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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:余富斌主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7313019629
  • 页数:338 页

Unit One(1~7) 1

1.The Development of McDonald’s (麦当劳快餐店发展史) 1

Part ⅠText 1

2.“A Great Detective” (“了不起的大侦探”) 2

3.Cycling in the City (城市里的自行车) 3

4.The Impulse to Buy (即兴购买欲) 5

5.Do-It-Yourself:a Fast Growing Industry (自己动手--一项快速增长的行业) 6

6.Advancde Timekeeping Methods (先进的计时方法) 7

7.Ease on Down the Road (缓解公路拥挤状况) 8

8.Urbanization and Suburbanization (城市化和郊区化) 10

Unit Two(8~14) 10

9.The Letter of Credit (信用证) 11

10.Artists and Society (艺术家和社会) 12

11.Population and Pollution (人口与污染) 13

12.The Beginning of Drama (戏剧的起源) 14

13.Football (足球) 16

14.Evolution Not Revolution (是发展而不是革命) 17

Unit Three(15~21) 18

15.Cancer and Cuisine (癌症和饮食) 18

16.Sorry,No Blue Ribbon (对不起,不能授勋) 19

17.Ocean Bottom (海底) 21

18.Advertising (广告) 22

19.Three Fundamental Human Body Types (三种基本的体型) 23

20.Goods Storage and the Warehouse (货物储存和仓库) 24

21.Speech (说话) 25

Unit Four(22~28) 26

22.Yes,There Could be Life on Mars (是的,火星上可能存在生命) 27

23.Voting System in Australia (澳大利亚的选举制度) 28

24.Early North American Society (早期的北美社会) 29

25.Song from the Forest(1) (森林之歌(1)) 30

26.Light and Colour (光和颜色) 31

27.Local Newspapers in Britain (英国的地方报纸) 32

28.The Field Force (力场) 34

Unit Five(29~35) 35

29.Song from the Forest(2) (森林之歌(2)) 35

30.Edward Emerson Barnard(爱德华·埃默森·巴纳) 36

31.Herman Melville (赫尔曼·麦尔韦尔) 37

32.More Metals May Soon be Blown into Shape (越来越多的金属不久将可“吹塑”成型) 38

33.Romantic Period (浪漫主义时期) 40

34.The High Cost of Living (高生活费用) 41

35.Noise(噪声) 42

36.Paper-Plastic Material (塑料纸张原材料) 43

Unit Six(36~42) 43

37.“Intelligent Discourse”with Gorrillas(和大猩猩进行“有理解力的交谈”) 44

38.The Market Investigation (市场调查) 45

39.How Water Moves to the Top of a Tree (水是如何到达树顶的) 46

40.Fish Farming,an Answer to Lower Yields (鱼类养殖,解决鱼产量低的出路) 48

41.The Monetary Systern in the American Colonies (美洲殖民地的货币体系) 49

42.Better than a Bed (比床更好一些) 50

Unit Seven(43~49) 51

43.Indian Mythology (印度神话) 52

44.A Dose of Mother Teresa (Mother 德勒撒的一剂药) 53

45.Broad Damage Found in Trees in Eastern U.S. (美国东部的森林损害严重) 55

46.The Story of Atom (原子的故事) 56

47.Teacher Evaluations (评定教师业绩) 57

48.Culaure and Language (文化和语言) 58

49.A Question of Exercise (锻炼问题) 60

Unit Eight(50~56) 61

50.Soundproofing Railroads and Highways (隔音铁路和隔音公路) 61

51.Bloodhounds’Reputation (警犬的声誉) 63

52.Review-the Fourth Step of SQ3R (SQ3R的第四步骤--复习) 64

53.The Problems that the U.S. Faced after the Civil War (内战后美国面临的问题) 65

54.Fighting Bugs with Bugs (以虫治虫) 66

55.Weather Forecast (天气预报) 68

56.Songs in the Colonial Days (殖民地时期的歌曲) 69

Unit Nine(57~63) 70

57.Plimsoll Mark (载重线标志) 70

58.The Consequences of Rapid Population Growth (人口迅速增长的后果) 71

59.Scientists Catches Fish with Electronics (科学家用电子技术捕鱼) 73

60.Music in America (美国的音乐) 74

61.Echo of the Elephants (大象埃科一家) 75

62.“How to”Books (“指南”丛书) 77

63.Leprosy (麻风病) 78

64.Danger Is Her Business (冒险就是她的职业) 79

Unit Ten(64~70) 79

65.The Red Feather Currency (红羽毛货币) 80

66.Sign Language (手势语) 82

67.Amnesty International (国际大赦组织) 83

