电磁学及其应用 第5版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Law,Kelton著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7302045453
- 页数:622 页
1 Introduction 1
1-1 Electromagnetics: Its Importance 1
1-2 Dimensions and Units 2
1-3 Fundamental and Secondary Units 2
1-4 How to Read the Symbols and Notation 5
1-5 Equation and Problem Numbering 7
1-6 Vector Analysis 8
Introduction 8
Scalars and Vectors 9
Vector Addition and Subtraction 9
Multiplication and Division of a Vector by a Scalar 11
Rectangular Coordinates and the Resolution of a Vector into Components 12
The Scalar or Dot Product of Two Vectors 13
The Line Integral 15
The Surface Integral 18
The Volume Integral 21
Vector or Cross-Product of Two Vectors 22
1-7 Inroduction to Coordinate Systems 24
Coordinate Tables 27
Problems 30
2 Electric and Magnetic Fields 35
2-1 Introduction 35
2-2 Electric Fields 35
Electric Charge Q and Electric Field E 35
2-3 Electrie Potential V and Its Gradient E 39
Superposition of Potential 44
2-4 Electric Field Streamlines and Equipotential Contours; Orthogonality 47
2-5 Multiconductor Transmission Lines 48
Line Charges 48
2-6 Electric Flux and Electric Flux Density (or Displacement): Gauss s Law 51
Surface Charge, Uniform Case 51
Surface Charge, Nonuniform Case 52
Volume Charge and Gauss s Law 54
2-7 Divergence 56
Poisson s and Laplace s Equations 58
2-8 Boundary Conditions; Dielectric Media 59
2-9 Capacitors and Capacitance;Capacitor Cells 61
Capacitor Energy and Energy Density 64
2-10 Twin-Strip and Microstrip Transmission Lines 65
2-11 Electric Currents 68
Electric Current and Current Density 68
Resistance and Conductance;Resistivity and Conductivity 70
Ohm s Law 71
Ohm s Law at a Point and Current Density 72
Power and Joule s Law 73
Dielectrics, Conductors, and Semiconductors Compared-An Overview 73
Conductor Cells 76
Boundary Conditions; Conducting Media 79
Potential and emf 80
2-12 Magnetic Fields of Electric Currents 81
Magnetic Flux Ψm and Magnetic Flux Density B; Gauss s Law 86
Lorentz Force or Motor Equation 87
Inductance, Inductors, Energy, and Energy Density 89
Inductor Energy and Energy Density 92
Inductor Cells 92
2-13 Changing Magnetic Fields, Induction, and Faraday s Law 96
2-14 Examples of Induction 99
Motion and Time-Changing Induction 99
Coupling, Cross Talk, and Mutual Inductance 105
2-15 Curl 108
2-16 Maxwell s Equations 112
Problems 115
3 Transmission Lines 119
3-1 Introduction 119
3-2 Circuit Theory 119
3-3 Field Theory 123
The Microstrip Transmission Line 127
Transmission Line Impedance Formulas 130
Energy, Power, and Poynting Vector 133
3-4 The Terminated Uniform Transmission Line and VSWR 137
Impedance Matching; the Smith Chart 145
Using a Smith Chart 146
Stub Tuning 151
3-5 Bandwidth 155
3-6 Pulses and Transients 162
The λ/4 Transformer 162
Important Conclusions 165
Problems 166
4 Wave Propagation, Attenuation, Polarization, Reflection, Refraction, and Diffraction 169
4-1 Introduction 169
4-2 Waves in Space 169
4-3 Traveling Waves and Standing Waves 175
4-4 Conductors and Dielectrics 178
4-5 Conducting Media and Lossy Lines 181
4-6 Dielectric Hysteresis and Dielectric Loss 187
4-7 Plane Waves at Interfaces and Analogous Transmission Lines 189
Wave Absorption with Conducting Sheet(Salisbury Sheet) 196
Wave Absorption with Ferrite-Titanate Medium 197
