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Windows 2000性能调试技术手册 影印版
Windows 2000性能调试技术手册 影印版

Windows 2000性能调试技术手册 影印版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:〔美〕Microsoft编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7301048491
  • 页数:540 页
《Windows 2000性能调试技术手册 影印版》目录

PART I An Overview of Performance Tuning and Optimzation 3

1 Introduction to Performance Tuning and Optimization 3

Why Is PTO Importans? 4

Lower Equipment Costs 4

Increased User Productivity 5

Improved User Attitude 5

Greater Reliability Due to Lower Equipment Stress 5

Reduced Application Errors 6

Reduced Administrator Troubleshooting Time 6

Overview of the Performance Console 7

What Is a Bottleneck? 9

Processor Bottlenecks 9

Memory Bottlenecks 9

Disk Bottlenecks 9

Network Bottlenecks 10

What Is Capacity Planning? 10

PTO and the Internet 10

Summary 11

2 The Microsoft Windows 2000 Kernel 13

Executive Service 14

User Mode versus Kernel Mode 15

Understanding the Executive Exported Functions 15

An Overview of Executive Components 17

Working with Executive Objects 19

Synchronization Issues 20

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) 22

How the HAL Affects Performance 24

Understanding the I/O Hierarchy 24

Understanding the I/O Manager and Kernel Mode Device Drivers 25

Windows 2000 Subsystems 26

Environment Subsystems 27

Windows 2000 Managers 33

I/O Manager 33

LPC Facility 34

Object Manager 35

Security Reference Manager 35

Virtual Memory Manager 35

Windows 2000 Applications 36

Win32 Application 36

POSIX Application 37

OS/2 Application 37

Summary 38

3 Processes and Threads and Memory Management 39

Understanding Processes and Threads 40

Processes Define the Application 41

Threads Are Application Laborers 42

Ways to View Processes and Threads 51

Task Manager 51

System Monitor 54

Computer Management 56

Developer Tools 57

Prioritizing Processes and Threads 62

Multiprocessing and Performance 64

Two Processors Don t Equal Twice the Performance 65

Symmetric versus Asymmetric Multiprocessing 65

Understanding Application Multiprocessing Requirements 66

Microsoft Windows 2000 Memory Model 67

Virtual Memory Management 68

Summary 69

4 Performance Monltoring In Microsoft Windows 2000 71

Using the Microsoft Management Console 72

View Real-Time Performance Data from the Comfort of Your Computer Screen 73

Analyze Data Collected Either Currently or Previously in a Counter Log 74

Ability to View Collected Data in Various Views 74

Understanding Performance Counters, Objects, and Instances 75

Objects and Instances 76

Selecting Counters to Monitor 81

Overview of Important Performance Counters 83

Monitoring Legacy Programs 87

Monitoring Other Computers 89

Reducing Overhead 94

Interpreting Performance Data 95

Setting How Often to Monitor 96

Exploring System Monitor Views 97

Chart View 100

Report View 103

Performance Log and Alerts Views 104

Exporting Performance Data 111

Summary 112

PART Ⅱ Battle of the Bulge: Handling Bottienecks 115

5 Diagnosing Processor Bottienecks 115

What Is a Processor Bottleneck? 116

Quantifying a Processor Bottleneck 117

Testing for Processing Bottlenecks 119

Processor-Bound Application Types 124

Potential Solutions for Processor Bottlenecks 126

Check for Simple Problems First 126

Remove Unneeded Services 127

Perform Task Scheduling 130

Current Processor Technology Overview 130

Future Directions in Processor Technology 132

Summary 134

6 Diagnosing Memory Bottlenecks 135

Understanding and Using Memory 136

Memory and Its Acronyms 136

How Microsoft Windows 2000 Uses Memory 142

Reliability Considerations for Memory 150

Detecting Memory Bottlenecks 152

Using Task Manager to Monitor Processes 152

Monitoring Memory Problems with System Monitor 154

Creating Memory-Related Alerts 155

