra Vista(Ⅰ) 160
31.Miracle Boy of Sierra Vista(Ⅱ) 165
32.Nature s Incredible Night Show 171
33.Work and Life in Space(Ⅰ) 178
34.Work and Life in Space(Ⅱ) 184
35.Slowing Down the Sands of Time(Ⅰ) 190
36.Slowing Down the Sands of Time(Ⅱ) 195
37.Drugs and Music: A Modest Proposal 199
38.The Well-Connected Home Office 204
39.Stalking Stealth Viruses 211
40.Work and Play 219
41.Dancing for the Earth(Ⅰ) 224
42.Dancing for the Earth(Ⅱ) 230
43.Other Worldly Weather 236
44.Prime Time for Videoconferences(Ⅰ) 244
45.Prime Time for Videoconferences(Ⅱ) 250
46.Discovering the Art in Science(Ⅰ) 255
47.Discovering the Art in Science(Ⅱ) 262
48.Gene Therapy — Medicine s New Frontier(Ⅰ) 268
49.Gene Therapy — Medicine s New Frontier(Ⅱ) 274
50.Gene Therapy — Medicine s New Frontier(Ⅲ) 280
Key to the Exercises 285
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