4-8 Relative Phase Velocity and Index of Refraction 201
4-9 Group Velocity 203
4-10 Power and Energy Relations 207
4-11 Linear, Elliptical, and Circular Polarization 211
4-12 Poynting Vector for Elliptically and Circularly Polarized Waves 214
4-13 The Polarization Ellipse and the Poincaré Sphere 215
4-14 Oblique Incidence: Reflection and Refraction 219
Perpendicular Case(EI) 219
Parallel Case(EII) 224
4-15 Elliptically Polarized Plane Wave, Oblique Incidence 226
4-16 Huygens Principle and Physical Optics; Diffraction 231
Projects 237
Problems 239
5 Antennas, Radiation, and Wireless Systems 247
5-1 Introduction 247
5-2 Basic Antenna Parameters 247
5-3 Arrays 260
Two Isotropic Point Sources 260
Pattern Multiplication 260
Binomial Array 262
Linear Arrays of n Isotropic Point Sources of Equal Amplitude and Spacings 264
5-4 Retarded Potentials 275
5-5 The Short Dipole Antenna and Its Radiation Resistance 276
5-6 Pattern and Radiation Resistance of λ/2 and 3λ/2 Dipoles 285
5-7 Broadside Array 287
5-8 Fields of λ/2 Dipole Antenna 291
5-9 Antenna Types 292
Loops, Dipoles, and Slots 292
Opened-Out Coaxial Antennas 294
Opened-Out Two-Conductor Antennas 294
Opened-Out Waveguide Antennas 294
Flat-Sheet Reflector Antennas 298
Paranbolic Dish and Dielectric Lens Antennas 298
End-Fire Antennas: Polyrod, Yagi-Uda, and Helical 301
Broad-Bandwidth Antennas: Conical Spiral, Log-Periodic, and 3-in-I 305
Patch Antennas 307
Arrays of Dipoles and Slots;Frequency Selective Surfaces(FSS) 308
5-10 Radion Link and Friis Formula 308
5-11 Antenna Temperature, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, and Remots Sensing 309
Note: Ratios and Decibels 314
5-12 Radar and Radar Cross-Section 318
Pulse Doppler Weather Radar 323
The Corner Reflector 324
5-13 Global Position Satellites and Relatiyity 327
5-14 Far Field, Near Field, and Fourier Transform 329
5-15 Earth-Based, Airborne, and Spaceborne Cellular Systems 332
5-16 Absorption by Atmosphere and Foliage 335
Projects 340
Problems 343
6 Electrodynamics 357
6-1 Introduction 357
6-2 Charged Particles Moving in Electric Fields 357
6-3 The Cathode-Ray Tube(CRT);Electrical Deflection 359
6-4 Charged Particles Moving in a Static Magnetic Field 361
Particle Radius 363
Gyrofrequency 364
6-5 Cathode-Ray Tube; Magnetic Deflection 365
6-6 Rotary Motor or Generator 367
6-7 Linear Motor 369
6-8 Hall-Effect Generator 370
6-9 Moving Conductor in a Static Magnetic Field 373
6-10 The Magnetic Brake 374
Problems 376
7 Dielectric and Magnetic Materials 379
7-1 Introduction 379
7-2 Homogeneity, Linearity, and Isotropy 379
7-3 Table of Permittivities 380
7-4 The Electric Field in a Dielectric 381
7-5 The Electric Dipole and Electric-Dipole Moment 381
7-6 Polarization 384
7-7 Boundary Relations 389
7-8 Table of Boundary Relations 392
7-9 Dielectric Strength 392
7-10 Energy and Energy Density 393
7-11 The Atomic Loop 396
7-12 Magnetic Dipoles, Loops, and Solenoids 399
7-13 Magnetic Materials 404
7-14 Magnetic Dipoles and Magnetization 406
7-15 Uniformly Magnetized Rod and Equivalent Air-Core Solenoid 409
7-16 Boundary Relations 412
7-17 Ferromagnetism 415
7-18 Magnetization Curves 418
7-19 Hysteresis 424
7-20 Energy in a Magnet 426
7-21 Permanent Magnets 427
7-22 Table of Permanent Magnetic Materials 429
7-23 Demagnetization 430
