- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)约翰·普拉特(J.Platt)著;杨鲁新译
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7119023578
- 页数:188 页
1 Is Mr Brown in or inside his office? 1
2 Don't walk into the door! 5
3 On, in or at 99 Park Street? 11
4 Between the three of us? 17
5 He works underneath me 21
6 Over, on top of or above? 25
7 Near or next to? 29
8 In front of Judge Jansen 33
9 Go after him! 37
10 During my holidays 41
11 Just in time 45
12 An hour to midnight 49
13 From when to when? 53
14 Did he come by train or with a train? 57
15 A meal of golden plates 61
16 Out of mind! 65
17 From or in my point of view? 69
18 On or for a holiday? 73
19 Around and about 77
20 A book about Agatha Christie 81
21 Happy with his work 85
22 Interested with or in him? 89
23 Is he capable? 93
24 Good at English 97
25 Is she superior? 101
26 Ready for you 105
27 Is it reserved to or for? 109
28 It's difficult for me 113
29 What's it comprised of? 115
30 I very much doubt it! 119
31 The guests are provided for 123
32 I don't approve of Jim 127
33 I met with a disaster 131
34 I visited with my aunt 135
35 We'll order for them 139
36 Congratulations on, for or about? 143
37 Waiting for Mrs Ong 147
38 Speaking in English 151
39 Does she resemble her? 157
40 Let's charge him! 161
41 You'll pay for this! 165
42 I'm looking onto you 169
43 She came at the table 173
44 He answers to the name of Fido 177
45 Did he apply? 181
46 We decided on a flat roof 185
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