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市场学  英文版  第4版
市场学  英文版  第4版

市场学 英文版 第4版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)小查尔斯·W.兰玻(Charles W. Lamb,Jr.),(美)小约瑟夫·F.海尔(Joseph F.Hair,Jr.),(美)小卡尔·麦克丹尼(Carl McDaniel,Jr.)著
  • 出 版 社:沈阳:东北财经大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7810442112
  • 页数:693 页
《市场学 英文版 第4版》目录

The World of Marketing 1

The World of Marketing 1

Chapter1 An Overview of Marketing 3

Chapter 1 An Overview of Marketing 3

Marketing Management Philosophies 4

What Is Marketing? 4

The Concept of Exchange 4

Sales Orientation 5

Production Orientation 5

Marketing Orientation 6

Societal Marketing Orientation 7

The Differences Between Sales and Marketing Orientations 7

The Organization s Focus 7

Ethics in Marketing:“Alcopops :An Ethical Dilemma for U.S.Brewers 8

The Firm s Business 11

Those to Whom the Product Is Directed 12

The Firm s Primary Goal 13

Implementation of the Marketing Concept 13

Tools the Organization Uses to Achieve Its Goals 13

A Word of Caution 13

Front - Line Experiences for Management 14

Changes in Authority and Responsibility 14

The Marketing Process 15

Global Perspectives: China: A $300 Billion Consumer Market 15

Marketing Offers Outstanding Career Opportunities 16

Marketing Plays an Important Role in Society 16

Marketing Is Important to Businesses 16

Why Study Marketing? 16

Marketing and Small Business: Choosing a Francbisor 17

Looking Ahead 18

Marketing Affects Your Life Everyday 18

Key Terms 19

Summary 19

Looking Back 19

Discussion and Writing Questions 20

Application for Small Business 21

Video Case: Lanier Worldwide 21

Chapter 2 Strategic Planning Developing and Implementing a Marketing Plan 23

Chapter2 Strategic Planning: Developing and Implementing a Marketing Plan 23

The Nature of Strategic Planning 24

What Is a Marketing Plan? 24

Why Write a Marketing Plan? 24

Marketing Plan Elements 25

Define the Business Mission 26

Set Marketing Plan Objectives 28

Conduct a Situation Analysis 29

Global Perspectives: A Traffic fam of Auto Makers 29

Strategic Windows 31

Strategic Alternatives 32

Marketing and Small Business: Pickle Queen fumps Through a Strategic Window 32

Selecting a Strategic Alternative 33

Differential Advantage 37

Target Market Strategy 38

Describe the Marketing Strategy 38

The Marketing Mix 39

Implementation, Evaluation, and Control of the Marketing Plan 41

Writing the Marketing Plan 42

Effective Strategic Planning 42

Looking Back 45

Summary 46

Key Terms 46

Discussion and Writing Questions 47

Video Case: New England Culinary Institute 48

Application for Small Business 48

Chapter3 The Marketing Environment 51

Chapter 3 The Marketing Environment 51

The External Marketing Environment 52

Understanding the External Environment 52

Environmental Management 54

Social Factors 54

Marketing-Oriented Values of the 1990s 55

The Growth of Component Lifestyles 55

The Changing Role of Families and Working Women 55

Ethics in Marketing: Why Do Women Pay More? 57

Is It a New Social Trend or a Fad? 58

Demographic Factors 58

Today s Preteens: Born to Shop 58

Teenagers: Lots of Money and Strong Opinions 60

Generation X: Savvy and Cynical 60

Marketing and Small Business: Mrs. fones“Runs It Up the Flagpole 62

Baby Boomers: America s Mass Market 62

Older Consumers: Not Just Grandparents 63

Americans on the Move 66

Growing Ethnic Markets 66

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity 67

Rising Incomes 69

Economic Factors 69

Inflation 70

Recession 70

Technological and Resource Factors 71

Political and Legal Factors 72

Federal Legislation 73

State Laws 73

Regulatory Agencies 74

Competitive Factors 75

The Economics of Competition 76

Competition for Market Share 77

Global Competition 78

Global Perspectives: Pepsi Retools for More Intensive Global Competition 79

Looking Back 79

Key Terms 80

Summary 80

Discussion and Writing Questions 81

Application for Small Business 81

Video Case: Life Fitness Company 82

Chapter4 Developing a Global Vision 85

Chapter 4 Developing a Global Vision 85

The Rewards of Global Marketing 86

The Importance of Global Marketing to the United States 87

Multinational Firms 88

The Multinational Advantage 89

Ethics in Marketing: Governments Don t Always“Play Fair in Global Trade 90

Global Marketing Standardization 90

The External Environment Facing Global Marketers 91

Culture 92

Economic and Technological Development 94

Marketing and Small Business: The Video Van Distribution Channel Works In India 96