7-24 Gapless Circuit 434
7-25 Magnetic Circuit with Air Gap 435
7-26 Magnetic Gap Force 437
7-27 Permanent Magnet with Gap 438
7-28 Altermating-Current Behavior of Ferromagnetic Materials 441
7-29 Eddy Currents 443
Problems 443
8 Waveguides, Resonators, and Fiber Optics 447
8-1 Introduction 447
8-2 Circuits, Lines, and Guides: A Comparison 447
8-3 TE Mode Wave in the Infinite-Parallel-Plane Transmission Line or Guide 448
8-4 The Hollow Rectangular Waveguide 456
8-5 The Hollow Cylindrical Waveguide 468
8-6 Hollow Waveguides of Other Cross-Section 472
8-7 Waveguide Devices 474
8-8 Waves Traveling Parallel to a Plane Boundary 475
8-9 Open Waveguides 480
8-10 Dielectric Sheet Waveguides 483
8-11 Dielectric Fiber and Rod Waveguides: Fiber Optics 487
8-12 Cavity Resonators 491
Project 499
Problems 500
9 Bioelectromagnetics 501
9-1 Introduction 501
9-2 The Axon: An Active, Lossless, Shielded, Noiseless Transmission Line 501
9-3 Retinal Optic Fibers 503
9-4 Heart Dipole Field 506
9-5 Defibrillators and Pacemakers 507
9-6 Biological Fields 509
9-7 Electromagnetic Hazards and the Environment 512
Projects 516
Solar Power to Food 518
Problems 519
Solar Power Problems 520
References 520
10 Electromagnetic Effects in High-Speed Digital Systems 521
10-1 Introduction 521
SceneI:A Strangely Behaving Reset Signal on a PC Card 521
SceneII:CD Player on Airplane Interferes with the Navigation System 522
10-2 Two Viewpoints: Lumped or Distributed 522
10-3 Distributed Systems 522
Speed and Distance 522
Rise Time and Length; Lumped versus Distributed Circuits 523
Knee Frequency 526
Review of Transmission Line Theory 527
Reflections in the Presence of Capactitance 530
Terminations 533
10-4 Inductance and Capacitance 534
How Circuit Boards Are Made 534
Cross Talk 537
10-5 Electromagnetic Interference 539
Problems 542
11 Numerical Methods 547
11-1 Introduction 547
11-2 Laplace s Equation in Rectangular Coordinates; Separation of Variables 548
11-3 Example 11-1: The Parallel-Plate Capacitor 550
11-4 Repetitive Laplace Solution or Finite Difference Method 552
11-5 Example 11-2: The Infinite Square Trough with Lid by Repetitive Laplace 554
11-6 Example 11-3: Infinite Square Trough with Different Potentials on All Four Sides 556
11-7 Line Charge Distribution: The Integral Equation and the Moment Method(MM) 558
11-8 The Generalized Multipole Technique(GMT) 560
11-9 Finite Difference-Time Domain(FD-TD)Technique 560
11-10 Finite Element Method(FEM) 563
11-11 Continuous Wave(CW)Reflections and FEM 565
Problems 567
Appendixes 569
A Units, Constants, and Other Useful Reltions 569
A-1 Fundamental, Mechanical, Electrical, and Magnetic Units 570
A-2 Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Logarithmic, and Other Relations 576
A-3 Glyphs(Nonalphabetic Pictograph Symbols) 579
B Field Maps, Laplace s Equation, Full Vector Notation 581
Field Mapping 581
Graphical Solution 582
Full Vector Notation 585
C Computer Programs 589
1: ZX 590
2: VSWR 590
3: Bouncing Pulses 590
4: Traveling waves 590
5: Ground bounce 590
7: REPLA 590
8: Charged Plates 590
9: Post 590
10: Lossy line 590
11: V-LEVEL 590
13: QWT 590
D Project Equipment 591
E Answers 593
Index 601
Symbols, prefixes and abbreviation 619
Constants and conversions 621
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