Configuration Solutions for Memory Bottlenecks 155

Efficient Use of Virtual Memory 156

Turning Off Unneeded Services 158

Disk Optimization, A Hidden Performance Boost 158

Summary 160

7 Diagnosing Disk Bottienecks 161

What Is a Disk Bottleneck? 164

Detecting Disk Bottlenecks 166

Using Disk Defragmenter as an Analysis Tool 166

Checking Your Hardware 171

Using System Monitor to Find Disk Problems 174

Disk-Bound Application Types 178

Potential Solutions for Disk Bottlenecks 179

Using New Disk Technologies 181

Working with Storage Area Networks (SANs) 181

Working with Zip and Jaz Drives 186

Working with Solid State Drives (SSDs) 188

Comparing Disk-Formatting Technologies 189

Disk Mirroring 191

Disk Duplexing 191

Drive Striping 192

RAID-5 192

Summary 193

Part Ⅲ Tuning the Network 197

8 Network Problems 197

Overview of Network Bottleneck Sources 199

Operation System Sources 200

Local Machine Sources 208

Remote Node Sources 209

Other Sources 211

Overview of Network Topology Limitations 213

Theoretical Versus Real-World Performance 214

Understanding Fiber-Optic Performance Characteristics 216

Performance and Aging 218

Understanding Network Component Interactions 220

User-Oriented Network Bottleneck Solutions 224

Monitoring Network Performance 224

Training Network Users 224

Setting Network Security 225

Monitoring Network Application Performance 225

Other User0Oriented Network Influences 226

Hardware-Oriented Network Bottleneck Solutions 226

Ensuring It Works 227

Using Vendor-Supplied Drivers 228

Widening the Pipe 231

Quality Does Make a Difference 232

Software-Oriented Network Bottleneck Solutions 232

Operating System versus Application Problems 233

Understanding Authentication Choices in DCOM 234

A Look at Bindings 238

A Look at Providers 239

Summary 240

9 Microsoft Active Directory Services and Tuning 241

Active Directory Terminology and Structure 242

Schema 242

Object 243

Scope 243

Namespace 243

Container 244

Tree 244

Name 244

Domain Tree 246

Forest 246

Site 247

Partition 247

Global Catalog 248

Active Directory Deployment 248

Active Directory Installation 249

Active Directory Management 255

Active Directory Users and Computers 256

Active Directory Sites and Services 256

Active Directory Domains and Trusts 256

ADSI (Active Directory Service Interfaces) 257

Active Directory Performance Issues 259

Replication Issues 259

Directory Roaming 260

Active Directory Services and Applications 261

Active Directory Replication 263

Windows NT Replication 263

Directory Replication through Multimaster Replication 264

Keeping Track of Updates 266

Intrasite Replication 267

Intersite Replication 267

Global Active Directory Replication (Enterprise Networks) 268

Network Issues 268

Site Links 268

Active Directory Replication Traffic 270

DNS Services 272

Active Directory Database Sizing and Fragmentation 272

Database Size 273

Database Defragmentation 273

Monitoring Active Directory Activity 274

Summary 278

PART Ⅳ Other Tuning Considerations 281

10 New Tuning Features in Microsoft Windows 2000 281

Disk Quotas and Accounting 282

Web Site Support 284

Process Throttling 285

Bandwidth Throttling 289

Process Accounting 293

HTTP Compression 298

Improved Multiprocessor Support 300

Multiprocessing Myths Exposed 301

Reconfiguring Your Server for Multiprocessor Support 302

I2O Support 306

Overview of the I20 Standard 306

Overview of the I20 Processor 307

Networking Needs 308

Working with Quality of Service (QoS) Settings 308

Understanding the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) 315

Summary 316

11 Capacity Planning 319

Deciding What Level of Performance You Need 320

Relationship Between Capacity and Performance 322

System Losses and Performance 322

Considering a Load s Effect on Performance 325

