Microsoft Windows 2000 Network and Operating System Essentials Microsoft Windows 2000网络和操作系统基础PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)微软公司著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京希望电子出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7900056653
- 页数:331 页
Introduction 1
Instructor Notes 3
Introduction 4
Course Materials 5
Prerequisites 6
Course Outline 7
Course Outline(continued) 8
Microsoft Official Curriculum 9
Microsoft Certified Professional Program 10
Facilities 12
Module 1: Introduction to Windows 2000 and Networking 13
Instructor_Notes 15
Overview 17
Windows 2000 Operating Systems 18
Introduction to Networks 23
Lab A: Identifying Computer Networks 29
Windows 2000 Implementation of Networking 30
Lab B: Identifying Features of a Windows 2000 Network 37
Lab C: Logging On to Windows 2000 38
Review 39
Module 2: Administration of a Windows 2000 Network 41
Instructor Notes 43
Overview 45
Windows 2000 Help 46
Lab A: Using Windows 2000 Help 50
Administrative Tasks 56
Administrative Tools 60
Lab B: Identifying Administrative Tools 78
Review 84
Module 3: Securing a Windows 2000 Network 87
Instructor Notes 89
Overview 91
User Accounts 92
Groups 96
Lab A: Examining Users and Groups 97
User Rights 99
Lab B: Examining User Rights 102
Permissions 104
Lab C: Examining File and Folder Permissions 112
Review 116
Module 4: Examining the Network 119
Instructor Notes 121
Overview 123
Scope of Networks 124
Basic Connectivity Components 125
Network Topologies 130
Network Technologies 136
Expanding the Network 142
Lab A: Examining the Network Architecture 154
Review 155
Module 5: Examining the Network Protocols 157
Instructor Notes 159
Overview 161
Introduction to Protocols 162
Protocols and Data Transmissions 166
Common Protocols 169
Other Communication Protocols 174
Remote Access Protocols 176
Lab A: Identifying Protocol Capabilities 180
Review 181
Module 6: Examining TCP/IP 183
Instructor Notes 185
Overview 187
Introduction to TCP/IP 188
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 193
Lab A: Using TCP/IP Utilities 203
Name Resolution 206
Examining the Data Transfer Process 212
Routing Data 217
Lab B: Identifying Processes and Protocols in TCP/IP 221
Review 222
Module 7: Examining IP Addressing 225
Instructor Notes 227
Overview 229
Classful IP Addressing 230
Subnetting a Network 234
Lab A: Determining Class Addresses and Subnet Masks 239
Planning IP Addressing 242
Lab B: Identifying Valid IP Addresses 246
Assigning TCP/IP Addresses 247
Lab C: Examining the Configuration of TCP/IP 252
Review 260
Module 8: Optimizing IP Address Allocation 263
Instructor Notes 265
Overview 267
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) 268
Binary IP Addresses 271
Lab A: Using Windows Calculator to Convert Decimal and Binary Numbers 274
Binary Subnet Masks 281
Lab B: Determining Local and Remote Destinations 289
IP Address Allocation Using CIDR 290
Lab C: Allocating IP Addresses 295
Review 299
Module 9: Examining Web Services 301
Instructor Notes 303
Overview 305
Identifying Intemet Concepts 306
Using Client Technologies 312
Lab A: Accessing an FTP Site by Using Internet Explorer 318
Connecting to the Internet 321
Identifying Web Server Concepts 326
Lab B: Identifying Web Concepts 329
Review 330
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