Political Structure 97

Demographic Makeup 104

Natural Resources 104

Global Marketing by the Individual Firm 105

Export 106

Licensing 108

Contract Manufacturing 108

Joint Venture 109

Direct Investment 109

The Global Marketing Mix 110

Product and Promotion 110

Pricing 114

Meeting ISO 9000 Standards 114

Distribution 116

Looking Back 117

Summary 117

Key Terms 117

Discussion and Writing Questions 118

Application for Small Business 119

Video Case: Starbucks Coffee Goes to ?apan 119

Chapter5 Ethics and Social Responsibility 121

Chapter 5 Ethics and Social Responsibility 121

Ethical Behavior in Business 122

Morality and Business Ethics 124

Ethics and Marketing Management 125

Ethical Decision Making 126

Ethical Guidelines 127

Current Ethical Dilemmas 129

Tobacco and Alcohol Promotion 129

Consumer Privacy 131

Green Marketing 133

Marketing and Small Business: Will Being a Green Marketer Help Your Business Succeed? 134

Cultural Differences in Ethics 134

Global Perspectives: U. S. Ethical Practices: How They Compare Globally 135

Exploitation of Developing Countries 136

Corporate Social Responsibility 137

Responding to Ethics Problems 138

Looking Back 139

Key Terms 140

Summary 140

Discussion and Writing Questions 141

Application for Small Business 141

Video Case: Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising How Should It Be Treated? 142

Part One Critical Thinking Case: Ben ? ?erry s Ice Cream Tackles the Russian Market 143

