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中国科技典籍研究  第一届中国科技典籍国际会议论文集
中国科技典籍研究  第一届中国科技典籍国际会议论文集

中国科技典籍研究 第一届中国科技典籍国际会议论文集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:华觉明主编
  • 出 版 社:郑州:大象出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7534721814
  • 页数:227 页
《中国科技典籍研究 第一届中国科技典籍国际会议论文集》目录

《考工记》的文化内涵 戴吾三 高宣 1

The Cultural Contents of Kao Gong Ji Dai Wusan Gao Xuan 1

The Philosophical Background of Kao Gong Ji Liu Zuwei 8

《考工记》的哲学背景 刘祖慰 8

Kao Gong Ji and Confucianism——Discussion to the Successes and Faults of Joseph Needham Li Zhichao 11

《考工记》与儒学——兼论李约瑟之得失 李志超 11

The Source of Kao Gong Ji and the Scientific Thoughts of Qi State Jin Jianmin 17

《考工记》成书之渊源与齐国科学技术思想 金健民 17

An Analysis on the Wonder of the Illustrated Kao Gong Ji by Dai Zhen Fang Lishan 23

析戴震《考工记图》之“奇” 方利山 23

Kao Gong Ji and De Architectura——Different Views of Technology in Two Ancient Texts Welf H. Schnell 29

《考工记》和De Architectura——两本古籍中的不同技术观点 维快(Welf H. Schnell) 29

Technological Idea of He ——From Kao Gong Ji to Tian Gong Kai Wu Hua Jueming Gao Xuan 38

“和”的技术观——从《考工记》到《天工开物》 华觉明 高宣 38

Kao Gong Ji and Semantics for Science and Technology Li Zhichao 42

《考工记》与科技训诂 李志超 42

The Social Functions and Properties of Cart in the Zhou Dynasty——Also on the Impact of Kao Gong Ji on Later Ages Zhang Zhizhong Dai Wusan 47

周代车的社会功能与性质——兼论《考工记》对后世影响 张鸷中 戴吾三 47

The Astronomical Knowledge in Kao Gong Ji Chen Jiujin 55

《考工记》中的天文知识 陈久金 55

Position of Kao Gong Ji in the History on Mathematics in China Wang Yusheng 60

《考工记》在中国数学史上的地位 王渝生 60

《管子》与中国古代数学——《考工记》时代的中国数学之一 郭书春 63

Chinese Mathematics in the Guan Zi——A Paper on Mathematics before Qin Dynasty Guo Shuchun 63

A Comparative Study of the Concept of Number of Kao Gong Ji and Guan Zi Yue Aiguo 71

《考工记》与《管子》的数量观念之比较 乐爱国 71

Kao Gong Ji and Zhi Qi in the Inscription on Bronze Weapons in Warring States Period Li Xueqin 76

《考工记》与战国兵器铭文的“执齐” 李学勤 76

Liu Ji in Kao Gong Ji Su Rongyu 79

《考工记》“六齐”研究 苏荣誉 79

Confucians Study on Vehicle in Kao Gong Ji in Qing Dynasty Li Qiang 96

清儒对《考工记》车制的研究 李强 96

The Designs of Wooden Vechicle in Ancient China as Indicated by Kao Gong Ji Dai Wusan Zhang Zhizhong 104

从《考工记》看中国古代车辆的设计 戴吾三 张鸷中 104

Kao Gong Ji and Constructing Style of the State of Qi Liu Bin 109

《考工记·匠人》和齐国城建 刘斌 109

A Comparison between Xintian—the Capital of the Jin State and the Chapter on City—Building in Kao Gong Ji·Jiangren Tao Zhenggang 115

晋都新田与《考工记·匠人》城建的比较 陶正刚 115

The Idea and Dyeing Process in Kao Gong Ji Xing Wen 124

《考工记》所见色彩思想与相关工艺 邢文 125

An Initial Study on the Relations between Temperament and the Parameters of Xian Part s Length of Serial Bells Unearthed in the North Part of Ancient Chu State Huang Keying Li Jinghua 130

楚国北部地区编钟铣部参数与音律关系的初步研究 黄克映 李京华 130

Collecting Statistics and Analyzing about the Structural Rules of more than 300 Pieces of Serials Bells of Pre-Qin Period——A Study on the Structural Rules by Comparing the Unearthed Serials Bells with the Contents of Kao Gong Ji Liu Hai 142

三百余件先秦编钟结构制度的统计与分析——实物编钟与《考工记》中制度的对比与研究 刘海旺 李京华 142

Shen Gua s Cuts Andrea Eberhard 149

沈括分割 白安雅(Andrea Eberhard) 149

Discussion on Punctuation and Explanation for Da Ye Fu Hua Jueming You Zhanhong 164

《大冶赋》句读和释解的商榷 华觉明 游战洪 164

Important Sources of the History of Premodern Chinese Salt Production Techniques Hans Ulrich Vogel 169

中国近代盐业生产技术史文献 傅汉思(Hans Ulrich Vogel) 169

Qi Qi Tu Shuo and the Early Phase of West Learning to East Li Wenchao 184

《奇器图说》与西学东渐初期的几个问题 李文潮 184

Basic Conceptions for the Control of the Yellow River as Seen in the Writings of Ming and Qing Dynasty Hydraulic Engineers Iwo Amelung 189

从明清时期水利专家的著作看冶黄基本思想 阿梅龙(Iwo Amelung) 189

The Rebuilding of the Three Rear Palaces in 1596-98 Klaas Ruitenbeek 201

1596~1598年后三宫的重建 鲁克思(Klaas Ruitenbeek) 201

The Animal and Plant Menus of Ming and Qing Dynasties and Their Charactors Wei Luling 210

明清动植物谱录及其特点 魏露苓 210

Academic Value and Status of Jiang Zuo Ze Li in Qing Dynasty Su Rongyu Hua Jueming 218

清代匠作则例的学术价值和研究现状 苏荣誉 华觉明 218
