英语阅读步步高 初级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:任文阁主编
- 出 版 社:长沙:国防科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7810245864
- 页数:302 页
寓言故事 1
The Crab and Its Mother 1
Tit for Tat 2
Hot and Cold 4
The Cat and the Cock 5
The Fisherman 6
The Nightingale 8
The Woman and Her Hen 9
The Farmer and the Snake 11
“I”or “We”? 12
The Story of a Dog and a Baker 13
The Fox and the Hen 14
It Is Abusrd to Ape 16
Two Horses Are More Powerful 17
The Gnat on the Bull s Horn 18
The Ass and the Grasshopper 19
A Dog in the Manger 20
The Fox and the Cock 22
A Fiend s Advice 23
A Coward Hunter 24
The Tortoise and the Eagle 26
The Hare and the Hound 27
The Boy and the Wolf 28
The Thieves and the Cock 30
The Old Man and the Donkey 31
The Lion ,the Fox and the Ass 33
The Cat and the Mice 35
The Crow and the Pitcher 37
The Stray Dogs 38
The Hen and the Swallow 40
The Eagle and the Fox 42
The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs 43
The Ass ,the Ox and the Birds 47
The Dogs and the Cook 48
The Bat and the Weasels 49
The Fox and the Cicada 52
The Cat and the Fox 54
Doctor Wolf 55
The Camel and the Fly 57
The Dog ,the Cock and the Fox 59
The Mouse 61
The Wild Apple-tree 62
A Greedy Monkey 63
The Fox Without a tail 65
The Mouse ,the Cat and the Cock 67
The Wolf and the Crane 69
Stone Broth 71
The Mouse and the Bull 72
The Fox and the Tiger 74
The Horse and the Dog 75
The Two Asses 77
The Farmer and His Sons 78
The Wolf and the Goat 80
The Dog and His Shadow 82
The Bear ,the Monkey and the Pig 84
The Swallow and the Other Birds 85
The Lion ,the Cock and the Elephant 87
The Disobedient Donkey 89
The Tiger and the Squirrel 91
The Lion and the Bull 94
The Elephant and the Monkey 96
A Proud Crow 98
The Lion in Love 101
The Farmer and the Dwarf 103
The Wolf and the Donkey 105
Sir Reynard and Sir Grim 108
The Dervise and the Four Robbers 111
幽默集锦 115
Has Anyone Seen My Hat? 115
A Clever Man 117
An Act of Kindness 118
A Contest of Lying 120
An Old Gentleman 122
Why Are You Laughing 123
Don t Let Him In 125
A Lesson to Learn 127
Jimmy Is Your Only Child 128
A Stupid Husband 130
He Just Delivered a Package 131
Hunter ,Wife and Daughter s Car 133
Six Travellers 134
Why Don t We Find That Woman? 136
Enjoy Your Vegetables! 137
I Have Sold 68 Cats 139
The Birds in the Snare 140
Mark Twain 142
Balzac 143
A Simple Reason 145
Sammy s Broken My Toy Horse 146
Napoleon Was Ill 148
I ll Bound 150
I ll Give You a Nickel 151
Nine Bouquets of Flowers 152
Michaelangelo 154
An Examination 156
Then He Will Not Want to Be an Artist any More 157
A Carrot and a Half 159
They Can t Be Mine 160
How Do You Stop This Car? 162
It s Your Turn to Whistle 163
The Clouds 164
A Businessman s Speech 166
The Laziest Man in the Village 167
How Old Are You? 169
He Is a Clever Speaker 170
Puppy Dogs 172
Nobody Else Wants This Dress 174
Why Don t You Go to Hell? 175
A Clever Lawyer 177
The Noisy Doorbell 179
Difficult Husbands 181
“Give ”and “Take” 184
The Ducks Are Not Mine 185
A Lucky Customer 187
A Beautiful Woman and a Lawn-Mower 189
Where Is His Hat? 190
How Much Do You Charge? 192
What s Your Girl-friend s Address? 194
Would You Like a Shave or a Haircut? 196
A Quiet Weekend 198
I Won t Be Operated on by the Butcher 200
Booth s Story 202
Speaking English 203
知识小品 205
The Hot Dog 207
Where is Tomorrow? 209
Beautiful Parks 211
A Different Kind of Beauty 212
Do Animals Have Intelligence? 214
Einstein s Chauffeur 215
Blue Jeans 217
Talent 219
London and New York 221
Tug of War 222
The Size of the Universe 224
Happiness and Long Life 226
When Is a Man Old? 228
Fun Run 230
Bad Habits 232
The Story of Clock 233
Light 235
The Statue of Liberty 237
Seagulls 239
Halloween 240
Wind 242
Opening Day on the Railroad 244
What Is Static Electricity? 246
An Ocean of Air 249
Mr. ,Mrs. ,Miss and Ms 251
Coffee-a Popular Drink 252
Mind Your Manners 254
Butterfies 256
The Trick of History 258
“General Sherman” 261
Mozart 262
Camels 263
Two Great Men of Science 265
Mail Service 267
Eyes s Reactions 268
Who Invented Musical Notes? 270
Animal Mimics 274
Rivers 275
Senses 276
The Seasons 278
Colorado 281
Why Roses Are Red? 282
Solar Energy 285
The Nobel Prize 287
Cosmetics 289
Image and Clour 291
Leisure and Private Life in Gngland 293
How to Read? 295
Orchestra 297
The Olympian Games 300
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