Part One Critical Thinking Case: Hooters, Inc. 145

Part One Marketing Planning Activities: The World of Marketing 147

Analyzing Marketing Opportunities 149

Analyzing Marketing Opportunities 149

Chapter 6 Consumer Decision Making 151

Chapter6 Consumer Decision Making 151

The Importance of Understanding Consumer Behavior 152

The Consumer Decision-Making Process 152

Problem Recognition 153

Information Search 154

Evaluation of Alternatives and Purchase 155

Postpurchase Behavior 156

Types of Consumer Buying Decisions and Consumer Involvement 157

Factors Determining the Level of Consumer Involvement 158

Marketing Implications of Involvement 159

Individual Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Decisions 159

Perception 160

Motivation 162

Learning 163

Ethics in Marketing: Fear as a Marketing Tool: Does It Sell? 164

Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes 166

Personality, Self - Concept, and Lifestyle 168

Social Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Decisions 170

Culture 170

Global Perspectives: Marketing Across Cultures 171

Subculture 172

Reference Groups 172

Opinion Leaders 174

Family 175

Family Life Cycle 176

Social Class 176

Marketing and Small Business: Selling to Multicultural Markets 179

Looking Back 180

Summary 180

Key Terms 180

Discussion and Writing Questions 181

Application for Small Business 181

Video Case: Community Coffee Pursues the Gourmet Coffee Market 182

Chapter7 Business-to-Business Marketing 185

Chapter 7 Business-to-Business Marketing 185

What Is Business-to-Business Marketing? 186

Relationship Marketing and Strategic Alliances 186

Global Perspectives: Whirlpool Ventures into a New Frontier 188

Major Categories of Business-to-Business Customers 189

Producers 189

Resellers 189

Governments 190

Marketing and Small Business: Bidding for Government Contracts 190

Institutions 191

The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System 192

Demand 194

Business-to-Business Versus Consumer Markets 194

Number of Customers 195

Purchase Volume 195

Location of Buyers 196

Nature of Buying Influence 196

Use of Reciprocity 196

Distribution Structure 196

Nature of Buying 196

Type of Negotiations 196

Types of Business-to-Business Products 197

Major Equipment 197

Use of Leasing 197

Primary Promotional Method 197

Accessory Equipment 197

Raw Materials 198

Component Parts 198

Supplies 199

Buying Centers 199

Processed Materials 199

Business Services 199

Business-to-Business Buying Behavior 199

Evaluative Criteria 201

Buying Situations 202

The Purchase Process 203

Etbics in Marketing: The NAPM Code of Et?ics 206

Looking Back 207

Summary 207

Key Terms 207

Application for Small Business 208

Discussion and Writing Questions 208

Video Case: Amtecb Corporation 209

Chapter8 Segmenting and Targeting Markets 211

Chapter 8 Segmenting and Targeting Markers 211

Market Segmentation 212

Criteria for Successful Segmentation 213

The Importance of Market Segmentation 213

Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets 214

Demographic Segmentation 215

Geographic Segmentation 215

Global Perspectives: Poland Starting to See the Emergence of Puppies 216

Marketing and Small Business: Lifestyle Matrix Marketing 217

Psychographic Segmentation 221

Benefit Segmentation 223

Usage-Rate Segmentation 223

Macrosegmentation 225

Bases for Segmenting Business Markets 225

Microsegmentation 226

Steps in Segmenting a Market 227

Strategies for Selecting Target Markets 228

Undifferentiated Targeting 228

Concentrated Targeting 230

Multisegment Targeting 231

Positioning 232

Ethics in Marketing: Less Privacy Seen as Trade-Off for Better Target Marketing 232

Product Differentiation 233

Perceptual Mapping 234

Positioning Bases 235

Global Issues in Market Segmentation and Targeting 235

Looking Back 236

Summary 237

Key Terms 237

Discussion and Writing Questions 238

Application for Small Business 238

Video Case: Russell s Service Center 239

Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research 241

Chapter9 Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research 241

Marketing Decision Support Systems 242

Database Marketing and Micromarketing 243

Ethics in Marketing: Databases Can Probe into Your Life 245

The Role of Marketing Research 245

Differences Between Marketing Research and DSS 246

Management Uses of Marketing Research 246

Steps in a Marketing Research Project 249

Defining the Marketing Problem 249

Planning the Research Design and Gathering Primary Data 254

Global Perspectives: The Challenges of Global Marketing Resarch 259

Specifying the Sampling Procedures 264

Collecting the Data 266

Analyzing the Data 266

Preparing and Presenting the Report 267

Following Up 267

Marketing and Small Business: Marketing Research for Small Companies 268

Scanner-Based Research 268

When Should Marketing Research Be Conducted? 269

Looking Back 269

Key Terms 270

Summary 270

Application for Small Business 271

Discussion and Writing Questions 271

Signature Series Video Case: Category Management Using Information Resources, Inc. Scanner-Based Information 272

Video Case: Bon-Ton Department Stores 273

Part Two Critical Thinking Case: Long ?ohn Silver s Reaches Out to Drive - Through Customers 274

Part Two Marketing Planning Activities: Analyzing Marketing Opportunities 276

Product Decisions 277

Product Decisions 277

Chapter 10 Product Concepts 279

Chapter 10 Product Concepts 279

What Is a Product? 280

Types of Consumer Products 280

Convenience Products 281

Shopping Products 281

Specialty Products 282

Unsought Product 282

Product Ltems, lines, and Mixes 282

Repositioning 284

Adjustments to Product Items, Lines, and Mixes 284

Branding 285

Benefits of Branding 286

Branding Strategies 287

Ethics in Marketing: Exploitative Marketing to Children on the Internet 288

Trademarks 291

Packaging 292

Packaging Functions 292

Global Perspectives: China Fails to Protect Foreign Companies Trademarks and Other Property Rights 293

