王宽诚教育基金会学术讲座汇编 第18集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱伟长主编(上海大学)
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7810581511
- 页数:183 页
目录 1
Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Stochastic Dynamics Simulation in Biomolecular System 施蕴瑜 1
THNPC-Ⅱ-A Cluster Computing System with Fast NI Switch and Message Passing Communication at User Level 李三立 7
Memory Centric Interconnection Mechanism for Message Passing in Parallel Systems 李三立 21
Computational and Experimental Studies on the Thermolysis Mechanism of Zirconium and Hafnium Tetraalkyl Complexes. Difference between Titanium and Zirconium Complexes 吴云东 30
谈大学生个人成长 岳晓东 46
中国文化和现代化管理 叶日崧 53
中国人口转变及其社会经济含义 朱国宏 60
人地关系与中国的社会经济变迁 朱国宏 69
近代中国大规模的国际迁移:1840~1949 朱国宏 82
Synthesis and Characterization of Fe-and Cr-Containing Silicates Having Zsm-48 Structure Prepared with a Low Amount of 1,6-Hexanediamine 李瑞丰 87
Catalytic Performances of Metallosilicates with Zsm-48 Structure 李瑞丰 92
Catalytic Performances ofMetallosilicates with Zsm-48 Structure Preparation of DLC Gradient Biomaterials by means of Plasma Source Ion Implant-Ion Beam Enhanced Deposition 尹光福 97
Magnetothermal Analysis of Fe-Cu-Nb-V-Si-B Alloy 王治 103
Temperature Dependence of Permeability for Fe72.7Cu1Nb2V1.8Si13.5B9Nanocrystalline Alloy 王治 108
On the Auslander-reiten Quiver with Oriented Cycles of Representation-finite Algebras 姚海楼 113
Flow of Viscous Oil in a Centrifugal Oil Pump Impeller 李文广 117
Method for Computing the Failure Probability of Aircraft Structures 宋笔锋 126
In Situ PCR and Immunohistochemical Studies on p16 Genein Pituitary Adenomas 易静 131
Analysis with Non-Orthogonal Functions for Anisotropic Cells 周哲玮 139
Nonlinear Vibration and Dynamic Instability of Thin Shallow Conical Shell 叶志明 147
General Solution for C-Shaped Bellows Overall-Bending Problems 朱卫平 156
Isotope Tracer Techniques in Cell Cultures for the Study of Plant Drugs in Relation to receptors and post-receptor signal transduction 胡雅儿 163
Labour Value and Water Resources Value 甘筱青 171
On the Diesel Engine’s Impulsive-source Features Extraction 耿遵敏 174
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