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  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:吴佩著
  • 出 版 社:文鹤出版有限公司
  • 出版年份:1986
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:503 页

Table of Contents 1

1.A professor;An engineer 1

2.according to 2

3.absent from 4

4.acceptable to;accepted by 5

5.accuse...of 6

6.be acquainted with 7

7.Adj ective:a beautiful girl 8

8.Adj ective:a five-page letter 12

9.Adjective clauses 13

10.the boy who 14

11.the boy whose 15

12.the boy whom 16

13.the house which 17

14.the house whose 18

15.the boy to whom 19

16.three of whom 22

17.give me what 24

18.no student but 26

19.such people as love me 26

20.more food than was good 28

21.my father,who;a man who 29

22.the book(which)I bought 32

23.the place where 33

24.the year when 35

25.the reason why 36

26.the way in which 36

27.Test 1 37

28.Adverb:speak slowly 43

29.Adverb:extremely beautiful 44

30.Adverb:almost always happy 45

31.Adverbial Clauses 46

32.affect:effect 49

33.afford 50

34.be afraid of 51

35.ago;before 52

36.agree with 53

37.Agreement 54

38.Test 2 57

39.allow 62

40.already;yet 62

41.I am a Chinese 63

42.and that 65

43.another;the other 66

44.any;some;no 66

45.any other man;anyone else 68

46.anything but;far from 70

47.appositive 70

48.Articles 71

49.as a secretary 72

50.as...as;not so(as)....as 73

51.as...as possible;as...as one can 74

52.as(Poor as he is....) 75

53.as if(=as though) 76

54.as it is;as it were 78

55.As mentioned 79

56.as long as;so long as 80

57.as...so 81

58.Test 3 81

59.as soon as 87

60.as well as 88

62.attempt to do something 89

61.attack the enemy 89

63.attend 90

64.Auxiliary verbs 91

65.be able to;be capable of 94

66.be about to 96

67.be aware of 97

68.be based on 97

69.because;because of 98

70.before;formerly 99

71.believe in 100

72.beside;besides 101

73.between;among 102

74.Test 4 103

75.blame...for 108

76.both;and 108

77.both...and 109

78.busy writing a letter 110

79.but for 111

80.by the time 111

81.by studying hard;with a knife 112

82.can not help laughing 114

83.case,noun 115

84.Causative verbs 117

85.coherence 119

86.Test 5 121

87.compare with;compare to 126

88.Comparison;more charming than Jane 126

89.Comparison;The decision is absolute 133

90.Conjugation;fly,flew,flown,flying 134

91.Test 6 141

92.consider...(to be) 146

94.consist of;be composed of 147

93.considerable;considerate 147

95.convince someone of something 148

96.cure someone of a disease 148

97.in danger of 149

98.dare to go;dare not go 149

99.Dative verbs 150

100.decide 152

101.despite;in spite of 153

102.be different from;be indifferent to 155

103.Test 7 156

104.have trouble(in)learning English 161

105.distinguish A from B 162

106.I do love you 163

107.do good to;do harm to 164

108.Double possessive;a friend of Tom's 164

109.I doubt it 165

110.during;while 166

111.each other;one another 167

112.economic;economical 168

113.either;neither;any;none 168

115.either...or 170

114.either you or Tom is 170

116.I encouraged Tom to study English 171

117.enough to 173

118.Test 8 174

119.even though 180

120.except for Tom's laziness 181

121.Exclamatory sentences;How charming Jane is! 182

122.expect to pass the test 183

123.fail to come 184

124.be familiar with;be familiar to 185

125.be famous for;be famous as 186

126.few people;a few people 187

127.few words;little English 188

128.for all=with all 189

129.forbid Tom to smoke,prohibit Tom from 190

smoking 190

130.rorce Tom to leave;force Tom into leaving 190

131.How come...? 191

132.in front of the car;in the front of the car 191

133.Test 9 192

134.Gerund:Learning Engllsh is easy 197

135.Gerund:enjoy watching TV 199

136.Gerund:I am looking forward to meeting Jane 200

137.Gerund:After completing 203

138.had I known 204

139.had not walked...before(when) 206

140.had better 206

141.happen to 207

142.hardly;scarcely 208

143.hardly(scarcely)...when(before) 209

145.Help us help you 211

144.have to getup early 211

146.Test 10 212

147.How often...? 218

148.I have always loved and will always love you 218

149.I like Tom.He is kind 219

150.in case 220

151.if it rains tomorrow 221

152.in order to;in order that 222

153.industrial;industrious 224

154.Infinitive:To see is to believe 224

155.Infinitive:Tom refused to leave 227

156.Infinitive:a chair to sit on 228

157.Infinitive:is to arrive 229

158.Infinitive:what to do 231

159.insist on;persist in 232

160.instead of 232

161.Test 11 233

162.It is said that 238

163.It is true that Tom has passed the test 238

164.It was Tom that broke the window 240

165.It is easy to learn English 243

167.It is time that you went to school 245

166.It is kind of you to 245

168.It will be...before 246

169.for lack of 247

170.late;lately 247

171.less;lesser;fewer 248