Labeling 294

Branding 295

Universal Products Codes 295

Global Issues in Branding and Packaging 295

Packaging 296

Product Warranties 297

Summary 297

Key Terms 297

Looking Back 297

Discussion and Writing Questions 298

Video Case: Head Golf 299

Application for Small Business 299

Chapter 11 Developing and Managing Products 301

Chapter 11 Developing and Managing Products 301

Categories of New Products 302

Idea Generation 303

New-Product Strategy 303

The New-Product Development Process 303

Ethics in Marketing: Marketing Smokeless Cigarettes 304

Idea Screening 306

Business Analysis 306

Development 307

Marketing and Small Business: Checklist for Evaluating New-Product Concepts 308

Test Marketing 309

Commercialization 311

Why Some New Products Succeed and Others Fail 312

Global Perspectives: American Cars for Asian Markets 313

Global Issues in New-Product Development 313

Organization for New-Product Development 313

New-Product Committees and Departments 314

Venture Teams and Intrepreneurs 314

Simultaneous Product Development 315

Product Life Cycles 315

Introductory Stage 316

Maturity Stage 317

Growth Stage 317

Decline Stage 318

Implications for Marketing Management 318

Diffusion of Innovation 319

The Spread of New Products 319

Product Characteristics and the Rate of Adoption 321

Marketing Implications of the Adoption Process 321

Summary 322

Key Terms 322

Looking Back 322

Discussion and Writing Questions 323

Video Case: 3M 324

Application for Small Business 324

Chapter 12 Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing 327

Chapter 12 Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing 327

The Importance of Services 328

How Services Differ from Goods 328

Intangibility 329

Heterogeneity 330

Inseparability 330

Perishability 330

Marketing Mixes for Services 331

Product (Service) Strategy 331

Services Marketing in Manufacturing 331

Distribution Strategy 333

Promotion Strategy 334

Price Strategy 335

Relationship Marketing in Services 336

Internal Marketing in Service Firms 337

Nonprofit Organization Marketing 338

Global Issues in Services Marketing 338

Global Perspectives: One World、One UPS 339

What Is Nonprofit Organization Marketing? 339

Unique Aspects of Nonprofit Organization Marketing Strategies 340

Ethics in Marketing: How a Tiny Charity Transformed Itself into a Used-Car Giant 341

Summary 346

Looking Back 346

Key Terms 346

Discussion and Writing Questions 347

Video Case: 1-800-FLOWERS 348

Application for Small Business 348

Chapter 13 Customer Value, Quality, and Satisfaction 351

Chapter 13 Customer Value, Quality, and Satisfaction 351

What Is Customer Value? 352

A Customer Value Framework 353

Goods Quality 354

Global Perspectives: American Firms Find Niche in ?apanese Market 355

Essential Quality Techniques 356

Participants in the Quality Effort 357

Service Quality 359

Categories of Service 360

Service Quality Components 361

The Gap Model of Service Quality 362

Marketing and Small Business: AT?T and MCI Take Aim at Internet Access Market 362

Transaction Costs 364

Value-Based Pricing 364

Life Cycle Costs 365

Customer Satisfaction 366

Measurement of Customer Satisfaction 366

Risk 366

Nonmonetary Sacrifice 366

Customer Satisfaction or Customer Dissatisfaction? 367

Ethics in Marketing: American Cancer Society Exchanges Endorsements for Donations 368

