- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张成光编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海远东出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7806611339
- 页数:444 页
第一部分 冠词·代词·名词 1
1.a,an ,one 1
2.a,an,the 5
3.some,any 8
4.family,home,house 10
5.class,lesson 12
6.door,gate 14
7.evening,night 15
8.day,date 16
9.city,town 18
10.pupil,student 19
11.station,stop 20
12.other,others,the other,the others,another 21
13.picture,photo,photograph,drawing,painting 23
14.middle,centre 25
15.each other,one,another 26
16.question,problem 27
17.hill,mountain 29
18.moment,minute,soon 30
19.people,person 32
20.clothes,clothing,coat,jacket,suit,dress 34
21.road,street,way,path,passage,lane,avenue 36
22.everyone,every one,everybody,every man 40
23.ground,earth,land,soil 41
24.nobody,no one,none 44
25.lunch,supper,dinner,meal 45
26.sound,noise,voice 47
27.medicine,pill,chemical 48
28.hundred,hundreds,of 49
29.game,sport,match,race 51
30.both,either,neither 54
31.room,space 55
32.news,message,information 57
33.pair,couple,double 58
34.crop,harvest 60
35.country,land,nation,state 61
36.journey,travel,trip,tour,voyage,flight 63
37.cause,reason 65
38.kind,sort 66
39.who,whom,which,that 67
40.way,method,mode,manner,fashion 71
41.floor,story,storey 73
42.holiday,vacation,leave 74
43.habit,custom,manners,practice 76
44.work,job,labour,occupation,task 77
45.examination,exam,test,quiz 80
46.accident,event,occurrence,incident 81
47.war,battle,fight 83
48.army,troop,force 84
49.salary,pay,charge,wage,fee,income 86
50.cost,price,value,worth,expense 88
51.view,scenery,scene,sight 91
第二部部 动词 94
52.listen,hear 94
53.speak,talk,say,tell 95
54.may(might),can(could),be able to 98
55.go to bed,go to sleep,get to sleep,sleep 101
56.must,have to,should,ought to 103
57.look,see,watch 106
58.study,learn 109
59.put on,wear,have on,dress,dress up 110
60.begin,start 113
61.there be,have,have got,own,possess 115
62.be careful,take,care,look out 117
63.lood for,find,find out 119
64.be about to,be going to,be to 121
65.like,love,enjoy,be fond of 123
66.want,wish,hope,desire 126
67.lood,seem,appear 129
68.bring,take,fetch,carry 132
69.keep,hold,catch,seize,grasp 134
70.fall,drop,land 137
71.have been(in/to),have gone(to) 139
72.borrow,lend 141
73.spend,waste,go by,pass 142
74.get,receive,hear from,hear of 144
75.telephone,phone,call,ring 146
76.visit,call,call to see,drop in 148
77.lose,miss 149
78.close,shut 151
79.open,turn on,switch on 153
80.pay,spend,cost,take 154
81.grow,plant,sow 157
82.forget,remember 159
83.stop doing,stop to do 160
84.go on doing,go on to do,go on with 162
85.keep doing,keep on doing 163
86.let,made,have,get,cause 164
87.be made of,be made from,be made into 168
88.excuse,parden,forgive 169
89.build,found,establish,set up 171
90.lift,raise,rise,climb 172
91.would,used to,be used to,be accustomed to 175
92.answer,reply,respond 177
93.separate,divide,part 178
94.hurt,ache,pain 180
95.hurt,injure,harm,damage 182
96.strike,hit,beat,knock,tap,pat 183
97.flee,escape,get away,run away 186
98.happen,take place,occur 188
99.help,assist,aid 190
100.ask,beg,inquire,enquire,demand,require,request 191
101.finish,complete,end,achieve 194
102.choose,pick,prefer,select,elect 196
103.gather,collect 198
104.move,remove 199
105.receive,accept 201
106.manage,treat,deal with 202
107.gaze,gape,stare,fix 203
108.attend,mind,notice,note,observe 205
109.tremble,shake,quake 207
110.break,destroy,ruin 209
111.bear,endure,stand,suffer,put up with 210
112.get,obtain,gain,win,earn 212
113.surpise,wonder,astonish,amaze,frighten 215
114.join,unite,connect,,combine 218
115.promise,engage,contract,appoint 219
116.little,small 222
第三部分 形容词·副词 222
117.tall,high 223
118.not,no 225
119.good,fine,nice,well 229
120.few,a few,little,a little 234
121.big,large,great 236
122.cold,cool 239
123.hot,warm 240
124.too,also,either,as well,as well as 242
125.hard,difficult 245
126.whole,all 246
127.much too,too much 248
128.which,what 250
129.ago,before,since 252
130.how long,how far,how often,how soon 255
131.older,elder 257
132.farther,further 259
133.many,much,a lot of,lots of,a number of,plenty of 260
134.sometime,some time,some times,sometimes(at times) 264
135.before long,long ago,long before 266
136.late,later,later on,latter,lately,of late 267
137.other,else 270
138.sure,certain, surely,certainly 272
139.real,true,actual 275
140.truly,really,actually,in fact,indeed 277
141.nearly,almost,about 281
142.very,much 282
143.too,quite,rather,fairly,so,such 284
144.fast,quick,swift,rapid,speedy 289
145.every,each 291
146.maybe,perhaps,likely,probably,possibly 293
147.already,yet,still 296
148.wise,bright,clever,intelligent,smart 299
149.alone,lonely,only,single 301
150.a little,a bit 304
151.happy,pleasant,agreeable,pleasing,pleased,glad,merry,gay 306
152.at once,right now,right away,just now 309
153.aloud,loud,loudly 311
154.no longer,no more 313
155.about,more or less,or so 314
156.too...to,...enough to 315
157.no less than,not less than,no less...than,not less...than 317
158.no more than,not more than,no more...than,not...any more than,not more...than 318
159.worth,worthy 319
160.far,by far,so far,as/so far as 321
161.live,living,alive,lively 323
162.special,particular,especial,unusual 325
163.last,latest,final 327
164.common,general,ordinary,usual 328
165.quiet,still,silent,calm 330
166.beautiful,fine,handsome,pretty,lovely,good-looking 332
167.foolish,stupid,silly 335
168.whole,entire,perfect,complete,total 336
第四部分 介词·连词·其他 339
169.at,in,on 339
170.in front,in front of,in the front of,before 341
171.in,into,inside 343
172.one day,some day 345
173.by the way,in the way,on the way 347
174.behind,back,after 348
175.after,in,within 350
176.under,below,beneath,down 352
177.about,on,of 355
178.to,for,towards 356
179.round,around,about 359
180.if,whether 361
181.on,up,over,above,on top(of) 364
182.between,among 367
183.in time,on time 370
184.for,during,through 371
185.across,through,over 373
186.because,for,as,since 375
187.by,with,in 378
188.both...and,whether...or,either...or,neither...nor 380
189.when,while,as 383
190.since,from,after,for 386
191.till,until,before,by,so far,up to 389
192.so...that,so that,such...that,such that,so as to,in order to,in order that 392
193.in the end ,by the end,at the end ,at last,at length,finally,lastly 397
194.so,then,therefore 400
195.besides,except,exept for,except that,but,but for 402
196.neither,nor 404
197.like,as 405
198.but,though,although,as 407
199.for,example,such as,for instance 410
200.in the distance,at a distance,st some distance 411
201.in future,in the future,for the future 412
202.but,however,yet,still 413
203.as soon as,no sooner than,hardly/scarcely...when/before 416
204.if only,only if,so long as 418
附录:参考答案 418
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