68.Animals (动物) 84

69.A City of the Future (未来的城市) 85

70.Why Do We Sleep (为什么我们要睡觉) 86

Unit Eleven(71~77) 88

71.Worries with Waste (对垃圾的担忧) 88

72.Totem Poles (图腾柱) 89

73.Work, Labor and Paly (工作、劳动和娱乐) 90

74.Liberia’s Past and Future (利比里亚的过去和未来) 92

75.A Question of Insurance (保险问题) 93

76.Fish Farming Helps Feed More People (渔业养殖业有助于养活更多的人口) 94

77.Dreams of Flight (飞行的梦想) 95

Unit Twelve(78~84) 97

78.Zinjanthropus (东非人) 97

79.Instant Coffee (速溶咖啡) 98

80.Weather (天气) 99

81.Environmental Pollution (环境污染) 100

82.Birds (鸟) 102

83.Wolff’s Research on Phone Privacy (沃尔夫对电话隐私性的研究) 103

84.History and Legend (历史和传说) 104

Unit Thirteen(85~91) 105

85.World Trade (世界贸易) 105

86.Human Minds Need Stimulation (人脑需要刺激) 107

87.Artists (艺术家) 108

88.Tower Bridge (塔桥) 109

89.How to Compute in Chinese (怎样使用中文电脑) 110

90.The Ways to Remove Echoes (消除回声的方法) 111

91.The Standard of Living (生活水准) 113

Unit Fourteen(92~98) 114

92.American Filrns (美国电影) 114

93.The Use of Pesticides Should be Restricted and Controlled (杀虫剂的使用应受限制和控制) 115

94.Energy Problem of the Third World (第三世界的能源问题) 117

95.The Mounties (加拿大皇家骑警队员) 118

96.Children of Divorce (离异者的子女) 119

97.Mankind (人类) 120

98.Walk-Through Mozart (轻松地初次排练莫扎特音乐) 122

Unit Fifteen(99~105) 123

99.Wit and Humor (智慧和幽默) 123

100.Money and Banking (货币与银行业) 124

101.Galileo and his Telescope (伽利略和他的望远镜) 125

102.Return to the Oceans (重返大海) 127

103.Americans Drop a Warning over Agriculture (美国人就农业问题提出一项警告) 128

104.On Solitude (论孤居独处) 129

105.Orange’s Oil Shows Promise as Insecticide (橘子皮油用作杀虫剂很有希望) 130

Unit Sixteen(106~112) 131

106.Hobbies (业余爱好) 132

107.Security and Commodity Exchanges (证券交易所和商品交易所) 133

108.Television:The Modern Wonder of Electronics(电视--电子学的现代奇迹) 134

109.Prolonging Human Life (延长人的寿命) 136

110.The History of Piano (钢琴的发展史) 137

111.Female Passivity (女性的被动性) 139

112.A New Labour Force--Apes (一种新的劳动力--猿) 140

113.Make it Natural (做得自然些) 141

Unit Seventeen(113~120) 141

114.Getting Smaller (越来越小) 143

115.Sewing Enters the Age of Computer (缝纫进入了电脑时期) 145

116.Early Marriage (早婚) 146

117.To Meet the Patients’Needs Is a Must (必须做到满足病人的需要) 147

118.Black Holes (宇宙中的黑洞) 149

119.Pictures and Words (图画和文字) 150

120.The Development of Immigration in Australia (澳大利亚移民发展情况) 151

Part ⅡKey to Translation 153

Unit One(1~7) 153

Unit Two(8~14) 158

Unit Three(15~21) 163

Unit Four(22~28) 168

Unit Five(29~35) 174

Unit Six(36~42) 179

Unit Seven(43~49) 184

Unit Eight(50~56) 190

Unit Nine(57~63) 195

Unit Ten(64~70) 201

Unit Eleven(71~77) 206

Unit Twelve(78~84) 211

Unit Thirteen(85~91) 216

Unit Fourteen(92~98) 222

Unit Fifteen(99~105) 227

Unit Sixteen(106~112) 233

Unit Seventeen(113~120) 238

Part Ⅲ Chinese Version 245

Unit One(1~7) 245

Unit Two(8~14) 250

Unit Three(15~21) 255

Unit Four(22~28) 260

Unit Five(29~35) 265

Unit Six(36~42) 270

Unit Seven(43~49) 275

Unit Eight(50~56) 281

Unit Nine(57~63) 286

Unit Ten(64~70) 292

Unit Eleven(71~77) 297

Unit Twelve(78~84) 303

Unit Thirteen(85~91) 308

Unit Fou rteen(92~98) 314

Unit Fifteen(99~105) 319

Unit Sixteen(106~112) 325

Unit Seventeen(113~120) 331