Customer Loyalty 369

Key Terms 371

Looking Back 371

Summary 371

Discussion and Writing Questions 373

Application for Small Business 374

Video Case: Stew Leonard s 374

Part Three Critical Thinking Case: Shaving Systems by Gillette 376

Part Three Marketing Planning Activities: Product Decisions 378

Distribution Decisions 379

Distribution Decisions 379

Chapter 14 Channels ad Physical Distribution 381

Chapter 14 Channels and Physical Distribution 381

Providing Specialization and Division of Labor 382

Overcoming Discrepancies 382

Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution 382

Providing Contact Efficiency 383

Channel Functions 384

Channel Structures 386

Channels for Consumer Products 386

Channels for Industrial Products 387

Marketing and Small Business: Crawfish to Your Doorstep Using the Internet 387

Alternative Channel Arrangements 388

Factors Affecting Channel Choice 390

Channel Strategy Decisions 390

Levels of Distribution Intensity 391

Ethics in Marketing: Should Retailers Control Which Products We Buy? 393

Physical Distribution Service 394

Global Marketing Channels 394

The Importance of Physical Distribution 394

The Balance Between Service and Cost 395

Warehousing 397

Physical Distribution Subsystems 397

Materials Handling 398

Inventory Control 400

Transportation 402

Order Processing 402

Physical Distribution for Services 403

Automation 404

Trends in Physical Distribution 404

Environmental Issues 405

Electronic Distribution 405

Global Distribution 406

Quality in Transportation 406

Contract Logistics and Partnerships 406

Global Perspectives: Physical Distribution in China 407

Summary 408

Key Terms 408

Looking Back 408

Discussion and Writing Questions 410

Application for Small Business 410

Video Case: United Parcel Service 411

Chapter 15 Retailing and Wholesaling 413

Chapter 15 Retailing and Wholesaling 413

Classification of Retail Operations 414

The Role of Retailing 414

Ownership 415

Product Assortment 416

Price 416

Level of Service 416

Major Types of Retail Operations 417

Department Stores 417

Speciality Stores 418

Global Perspectives: ?apan Wakes Up and Smells Starbucks 419

Supermarkets 420

Convenience Stores 420

Discount Stores 421

Nonstore Retailing 425

Direct Retailing 425

Automatic Vending 425

Direct Marketing 426

Franchising 429

Retail Marketing Strategy 431

Defining a Target Market 431

Choosing the Retailing Mix 432

Ethics in Marketing: What Supermarkets Know About You 438

Marketing and Small Business: Expertise: A Critical Success Factor for Small Retailers 441

Global Retailing 442

Trends in Retailing 442

Convenience and Efficiency 443

Entertainment 443

Current Problems Affecting Retailing 444

Wholesaling Intermediaries 445

Merchant Wholesalers 446

Agents and Brokers 447

Trends in Wholesaling 447

Summary 448

Key Terms 448

Looking Back 448

Discussion and Writing Questions 449

Application for Small Business 450

Signature Series Video Case: Tandy Corporation 450

Part Four Critical Thinking Case: Walgreen Company 453

Part Four Marketing Planning Activities: Distribution Decisions 455

Integrated Marketing Communications 457

Jntegrated Marketing Communications 457

Chapter 16 Promotion Strategy and Marketing Communication 459

Chapter 16 Promotion Strategy and Marketing Communication 459

The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix 460

The Promotional Mix 461

Advertising 461

Public Relations 462

Personal Selling 463

Sales Promotion 463

Marketing Communication 464

The Communication Process 464

Dreamful Attraction: Shaquille O Neal s Thoughts on Marketing and Advertising 466

Global Perspectives: Global Challenges in Marketing Communication 469

The Communication Process and the Promotional Mix 470

Integrated Marketing Communications 471

Informing 472

The Goals and Tasks of Promotion 472

Reminding 473

Persuading 473

AIDA and the Hierarchy of Effects 474

The Hierarchy of Effects and the Promotional Mix 476

Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix 477

Nature of the Product 477

Stage in the Product Life Cycle 478

Type of Buying Decision 479

Target Market Characteristics 479

Available Funds 480

Push and Pull Strategies 480

Marketing and Small Business: Guerrilla Promotions for Cash-Strapped Small Business Owners 481

Analyze the Marketplace 482

Steps in Developing the Promotion Plan 482

Set Promotional Objectives 483

Identify the Target Market 483

Ethics in Marketing: Targeting School Kids 484

Develop a Promotion Budget 485

Choose the Promotional Mix 487

Self-Regulation of Promotion 487

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Promotion 487

Federal Regulation of Promotion 488

Looking Back 488

Key Terms 489

Summary 489

Discussion and Writing Questions 491

Application for Small Business 491

Signature Series Video Case: Attracting Customers to Piccadilly Cafeterias 492

Chapter 17 Advertising and Public Relations 495

Chapter 17 Advertising and Public Relations 495

Effects of Advertising 496

Advertising and Market Share 497

Advertising and the Consumer 497

Advertising and Brand Loyalty 498

Ethics in Marketing: Are Kids Influenced by ?oe Camel? 499

Major Types of Advertising 500

Advertising and Product Attributes 500

Product Advertising 501

Institutional Advertising 501

Steps in Creating an Advertising Campaign 502

Make Creative Decisions 503

Determine Campaign Objectives 503

Global Perspectives: Iranian Censors Decide Many Topics Are Unmentionable in Ads 506

Make Media Decisions 508

Media Types 508

Marketing and Small Business: Radio: An Effective Advertising Medium for Small Marketers 511

Media Selection Considerations 514

Media Scheduling 515

Evaluate the Ad Campaign 517

Public Relations 518

Major Public Relations Tools 518

Managing Unfavorable Publicity 521

Looking Back 522

Key Terms 522

Summary 522

Discussion and Writing Questions 523

Signature Series Video Case: Woman s Hospital Responds to Changing Market Opportunities 524

