- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:武振东,王汝生主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7561105835
- 页数:561 页
第一部分 词汇 1
练习 185
第二部分 短语 201
练习 257
第三部分 同义词辨析 271
1.able,capable 271
2.accident,incident,event 271
3.ache,pain,hurt 272
4.acquire,earn,gain,obtain,get 272
5.act,action 273
6.admit,allow,permit,grant 273
7.advantage,profit 274
8.affair,matter,business 275
9.affect,effect,influence 275
10.ago,before 276
11.aim,purpose,end,goal 276
12.all together,altogether 277
13.almost,nearly 277
14.alone,lonely 278
15.already,yet 278
16.also,as well,either,too 278
17.alter,change 279
18.answer,reply,respond 279
19.arms,weapon 280
20.as it is(was),as it were 280
21.ask,demand,require 281
22.asleep,sleepy 281
23.base,basis,foundation 281
24.bear,endure,stand,suffer 282
25.beautiful,handsome,pretty,lovely 282
26.begin,start 284
27.besides,except,except for 284
28.big,large,huge,great,giant,enormous 285
29.borrow,lend 285
30.both,either,neither 286
31.build,establish,found,set up 286
32.buy,purchase 287
33.chance,opportunity 287
34.chief,main 288
35.choose,select 288
36.clear,evident,obvious 289
37.close,shut 289
38.college,institute,university 290
39.common,general,ordinary,usual 290
40.compare to,compare with 291
41.correct,exact,precise 291
42.conference,congress,meeting 291
43.consider,regard 292
44.continual,continuous 292
45.decide,determine,make up one's mind 293
46.depend,rely 293
47.discover,invent 294
48.disease,illness,sickness 294
49.divide,separate 295
50.due to,owing to 295
51.each,every,all 296
52.effective,efficient 297
53.elder,older 297
54.employ,hire 297
55.enjoy,appreciate 298
56.entire,complete,whole 298
57.error,mistake,fault 298
58.example,instance 299
59.fairly,rather 299
60.fame,reputation,honour 300
61.famous,well-known 301
62.finally,at last,in the end 301
63.gather,collect 301
64.gentle,mild 302
65.glance,glimpse 302
66.grand,splendid 302
67.habit,custom 303
68.hardly,barely,scarcely 303
69.help,aid,assist 303
70.hope,expect 304
71.in a few days,after a few days 304
72.in case,in case of,in any case 304
73.join,combine,unite,connect,link&( 305
74.journey,trip,voyage,tour,travel 305
75.kind,sort 306
75.like,alike 307
77.live,living,alive 307
78.magazine,journal 308
79.make,create,produce,manufacture 308
80.mankind,man,human being 309
81.maybe,perhaps,possibly,probably 309
82.nation,country,land,state 309
83.occur,happen.take place 310
84.particular,special 311
85.persist,insist 311
86.preserve,keep 312
87.problem,question 312
88.put off,delay,postpone 313
89.quick,fast,rapid 313
90.repair,mend,fix 314
91.result from,result in 314
92.rise,raise,arise 314
93.round,around 315
94.satisfactory,satisfied 315
95.scare,frighten 315
96.search,seek,explore 316
97.shop,store,department store 316
98.since,from 316
99.strike,beat,hit 317
100.study,learn 318
101.stupid,foolish,silly 318
102.style,fashion 319
103.suggest,propose 319
104.suit,fit 320
105.take,bring,fetch,carry 320
106.tale,story 320
107.thankful,grateful 321
108.through,across 321
109.title,topic,theme,name 322
110.triumph,victory 322
111.view,scenery,scene 323
112.wake,awake,awaken,wake up 323
113.wealthy,rich 324
114.weather,climate 325
115.welcome,welcomed 325
116.when,while,as,during 326
117.wide,broad 326
118.wise,clever,bright 327
119.worth,worthy 328
练习 328
第四部分 语法 337
1.基本句型 337
2.名词 345
3.代词 349
4.限定词 354
5.动词的时态 365
6.被动语态 383
7.虚拟语气 386
8.情态动词 391
9.不定式 401
10.动词—ing的形式 409
11.—ed分词 420
12.形容词和副词 424
13.介词 432
14.名词性从句 441
15.形容词从句 448
16.副词从句 455
17.直接引语和间接引语 470
18.主谓语的一致 481
19.否定句 496
20.附加疑问句 504
21.省略 511
22.强调 521
23.倒装 526
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