Adding Reliability to Your Performance Picture 327

Reliability and Windows 2000 Specific Features 327

Application Reliability Effects 331

Reliability and Hardware 333

Dependable Networking Technologies 337

Manual Versus Automatic Reliability Features 338

Understanding Vendor Claims versus Real-World Performance 343

Greating a Graphical Representation of Your Network 345

Looking for Performance Bottlenecks 347

Summary 349

12 Microsoft Windows 2000 and Its Versions 351

Overview of the Windows 2000 Versions 353

Windows 2000 Server 354

Windows 2000 Advanced Server 356

Windows 2000 Datacenter Server 360

General Server Tuning Techniques 361

Quick Tips for Small Gains 362

Taking Out the Trash 367

Creating Permanent Pagefiles 370

Special Tuning Concerns for Advanced Server 373

Special Tuning Concerns for Datacenter Server 374

Summary 376

13 Microsoft Windows 2000 and Clustering 377

How Cluster Service Can Help You 377

Benefits of Clustering Under Windows 2000 378

Scalability 378

High Availability 379

Manageability 380

Resource Fallover and Network Load Balancing 381

Understanding Resource Fallover and Fallback 381

UnderStanding Network Load Balancing 382

Guidelines for Creating a Cluster 383

Additional Information Needed Before Installation Begins 383

Installing Cluster Service 384

Network Failure Detection 389

Clustered Environment Scenarios 389

Hot Spare 389

State Load Balancing 390

Virtual Server (No Fallover) 391

Hybrid Cluster 393

Partial Server Cluster 394

Managing a Windows 2000 Server Cluster 395

Cluster Administrator Tool 395

Command Line Administration 396

Third-Party Support for Cluster Service 399

Cluster Resources 401

Cluster Application 402

Summary 402

14 Microsoft Windows 2000 and the Internet 405

Internet Information Services 5.0 405

Installing IIS 5.0 406

Performance and Reliability 407

Clustering and IIS 407

Processor Throttling 409

Bandwidth Throttling 410

Process Accounting 411

Application Protection 413

Socket Pooling 414

HTTP Compression 415

Tuning IIS 5.0 416

Performance Bar 416

Application Response 417

Logging Only When Needed 418

Network Configuration and Settings 419

Performance Tuning Active Server Pages 422

Session Timeout 424

Enable Buffering 424

ASP Threads and Script Engines 424

Performance Testing Your Web Site 425

Windows Media Load Simulator 425

Web Capacity Analysis Tool 429

Windows Application Stress Tool 436

Summary 439

Part Ⅴ Special Tuning Tools 443

15 Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit Performance Tools 443

Installation Overview 444

A Look at the Additional Components Option 447

Microsoft Applications Option 448

3rd Party Applications Option 450

An Overview of Performance Tools 450

Clear Memory 451

ClusterSentinel 452

Counter List 453

CPU Stress 454

CPU Usage in Processes 456

Disk Alignment Tool 457

Empty Working Set 458

Extensible Performance Counter List 458

Leaky Application 459

List Loaded Drivers 460

Page Fault Monitor 462

PerMon Chart Setting Editor 464

Performance Data Block Dump Utility 465

Performance Data in the Command Window 467

Performance Meter 467

Performance Monitor 4 469

Perf Monitor 469

Program Timer 471

Time Ordered Processes 471

Total Processors 472

Virtual Address Dump 474

Summary 476

16 Third-Party Tuning Tools 477

Shareware Tools 478

Fundelete 481

PsKill 482

Portmon 483

Smartline DeviceLock 485

TOTALidea WinRAM Booster 488

General Administration Tools 489

CyberSafe Log Analyst 491

Seagate Crystal Reports 6 492

Hardware-Oriented Tools 493

Executive Software Diskeeper 495

Norton CleanSweep 496

Norton Utilities 498

PowerQuest ServerMagic and DriveCopy 499

TouchStone Checkit 500

Network-Specific Tools 500

Intergraph SmartSketch LE 501

Summary 503

Glossary 505

Index 525