Applications for Small Business 524

Chapter 18 Sales Promotion and Personal Selling 527

Chapter 18 Sales Promotion and Personal Selling 527

Sales Promotion 528

The Objectives of Sales Promotion 528

Tools for Consumer Sales Promotion 529

Marketing and Small Business: Customer-Specific Marketing for Small Retailers 532

Tools for Trade Sales Promotion 535

Personal Selling 537

Relationship Selling 538

Selling Tasks 539

Ethics in Marketing: Why the Bad Rap? 540

Steps in the Selling Process 542

Generating Leads 543

Qualifying Sales Leads 544

Doing a Needs Assessment 545

Developing and Proposing Solutions 545

Handling Obiections 547

Closing the Sale 547

Following Up 548

Sales Management 548

Global Perspectives: Global Dos and Don ts in Selling 549

Defining Sales Objectives and the Sales Process 550

Designing the Sales Organization 551

Developing the Sales Force 553

Directing the Sales Force 556

Evaluating the Sales Force 558

Looking Back 558

Summary 558

Key Terms 558

Discussion and Writing Questions 560

Application for Small Business 560

Video Case: Ferrara Fire Apparatus (FFA) Pursues Relationship Selling 561

Endnotes 563

Chapter 19 Internet Marketing 565

Chapter 19 Internet Marketing 565

Part Five Critical Thinking Case: Coca-Cola Company 567

Part Five Marketing Planning Activities: Integrated Marketing Communications 568

Pricing Decisions 571

Pricing Decisions 571

Chapter 20 Pricing Concepts 573

Chapter 20 Pricing Concepts 573

What Is Price? 574

The Importance of Price to Marketing Managers 574

The Importance of Price 574

Profit-Oriented Pricing Objectives 575

Pricing Objectives 575

Sales-Oriented Pricing Objectives 577

Status Quo Pricing Objectives 578

The Demand Determinant of Price 579

The Nature of Demand 579

Elasticity of Demand 581

Ethics in Marketing: Getting Ripped Off at the ATM 583

The Cost Determinant of Price 585

Markup Pricing 587

Profit Maximization Pricing 587

Break- Even Pricing 588

Other Determinants of Price 590

Stage in the Product Life Cycle 590

The Competition 591

Distribution Strategy 591

Global Perspectives: Chaotic Pricing Calls for Pricing Corridors 592

Promotion Strategy 593

The Relationship of Price to Quality 593

Summary 594

Key Terms 594

Looking Back 594

Discussion and Writing Questions 596

Application for Small Business 596

Signature Series Video Case: Fabulous Technology Offers Many New Features for Tomorrow s Automobiles-But Will the Consumer Buy It? 597

Chapter 21 Setting the Right Price 601

Chapter 21 Setting the Right Price 601

How to Set a Price on a Product 602

Establish Pricing Goals 602

Choose a Price Strategy 603

Estimate Demand, Costs, and Profits 603

The Legality and Ethics of Price Strategy 606

Unfair Trade Practices 606

Global Perspectives: Budget Hotels Arenit Always a Bargain Abroad 607

Price Fixing 607

Price Discrimination 608

Tactics for Fine Tuning the Base Price 609

Discounts, Allowances, and Rebates 609

Predatory Pricing 609

Geographic Pricing 611

Special Pricing Tactics 613

Ethics in Marketing: Are Drug Prices Based on All the Traffic Will Bear ? 616

Product Line Pricing 618

Relationships Among Products 618

Pricing During Difficult Economic Times 619

Inflation 619

Joint Costs 619

Recession 621

Pricing: A Look at the Future 622

Looking Back 623

Summary 623

Key Terms 623

Discussion and Writing Questions 625

Application for Small Business 626

Video Case: Southwest Airlines 626

Part Six Critical Thinking Case: GM s Move to No-Haggle Pricing 628

Part Six Critical Thinking Case: Levi Strauss and Company 630

Part Six Marketing Planning Activities: Pricing Decisions 632

Appendix: Careers in Marketing 633

Appendix: Careers in Marketing 633

Glossary 640

Glossary 640

Endnotes 653

Company and Organization Index 671

Subject Index 677

Internet Index 691
