Contents 1
Ⅰ.Socializing 1
(Utterances expressing various relationships with the person adressed.)1.Greetings 1
2.Introductions 3
3.Invitations 5
4.Partings 8
5.Gratitude 10
6.Sympathy and Consolation 12
7.Indifference 14
8.Hiding One's Feelings 16
9.Apologizing 18
Ⅱ.Personal Emotions 20
(Ways of expressing emotional reactions to events,people or things.)10.Pleasure and Displeasure 20
11.Likes and Dislikes 23
12.Preference 25
13.Annoyance 27
14.Distress 29
15.Disappointment 31
16 Regret 33
17.Exhaustion 35
Ⅲ Judgment and Evaluation 38
(Expressions mainly of assessment and replies.) 38
18.Approval and Disapproval 38
19.Praise 41
20.Accusal and Defence 43
21.Complaining 46
22.Reproaches 49
23.Beliefs and Disbeliefs 51
24.Certaintyand Uncertainty 53
25.Possibility and Impossibility 56
26.Probability and Improbability 59
27.Permission 62
Ⅳ.Techniques in Discussion 65
(Conversational devices used in exchanging infor-mation and/or views.)28.Opinions 65
29.Reporting 68
30.Asking for Clarification 70
31.Agreement and Disagreement 73
32.Ignorance 76
33.Ambivalence 78
34.Interrupting 81
35.Looking for the Right Word 84
36.Hesitating 87
37.Saying“No” 90
Ⅴ.Rational Enquiry and Exposition 93
(Speech formulas relating to the rational organiza-tion of thought and speech.)38.Deductions 93
39.Similarities and Differences 95
40.Reasons 98
41.Contingency 101
42.Intention 104
43.Imagining 106
44.Remembering 109
45.Obligation and Necessity 112
Ⅵ.Interacting with Others 115
(Utterances expressing ways of behaving or interact-ing with others.)46.Offering Help 115
47.Requesting Help 117
48.Making Suggestions 119
49.Responding to Suggestions 121
50.Warnings 123
51.Promises 125
52.Instructions 127
Appendix 131
Vocabular 131
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