- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵政清主编
- 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7810229249
- 页数:252 页
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 A Definition of Rhetoric 1
1.2 The Object of the Study of Rhetoric 4
1.3 Rhetoric and Some Other Sciences 5
1.3.1 Semantics 5
1.3.2 Phonetics 6
13.3 Lexicology and Grammar 6
1.3.4 Logic 6
Exercise 1 6
Chapter Two The Brief History of Development of Rhetoric and Classical Theory 8
Exercise 2 12
Chapter Three Rhetoric of Words and Expressions 13
3.1 Archaisms 13
3.2 Obsolete Words and Expressions 16
3.3 Colloquialisms 17
3.4 Slang 18
3.5 Idioms 21
3.6 Clichés 23
3.7 Jargon 24
3.8 Dialect 26
3.8.1 The Peculiarities of Poyster′s Derbyshire Dialect 27
3.8.2 The Main Characteristics of the Cockney Dialect 28
3.9 Vulgarisms 29
Exercise 3 31
Chapter Four Rhetoric of the Sentence 38
4.1 Controlled Use of the Passive Voice 38
Exercise4 41
4.2 Dangling Elements 42
4.2.1 Dangling Participle 44
4.2.2 Dangling Gerund 44
4.2.3 Dangling Infinitive 45
4.2.4 Dangling Elliptical Clause 45
Exercise 5 46
4.3 Misplaced Modifiers 47
Exercise 6 48
4.4 Front-heaviness of the Sentence 49
Exercise 7 52
4.5 Sentence Embedding 53
Exercise 8 56
4.6 The Sentence 56
4.6.1 The Sentence Base 56
4.6.2 Absolutes 58
4.6.3 Sentence Openers 63
Exercise 9 66
4.7.1 Balanced Style 68
4.7 Style 68
4.7.2 Curt Style 70
4.7.3 Loose Style 71
4.7.4 Familiar Style 73
4.8 Tone 74
Exercise 10 78
Chapter Five Syntactical Stylistic Devices Commonly used in English 82
5.1 The Rhetorical Question 82
5.2 Rogatio 83
5.3 Quaesitio 85
5.4 Percontatio 87
Exercise 11 88
5.5 Apo Koinou 89
5.6 Ellipsis 90
Exercise 12 91
5.7 Parenthesis 92
Exercise 13 94
5.8 Parallelism 95
Exercise 14 97
5.9 Repetition 98
5.9.1 Word Repetition 98
5.9.2 Anaphora 100
5.9.3 Epiphora 101
5.10 Anadiplosis 103
5.11 Epanadiplosis 104
5.12 Polysyndeton 105
Exercise 15 106
5.13 Antithesis 111
5.14 Climax 112
5.15 Anticlimax 115
5.16 Aposiopesis 115
5.17 Anastrophe 117
5.18 Represented Speech 120
5.19 Chiasmus 122
5.20 Apostrophe 123
Exercise 16 124
Chapter Six Lexical Stylistic Devices Commonly used in English 127
6.1 Figures of Speech 127
6.1.1 Extending the Use of Words 128
6.1.2 Metaphoric Extension 128
6.1.3 Simile 131
Exercise 17 132
6.1.4 Metaphor 133
6.1.4(1) Genuine Metaphor 133
6.1.4(2) Dead Metaphors 135
6.1.4(3) Mixed Metaphors 136
6.1.4(4) Miscellaneous 137
6.1.5 Personification 138
Exercise 18 142
6.1.6 Epithet 144
6.2 metonymy 145
6.3 Synecdoche 146
6.4 Allegory 149
6.5 Antonomasia 151
6.6 Euphemism 152
6.7 Oxymoron 154
6.8 Irony 157
6.9 Satire 163
6.10 Hyperbole 166
6.11 Litotes 169
6.12 Pun 171
6.13 Zeugma 172
6.14 Allusion 174
6.15 Paradox 176
Exercise 19 178
6.16.1 Literal Analogy 180
6.16 Analogy 180
6.16.2 Figurative Analogy 182
6.16.3 Suggestions for Writing Analogies 183
Exercise 20 184
Chapter Seven Phonetic Stylistic Devices Commonly Used in English Poetry 186
7.1 Some Basic Terms 186
7.1.1 Prosody 186
7.1.2(2) Trochee 187
7.1.2(3) Dactyl 187
7.1.2(1) Iambus(or Iambic) 187
7.1.2 metre 187
7.1.2(4) Anapaest 188
7.1.2(5) Amphibrach 188
7.1.2(6) Spondee 188
7.1.2(7) Pyrrhic 188
7.1.3 Foot 189
7.1.3(1) Monometre 189
7.1.3(2) Dimetre 189
7.1.3(3) Trimetre 189
7.1.3(4) Tetrametre 190
7.1.3(5) Pentametre 190
7.1.3(6) Hexametre 190
7.1.5 Alliteration 191
7.1.4 Assonance 191
7.1.6 Rhyme 193
7.1.6(1) End Rhyme 194
7.1.6(2) Internal Rhyme 194
7.1.7 Cadence 197
7.1.8 Refrain 197
7.1.9 Scansion 198
7.1.10 Verse 198
7.2 English Stanzas 198
7.2.1 Couplet 198
7.2.2 Triplet 199
7.2.3 Quatrain 200
7.2.4 Cinquain 200
7.2.5 Sestet 201
7.2.6 Heptastich 201
7.2.7 Ottava Rima 201
7.2.8 Ballad Stanza 202
7.2.9 Spenserian Stanza 205
7.3 Types of Poetry 206
7.3.1 Sonnet 206
7.3.1(1) Petrarchan(or Italian)Sonnet 206
7.3.1(2) Shakespearean(English)Sonnet 207
7.3.1(3) Miltonic Sonnet 208
7.3.2 Blank Verse 209
7.3.3 Free Verse 210
7.3.4 Elegy 211
7.3.5 Epic 212
7.3.6 Epitaph 212
7.3.7 Lyric 213
7.3.8 Ode 214
7.3.9 Heroic Couplet 214
Exercise 21 215
1 THE DROMEDARY by Archibald Campbell 219
Appendix Ⅰ:Poems 219
2 THE ROAD THROUGH THE WOODSby Rudyard Kipling 220
4 UPON WESTMINSTER BRIDGE by William Wordsworth 224
5 LEISURE by W.H.Davies 226
6 O CAPTAIN!MY CAPTAIN!by Walt Whitman 227
7 THRUSHES by Humbert Wolfe 230
8“IS MY TEAM PLOUGHING?”by A.E.Housman 232
10 A RED,RED,ROSE by Robert Burns 237
Appendix Ⅱ:Key to Some of the Exercises 239
Bibliography 251
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- 《计算机组成原理解题参考 第7版》张基温 2017
- 《高等院校保险学专业系列教材 保险学原理与实务》林佳依责任编辑;(中国)牟晓伟,李彤宇 2019
- 《刑法归责原理的规范化展开》陈璇著 2019
- 《教师教育系列教材 心理学原理与应用 第2版 视频版》郑红,倪嘉波,刘亨荣编;陈冬梅责编 2020
- 《单片机原理及应用》庄友谊 2020
- 《通信电子电路原理及仿真设计》叶建芳 2019
- 《计算机组成原理 第2版》任国林 2018
- 《化工原理课程设计》刘建周主编 2018
- 《会计学原理》邵瑞庆主编 2019
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
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- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《大学化学实验》李爱勤,侯学会主编 2016
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
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