172.lest...should 249

173.like;alike;as 250

174.Test 12 251

175.likely to rain 257

176.Linking verbs 257

177.ten feet long;ten feet in length 259

178.make sure to 260

179.many students;much food 261

180.mean to study hard 262

181.more...than 263

182.more...than I am;as(so)...as I am 264

183.My car is more expensive than Tom's 265

184.most students;most of the students in 266

185.most;almost 267

186.much less 269

187.Test 13 269

188.must be;must have been 274

189.need repairing;need to be repaired 275

190.need to go;need not go 276

191.neither...nor 277

192.neither am I 278

193.Never did I meet the man before 280

194.no;not 282

195.no longer;not...any longer 283

196.no matter what 284

197.no more...than 285

198.no one but 286

199.no sooner...than 287

200.not...because;not...,because 288

201.not...but 289

202.Test 14 289

203.not only...but(also) 295

204.not so much...as 296

205.not...until 297

206.not...without 298

207.nothing is so...as;no other boy is so 298

208.Noun clauses 299

209.Noun clause:That he is ill is true 301

210.Test 15 306

211.now that 313

212.a number of;the number of 313

213.the number of students;the amount of wine 314

214.object to;be opposed to 315

215.objective complement:I made Tom happy 315

216.of importance 317

217.On hearing the news 318

219.one...the other;the one...the other 319

218.on account of 319

one thing...another 320

220.One more step,and 321

221.one of my friends 322

222.only when 323

223.Test 16 325

225.Ordinal number:the first lesson;lesson one 331

224.in my opinion 331

227.parallelism 333

226.others;the others 333

228.Participles 337

229.Participial phrase 340

230.Participle:Weather permitting 342

231.participle,dangling 344

232.Test 17 347

234.Personal pronouns 355

233.past;passed 355

235.prefer 356

236.Prepositions:We decided against buying a car 357

237.prevent...from 360

239.promise 361

238.be proud of;take pride in 361

240.provide...with;provide...for 362

241.rather than 363

242.Reference 364

243.Re flexive pronouns:Take care of yourself 366

244.refrain from smoking 368

246.Test 18 369

245.refuse 369

248.remember writing Jane 377

247.regard...as 377

249.remind someone of 378

250.Tom resembles his father 379

251.result in;result from 380

252.the same...as;the same...that 381

253.seem to be;seem to have been 382

254.Sense verbs;We saw Tom enter the house 383

255.should have come 384

256.should you fail 385

257.since he left 386

258.So am I.;So I am 388

259.so as to;so...as to 390

260.so...that;such...that 391

261.Test 19 392

262.some...others 399

263.something nice 399

264.sometime;sometimes;some time 400

265.spend 400

266.stop talking;stop to talk 401

267.study hard,and 402

268.Study hard,or 402

269.Subjunctive mood:if I were you 403

270.Subjunctive mood:if he had comehere 404

271.Subjunctive mood:if he were to become 405

272.Subjunctive mood:if he should come tomorrow 405

273.Subjunctive mood:mixed forms 406

274.Subjunctive mood:They insisted that he be 409

275.Subjunctive mood:It is important that Tom 410

276.Subjunctive mood:They made the suggestion 411

277.Test 20 413

278.succeed in doing something 419

279.such as;such...as 419

280.superfluous words 421

281.superior to 423

282.be sure to 425

283.tag questions 425

284.take...for granted 427

285.taller;the taller of;the tallest 427

286.taller than;more taller than(wrong) 428

287.my telephone number 429

288.than I thought;than I had thought 430

289.that:The trouble is that we are short of 431

290.Test 21 432

291.that of:The air in Tainan is less polluted 440

292.so that 441

293.the more...,the more 441

294.there is;there are 443

295.there is;it is 445

296.there is no denying 446

297.There is no point in arguing with Tom 447

298.those=the people 448

299.though;although 449

300.Though poor,he is happy 450

301.thought that 452

302.three times as many books as 453

303.to my joy 454

304.too...to 454

305.try to master English;try drinking milk 456

306.unless 456

307.Use a knife to cut meat 457

308.used to;be used to 458

309.Test 22 459

310.Verb tenses:the simple present 469

311.Verb tenses 470

312.Verb tenses:the present progressive 471

313.Verb tenses 472

314.Verb tenses:the present perfect tense 473

315.Verb tenses 474

316.Verb tenses 474

317.very easy;much easier;by far the easiest 478

318.voice 479

319.were I in your position 481

320.What did Tom say?I don't know what Tom said 482

321.what we call 483

322.when;as;while 484

323.When it comes to 485

324.whether...or 485

325.Who is he?Who do you think he is? 486

326.wish that 488

327.without 490

328.I wonder who that girl is 491

329.be worth reading 492

330.would rather...than 492

331.Would you mind not smoking here? 493

332.Would you please not go yet? 494

333.Test 23 494
